Barry Faure and Vincent Meriton are liars
They must resign!
A riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma We demand a full investigation now!
With each new declaration, the mystery surrounding the Assumption Agreement between the Indian and the Seychelles Government in collusion with the Leader of the Opposition, Parliamentarian of Indian Origin, Wavel Ramkalawan, deepens.
What has since transpired though is the naval and military facilities there will be built by India, ran by India and more worrying will be accessed only with the permission of India. Assumption will de facto be Indian territory.
The foregoing is clear to all despite the many euphemisms like “jetty”, “military facilities” used by politicians to make the Agreement more palatable.
The reasons given to justify the project are at most dubious. We know for a fact that pirates do not venture that far south, human trafficking in that area is a non-existent and the Indians would never invest 500 million USD to stop drugs from entering the Seychelles.
By now, we all know the truth. India wants to build a naval base with a military airport on Assumption to try and outdo the Chinese in their geopolitical conflict. The population as well as the politicians know that. But why are they insisting that the deal goes through?
Today we aver loud and clear that the Assumption Agreement is corrupt to the core and from the core. We have reasons to believe that at least five local politicians and military officers have been paid by the Indians to forfeit our sovereignty over Assumption.
In the name of transparency, we demand that a commission of enquiry be set up to investigate the Assumption deal. The commission, comprising of Seychellois of integrity, not in anyway associated with the deal, will be given access to ALL the documents regarding the Assumption Agreement. If there is a prima facie case of corruption, all involved should be referred for criminal prosecution.
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