US Dollars 40,000 Trip for James Michel But No Forex In Seychelles Banks

Seychelles President James Michel heads to New York this weekend to attend the United Nations Climate Change Summit, at the invitation of UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.
The Seychelles President will be accompanied at summit by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Jean-Paul Adam, the Secretary General in the Office of the President, Lise Bastienne, the Ambassador to the US and Permanent Representative to the UN, Marie-Louise Potter and the Ambassador for Climate Change and Small Island Developing States Issues, Ronny Jumeau.
President Michel made strong statements on the issue of climate change recently in Samoa at the UN conference on Small Island Developing States:
"It is time that we recognise climate change for what it is: a collective crime against humanity. Climate change will be the single largest reason for displacement of peoples in the next 50 years. Climate change is already robbing a generation of its livelihoods. Climate change is robbing island nations of their right to exist. We must save our future together." The full text of the address is here.
To note, Mr. Michel met with the UN Secretary General in the margins of the Samoa conference, and commended the UNSG for his efforts to put climate change on the international agenda. During the meeting Mr Ban Ki-moon said that climate change should be a number one priority for the world community, particularly the rising sea levels, and that he would be mobilizing various governments to materialize their pledges for funding for climate change mitigation and adaptation.
According to the United Nations, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is hosting the Climate Summit to engage leaders and advance climate action and ambition.
The Summit will serve as a public platform for leaders at the highest level – all UN Member States, as well as finance, business, civil society and local leaders from public and private sectors – to catalyze ambitious action on the ground to reduce emissions and strengthen climate resilience and mobilize political will for an ambitious global agreement by 2015 that limits the world to a less than 2-degree Celsius rise in global temperature.
The UN has said that: "Climate Summit will be about action and solutions that are focused on accelerating progress in areas that can significantly contribute to reducing emissions and strengthening resilience – such as agriculture, cities, energy, financing, forests, pollutants, resilience and transportation."


  1. It is a nice way to spend time with Lise.

  2. Did he have to tag along Lise Bastienne? No doubt she would be there to rend service - you know how! Hope she did not forget anything behind.
    Monica Lewinsky never got the chance to advise Clinton on Climate change, but she did not forget the cigar!.

  3. Just think out of the box. Look at the USD 40,000 as an investment rather that an expense. When I get to New York, I will bullshit the rest of the world. They will hear my sob stories and they will of course believe me. They will be falling over to make donations and fill up my begging bowl. I learnt all this from JRM's playboy days. I hope you guys are not planning a coup whilst I am busy jet setting !

  4. Wow! Minister Morgan admitted defeat and is he throwing in the towel?
    If he has any dignity and pride he should resign because he has failed the mandate of his portfolio as Minister responsible for law and order in the country. He admitted publicly on the Police Day celebration at the Police Academy that there are issues affecting the country, brought about by officers bringing discredit, illegal acts including corruption, abuse of authority that creates difficult incidents that traumatize the average person. He added that the police needs to do more or the country becomes less peaceful and more at risk. He further gave details of the situation as follows:-

    “Our communities continue to be plagued by drug dealers who prey upon vulnerable members of our society. Drivers and those who abuse drinks and drugs continue to behave in a reckless and criminal manner behind the wheels of vehicles. There are those who steal, rob, and break into the homes of our hard working citizens, or who harass and steal from visitors who come to our shores, and who come to enjoy a perfect holiday. A more despicable act is those sexual predators who abuse young children, or those abusive physically to their spouses, loved ones or children,” he said.

    Those are serious allegations coming from the Minister who he himself has responsibility to preventing those ills, surely he knows more and the situation is worse than he is telling us! He has been responsible for this portfolio for many years and he has not been able to make an iota of progress in combating crime nor organizing the Police Force. May be he does not realize the negative impression he is giving the country in term of tourism publicity - no one would want to come to a lawless and uncontrollable criminal country. And those remarks could not have come at a worse time when tourism is down and going down!. Now he insulted the integrity of the country by appointing a Boer as deputy Commissioner of Police. Minister Morgan must go before he can creates more damage!.

    1. The Seychellois officers should show their resentment, particularly the top Senior officers like Hermite, Cecile, Barbe, Elizabeth and Roucou, or are they too stupid and ignorant like their boss Quatre?

  5. Seychellios its time to show the world that you can bring change after nearly 38 years rule by oppressor by bringing some protest to the street even a international business they are not allowing Seychellios, to continue keep us in the dark by pleasing them invaders on our shore, do you know right Seychellios?than you will stay as you are and foreign will always take food out of your house on your plates.

  6. 40,000 per ticket . Michel President in Abstentia over 90 days.
    Faure should take over depose him! Jail Mancham.

  7. Michel is a real psychopathsuddenly he has decided to proclaimed and presented himself as AFircvan Ambassadorincharge of Cimate change.But any person who is right in his head knows that dictatorship is a more perilous threat to the survival of seychelois than climate change.Climate has been Michel honey in the mouth,it provides him with the perfect foll to avoid detection and accountasbility fro his corrupt and mismanagememnt of the country.Climate change is a new ideology behind which he can hide and ply his trade of corruption while expanding his thrilling kleptocracy.Michel to JENAP"You know JENPa,I always wanted to experience the Amercian Dream,but the communist devil in me has always been stronger than me.I am glad to be able to visit this great free nation for the second time in the same year, and regardless if the cost of travel is high and too expensive for tax payers,after all I am their god"

    Seychlles is facing a ecological collapse not because of climate change but because lack of regime change.We know that the bravado is nothing than "chatter of a beggar's teeth".As a banker robber will not walk out of the bank empty handed because of moral outrage over the small amount of money sitting in the vault,we donot expect Michel and his gang of thieves to walk out because they are offered less than what they are asking.We expect to see them making a beeline to the conference door for handouts for there isno such thing as a choosy beggar.

    In fact Michel and his gang should be held responsible for the massive degradation of the environment in Seychelles.He has failed to emphasize the crucial roles of a representative's records in environment protection,sical justice,good governance,Human rights and rule of law that are importa in shaping and averting Global crisis in climate change.

    Climate change debate is just honey in the mouth of forked tongue Michel the butcher to hide his atrocity and crimes at home.

    Michel and his minions will shoe up looking for a pot of gold at the end of the Un rainbow.However,it does not appear the bonanza of the riches will be awaiting them.Climate change has also become another new means for Pl to pocket more foreing aid----Climatologist Michel and his gang of scietists have never been able to provide any credible evidence to back their doomsaying claims thatearth's climate is due to catrstrophically warming due to gas emmissions of carbon dioxide.So unless climatologist Nad self -proclaimed Afircan Ambassador of African climate change can prove his allegation basse on no scietisfic evidence he should be asked to leave the US immediately and never to come again.Free thinkers oppse Michel's falt earth climate physics-.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  8. Look at the picture.
    That hat makes Michel look rather stupid!
    ( As opposed to what he wants us to believe - an academic intellectual! )

    Now, if you know his history and track record..............
    Don't you find it absolutely ridiculous that an unconvicted criminal is allowed to travel to the free world masquerading as a university graduate?!

    The article states that:
    Climate change is already robbing a generation of its livelihoods. Climate change is robbing island nations of their right to exist.

    Does Michel understand that:

    Heads of States with criminal records are already robbing a generation of its right to honest and truthful moralities and livelihoods. Despots of Authoritarian Regimes are robbing island nations of their right to exist in peace, harmony and prosperity?

    I guess that when the climate stresses him out at the UN he will not have to call for an escort - he will be tagging along his own!

  9. James Michel President in Absentia Cum Lousy!

  10. Michel Absent From Republic Gives Up Lesdership.
    Danny Faure President of Seychelles.


  12. Yes it slap in the backside not in the face after all these years Michel employ a Boer as deputy chief of police where is our Seychellois who he train to replace mr Quatre he can't trust his own countryman, you know why because his so corrupt and all these guy he train are so F*** corrupted like him Michel chief justice foreigner srilankan chief of police foreigner south African chief of ndea and fiu foreigner Irish what the f**** wrong with that man he really love foreigner Seychellois it time to kick his foreigner ass out off the office man that man is a pyscho I never in my life seen a president who hate his own countryman like Michel
    we use to play marble( Kannet} but his about 9years older than me we were good friend I didn't know if he hate me because am his fellow countryman and friend my fellow Seychellois countryman get rid of that man he and his team has force lots of
    his countryman out of our homeland including me I have to hide my ass in the uk
    but I keep in contact with homeland via social media network, Seychelles nation,todayinseychelles news,le Seselwa. so I know most the suffering even not all I never comments anything about the Seychelles gov. but what I see this week
    make me put a comment born and raise in the Seychelles so I am full Seychellois all my family is in Seychelles. so brothers and sisters it's time to say enough is enough nobody gonna it for you?
    sesel pour seselwa

    1. Well said however

      I've been saying this for YEARS.
      They all ignore me and you.
      What else can I say to convince them.
      Seychelles need some Albert Rene of the 60's.

  13. May be Michel and Morgan are planning for a more brutal police force like they had in South Africa during the apartheid era, then they have recruited from the right place and probably got the right person.
    No matter what, this Mr. Hunter has no Senior Command police experience, so watch out folks he could be just as his name implies - a white hunter for Pp!.

  14. Does anyone knows if Lise Bastienne is married or has divorced or if she is still single?

    1. No one knows, perhaps Mancham can tell us more since he knows her so well. He referred to her as "Lise" the secretary general of the Office of the President and described her as someone who has developed a “political acumen” and has “contributed substantially to the formation of the president’s agenda for interaction with members of the public”.
      Well, well he mentioned only 'interaction' what's about 'intercourse' with her boss?

  15. Sesel Pou Seselwa!
    We call on Army to establish order with Jimmy Michel Playboy,who is traveling the world everyday giving non sense speeches to small groups, making a fool of himself.

  16. Michel is in Abstentia!
    Go for it Faure!

  17. Resign you dumb ass Police.
    The PL Morgan are shitting all over you guys and taking you for idiots.Wherr is your self respect?? Where is your dignity??
    Go see Gill. He has gotten doEns of Police jobs in private sector that pay very well.
    Without the head aches.
    Make the force 100 percent foreigners. The. We will see!

  18. This picture of Michel says a lot about the man.
    People around him take advantage of him.
    It is sad.
    We should not make too much fun of the guy.
    He has a tough child hood.
    Michel on your end, you just need to resign and move on. You are sinking Seychelles.
    We cannot afford to have Seychelles sink.
    Christopher Gill

  19. This picture of Michel says a lot about the man.
    People around him take advantage of him.
    It is sad.
    We should not make too much fun of the guy.
    He has a tough child hood.
    Michel on your end, you just need to resign and move on. You are sinking Seychelles.
    We cannot afford to have Seychelles sink.
    Christopher Gill

  20. What is amazing is Michel people JP ADAM, ROLF Payet let him make an ass of himself in this ceremony.
    A honorary degree is bequeath upon the person. They are not suppose to stand inline for it.


  22. Th the country is going to pieces send Michel does not want to hear about it. He wants only good news.
    Anyone who gives Michel bad news will be sacked.
    Another 90 days over seas.

  23. Morgan has a big problem.
    As minister of Internal Affairs he is failing to inspire Police to stay in the Force.
    Police are resigning everyday because Morgan has not delivered effective, timely leadership?
    Ironically in Transport the same issues face us with lack of direct flights.

  24. Can see JAM in New York march. Seen JP briefly however no sign of our President. Maybe be with Liez somewhere in Manhattan shopping. Maybe he saw me with my plakar😈😈

  25. Seychelles^ dictator Michel .who has no respect for fundamental Human Rights and who has one of the worse environment record in the history of Seychelles,has no moral authority to rear his head as champion(cheerleader) of climate change for the people of Seychelles.

    Indeed,the environment and humanitarian damage caused by Michel's autocratic and corrupt regime in Seychelles is incalculable.below are a few examples that give a glimpse of the rentless onslaught of the dictator against the fragile environment of the countr< in his tragic crusade to oppress the people and plunder the wealth of the emprovished people._Massive deforestation,thanks Michel insatiable desire to amass hard-currency,has contributed to continued environment degradation and poverty.The illegalland-tenure policy has made it possible for a one-aprty state to hand over huge tracts to investros at nominal rents,in secrecy,without the bother a condemnation process.

    thus,in view of the proven crimes of Michel and his regime against Humanity,his his continued assault on the environment and his contempt for good governance and rule of law,the presence of the dictator a the conference of considerable significance to mankinds is not only a trivialization of the noble cause for which those concerned with climate change stand.but also an affront to Human decency.The donkey would not hesitate to spit on Un floor like dictators before him.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  26. Emperor Michel's New clothings---Some images are etched in our minds-whether we experienced them first hand or they are part of a collective memory:Ghandhi walking barefoot in the streets of Delhi,Mandely walking out of prison,etc...

    Now to be added to these ironic images this the picture of the tyrant of Seychelles that appear above.A monkey is Academic Regalia.Should this monkey be in a research medical labor(Lab monkey) in order that scientists could use him a Live test dummy so that they can advance and develop new medications(such as drugs against EBOLA,Hiv etc) to serve Human beings?He would be more useful for Humanity as walking around in a University Regalia playing the idiot.


  27. A good excuse to make prepare the ground for more mercenaires--Gurkas.The alter are more apt to butchering Seychellois in return for money -Since they not Seychellois they would not have the moral culpability a Seychellios may have.

  28. Can someone clarify or explain why the Seychelles president is called a butcher? Who has he killed,did he participate in the coup detat of June 1977?
    As I was not born then,I don't know the full story.I heard that he even put pistol under the chin of that true?

  29. Each member of entourage Harem flies diamond class.everyone plays along, just like Kalawan and Pierre play along.
    The pay obviously is great.

  30. Emperor is naked!

    Those thar bring him bad news of his people turning on him, and economy failing will be in for a surprise: James Michel does not like bad news!

  31. Comoros are on the US list were ISIS been recruiting watch Seychellios they are in Indian Ocean soon we will hear they are in Seychelles also Michel have brought what we did have on the island man kind that not even a dog can thrust them and live with them.

  32. Now Seychellios will know why arabs are taking their mountain top,escaping violence from ISIS in Middle East I toldyou Seychellios seen a few years why arabs are invading your country.

  33. Peoples around him taking advantage of a idiot who can not take responsibility and who can not count till 100 and who are living with devils in his a** and those peoples around are the most parasite that destroying this little island and its peoples dignity like LAporte Adam,Govinden,Savy Brothers,Morgan white monkey on my list to much name to mention.

    We need Rentokil for those pest if we let it,it will spread to the young generation like EBOLA.

  34. Is the butcher butcher an educated monkey, that he is trying hard to portrays himself to be?It has been a while since the( educated) monkey put down his banana to pick up a pen and since he has become climate change consultant to the UN and the world....

  35. They are at UN not for climate change to take advantage of climate change issue for some cash from the UN by playing on this topic climate change they do the same about pirates to get some cash.

    LA fin PP..

  36. Waiting for debt forgiveness with territory exchange is like waiting for manna to fall from the sky. What an idiot.

  37. Debt forgiveness,is the worst option International community can offer to Dictators.In 2008,Michel cried out to the world for Debt forgiveness which he received with th hope that Pl government could then get the country they bankrupted on the right track.The fact is that Debt forgiveness has made Pl addictive to more debt creating a much bigger debt than before Debt forgiveness.Debt forgiveness also reduce government autonomy.And the incoherent bureaucratic institutions that result a highly politicized administration leave the government uncaplabe of resolving collective problems and transcending individuals or groups interests.Thus,rules and decisions are commodities,to be sold to the highest bidder.This produce an unpredictable of political rulers and decisions.And as Debts relief/forgiveness Or foreign loans have proven------when handed out to dictatros it impede political ,socio-economic refroms necessary to move forward.You remember well--when Michel call for FREE TRADE not Foreign Aid-------But here we are seeing Pl still going around begging the world.of course ,FREE TRADE is as disastrous as dictatorship when done wildly_Now we hear African leaders inclusing Michel telling the world to hand out Aid but without Condition.You could imagine the damage it would do on African people when one consider what Aid with CONDTIONS have already done to Africa and its people.Without Aid without CONDTIONS would accelerate corruption,theft and help immensely dictators to grip hold of power while their people starve.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  38. ignore the piece --in the end:without aid.I meant without conditions

  39. Hold the Debt, do not forgive! Force the change!

  40. Prez looks so funny!

  41. His hat looks like fishtails sign at my restaurant.

  42. I love it when he wears this hat to bed. J looks so smart.

  43. I printed Jam picture in black and white for my son school's project and I got a MUGABE figure! OMG.LOL.

    1. Thanks Zacharie, finally you are seeing light at the end of the tunnel.
      Welcome abroad.
      Say what you think, Pl will not stop your monthly pension, its our tax money.


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