Ramkalawan sues left, right and centre
The dictator rears his ugly head This week, Wavel Ramkalawan, Leader of the Opposition and Person of Indian Origin, was busy in court filing cases against all those who dared offended him in anyway. The man who claims to be the founder of democracy and free speech is today taking a lot of issues when his opponent, real or imaginary, exercises their right to freedom of speech. And so was Johan Loze, facebook activist, taken to court by Ramkalawan for criticising him on the social media. His longtime supporter, Raoul Rene Payet was also not spared his wrath for exposing Ramkalawan’s hypocrisy on the Assomption debacle. Last to be dragged to court was his erstwhile friend, Allen Camille, for his latest album which Ramkalawan claims contain lyrics insinuating he was corrupt. Indeed, Ramkalawan has become allergic to any reproach ...