Harmon Chellen Might Have Died in Police Detention

The mysterious death of Harmon Chellen in the Seychelles has a new plot twist: the minister of justice of the island proclaimed that the man might have died when he was in detention at the police station to where he was summoned because of the accusation of attempt to rape levelled at him by an employee of the hotel he was residing at.

Some weeks ago, on the 19th of August , Harmon Chellen, the former director of the École Hotelière SGD, was found dead in the sea of Seychelles. He had travelled to the island after having been invited as guest of honour to a graduation ceremony. On the last day of his visit, his dead body was found in the ocean by an inhabitant of the region of Port Glaud. The cause of death has remained unknown. Two autopsies were done to decipher the circumstances that could have led to the tragic event: the one done by the Seychelles authorities yielded nothing, while a second one performed in Mauritius revealed injuries on the corpse at the level of the temple.

Previously, it was thought that perhaps he had committed suicide, or that the death was the result of ‘foul play’. Moreover, just hours before the discovery of his dead body in the sea, he was summoned at the police station after a woman working at the hotel where he was staying accused him of having attempted to rape her.
The situation now has taken a new turn: the minister of justice of the Seychelles, Rony Govinden, has made a public declaration that according to the investigation and the related reports that he has gone through, it seems that Harmon Chellen died while he was in police detention. This news was announced yesterday night, 23rd of September.
A judiciary investigation has now been opened to shed light on the exact circumstances of the death of Harmon Chellen.



  1. Chellem was made red while he stayed at Ephelia hotel, a Constance Hotel.

  2. if Govinden is right then we may have another murder in our hands
    The main obvious questions now
    Are who killed him? Why the attempt coverup? How did his body get into the sea? Who dump the body into the sea?
    Where is the minister responsible for law and order? Why is he missing in action AGAIN? Where is commandant Klink and his mate Shulz..This is a total shameful ambarrassement for a regime which is well known for its murderous attributes and body disposals. Its not the first time and lets hope its the last.

  3. There were no doubt in the mind of Seychellois even when Govinden/pl was trying to fake evidences and hide their ujproffesionalism that Mr Chellen was assassinated in police custody.Butchering individuals at police stations have become a National sport and a common practice among Seychellois police officers.In Seychelles under Pl we do not have police officers but killers garb in police uniforms.It must be noted also that past murders in police custody have never concretized to any arrests and murders never apprehended simply because Pl does not conduct investigation in these crimes.Even when all Seychellois were convinced that Mr chellen has been murdered by Pl thugs in custody ;Govinden instead of opening an investigation against his killers--went of SBC to cover up the crime as he has always done in other criminial cases involving parrtilepeppe members,killers,collaborators or sponsorers.

    Now that Govinden , normally the Mastermind of cover ups has been faced with conter- forensic evidence of the Muaritians higly professional experts ,the former could not keep hiding the facts nor his team of killers garb in police uniforms --he is forced to speak out the truth as he is also forced now to investigate all the police officers on duty on this day and time ,and finally presecute them and jailed them.

    But,not the the culprits should be punished --the system too for failing to delivered professionalism in their investigation and trying to hide the facts.We expects also that all previous murder cases in custody be it on Mahe and recently on Praslin are investigated and crooks punished harshly.We want justice for Mr CVhellen and equally justice for all Seychellois deasapeared,murdered in police custody around the country.PL killers must be made accountable for the crimes and their bosses who portect ,nuture,tolerate,support them too.

    Jeanne D'Arc


  4. Murdered at Ephelia now they want to place the murder somewhere else"

  5. The south east was blowing. If he was murdered at Police Station why would his body be found at Port Glaud Ile let? If Police dump his body it would have bee floating to Mahe Beach hotel or beaten up along the rocky coast under the break water wall. Give us a break.

  6. What Motive would the Police have to murder a VIP ??

    1. Since when did they need motive in Seychelles, smell the roses or get a eye test,

    2. Smell the roses and get real. We all know they don't need motive, brutality has always been there under the surface. Did they have motive at BV station, Wake up .

  7. Correction -bu not ONLYt the culprits should be punished.

  8. MOTIVE!only those corrupt cops can answer you this Q and is not the first murder SP committed in Seychelles may be there are thing that you and me don't no

    Anonymous 6.17 do you know which direction current was pushing Mr Chellen body on that night?And were the current was pushing on that night murder in the hotel or police custody he was murder that the point how he die.

  9. So what is surprising, I was raped by a gang including three high level sorts, abused many times, its no big secret but who cares, its paradise

  10. If Mr. Chellen was murdered in the Police Station, a VIP, it equates to a State induced murder.
    If Mr. Chellen was murdered at Ephelia Hotel, Constance Group, it amounts to a cover up, to protect revenues of the hotel and financial liability by Govinden.
    Either way, the family should start making a financial claim given that he was a VIP.

  11. Wow! Where is 'Journaliste sans frontiere'? this guy had it all figured out since the beginning, bravo! To reiterate what was said let me reprint his comment:-
    Anonymous31 August 2014 10:16
    Theory 3. The police killed him and threw his body into the sea.
    Under this scenario there are some good circumstantial evidence to back up the theory. First, one would ask why the body was without shirt and shoes? And is it not the usual procedure for the police to strip a person before putting him or her in the cell? Well, the police said that Mr. Chellen was not put in cell, if so this statement supports the scenario of theory 2. But if the police is lying, the following scenario would explain why the body was found shirtless and without shoes. The assumption is that the police did put Mr. Chellen in the cell and they did strip him of his shirt and shoes, at some point violence occurred and Mr, Chellen was struck at the left temple and collapsed. Thinking that Mr. Chellen was dead, they panicked and decided to dump the body in the sea, forgetting the shirt and shoes inside the station. Again as in theory 2, Mr. Chellen was not completely dead when his body hit the water. There is one point of interest in this scenario but no one has raised it so far, is whether Mr. Chellen was wearing any belt, as it is a normal practice for the police to remove the belt of detainees when placing them in cells. Another point for concern is why there was only one police officer at the station when Mr. Chellen is alleged to have escaped? They claimed that all the other police officers were out on patrol and investigation, or would it not be the case if they were out to dump the body?. Supt.Bruce Bursik needs to clarify these coincidental anomalies if he wants to stop public speculations. 'Journaliste sans Frontiere'

  12. Rony Govinden finds himself between a rock and a hard place. Remember where he did his law studies? well no other than Mauritius!, surely he has a lot of Mauritian friends who helped him, now is pay back time!
    On the other hand he has to protect Pp the best possible way. So the easiest way out for him was to evoke the provision under the Criminal Procedure Code. But everyone is asking why the provision of the CPC is not complied with in each and every case of disappearings, murders and other suspicious homicides that had occurred in the Seychelles? Why provision of the CPC is complied with only in selected cases that suit the ruling party?
    Govinden, you have more questions than answers!

  13. What SP did not do or check how many hour body of Mr Chellen was floating in the sea and how many hour seen he was dead may be they don't how to carry such trace,then you can start to put the puzzle together to arrived on conclusion Govinden rat what about Seychelles doctor autopsy was it a cover up Govinden bag of liar like always?

    Now you gona repeat this to his family again that he was murder in Seychelles Police custody than you must know who is this brutal man in the blue uniform,50% cops on the island are using bad substance when off duty and when on duty and become aggressive and rapist mostly cops on Praslin and soon I will sent Michel and co my message to remove all its foreign cops on Praslin and his cops to stop harassing Praslinios and what action if he don't do so in the 80 this message was sounding in FAR ear till he got our message it will be use again Michel EK BAN MORON.

  14. Pl demonstrates that Seychelles is a prototype police State .It seems that Govinden is more a AG thug .But listening him go into full melt down mode ,one can help but imagine him to be a cartoonist thug.As comical as it sound,AG Govinden reminded me of Yosemite Sam,that Looney Tunes cartoon character known for his grouchiness.hair-trigger temper and readiness to blast anyone to smithereens.The not-so comic part of this farce if that Ag Govinden manifest no professionalism,civility and ethical awareness.Listening to him attempting to explain the unexplainable in regards to the murder of Mr Chellen by his killers stationed at police stations,it became apparent that AG Govinden has the personality of a porcusine.,the temper of a Tasmanian Devil,the intelligent of an Afghan Hood and the social graces of a dung beetle.But the rest of the high and mighty flouting the Constitution and abusing his power are no different.

    1. Govinden is the biggest fool in the legal fraternity in Seychelles. No wonder he avoids cases and sends in his clowns "the Indian stooges" in his office. Most of the competent staff have left as it is impossible to work with a brainless idiot.
      His advisor is Perera, the non-law revisioner. Why is the President keeping these two incompetent persons?

  15. Pl has created death squad within the police forces.Pl should investigate all alleged death squad implication in dozens killing and murdering in police custody around the country-----Like the one that took place months ago on Praslin.Lack of leadership in the police forces has allow criminals turn the police force into PL's party death squad,which has served to undermine the overall legitimacy of the Law enforcement.The negative influence of Officers' department and indiviudals' own natural tendency to engage in unethical are explanation of police corruption.Leadership constitutes an integral part of police works,and the head of the organization (Commander-in_chief Michel)holds the ultimate responsibility for its shortcomings.Conversely,this individual(Michel)can influence the success or failures of the agency.

    Policing requires perfection and unyielding ethics and ultimately depends on each employee's own level of knowledge,rationality,and devotion to moral excellence.As Pl police ofrces has demonstrated,Anything less than perfect ethical can be disastrous for the force,communities and entire Nation.While police officiers are only Human and will continue to make mistakes,ethical misconduct,using police forces as platform to operate state sponsor criminal gangs,cannot be tolerated.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  16. Pl mouth piece Govinden told us back then,Mr Chellen escape from police custody---apprentyl because all police officers went at the same times to the toilet or were having a puff of hard drug supplied by Govinden.And strangely Mr Chellen walk though the police station doors naked to his hotle room and decided to then commit suicide.No hotel security seemd to have seen him entering the hotel gate naked as also no clothings he was wearing when arrested was found in his bedroom.And as strange that the arguments of Pl are--it seems Mr Chellen would prefer to remove his cloths himself because maybe he thought he body would be too heavy to sink down to the bottom of the sea thus speed up his suicide gesture.Redicules at its zenith.

  17. A guy like Govinden got no chance to stand with me in front a court !zero about law,study the book of law Govinden.

    1. Govinden had his incompetency exposed in Court. No wonder the Government cannot win a case however strong the evidence is as Govinden is incapable of presenting a case unless Perera is the Judge.

  18. Would Mr Chellen murder case allow f Seychellois family members whose one loves were also murdered in police custody finally justice?Or Govinden Thinks Seychellois are under Human and to find their murderers are not important?

  19. 03.06 =f course not,that explain why Rene appointed him as AG,for he is under qualify,incompetent ,but before most because Rene indentified the slavish attitude in him.What best of having an incompetent to guard the one-party justice system,one can be sure that the system atrocities would be cover up and sweep under the carpet.

  20. If the Police killed him, it would mean they beat Chellen on his temple. If he was alive, would you expect him to stay in his cell after the beating, knowing full well that the State in Seychelles regularly kills people?
    No. We would expect Chellen to run for his life.
    If Chellen ran for his life, he would not run into the sea to commit suicide.
    He would run to the clinic for help, which is right next door to the Police Station, a block away. He would run to a neighbor, not into the sea.
    Govinden you spent too much time puffing man. Get real.

  21. This whole scenario is a disgrace to Ephelia Constance Hotel,Police, Government of Seychelles.

  22. SP every time found a body in the sea this person was drown just today on Seychelles nation another body found in the sea he was drown avant ouver zot trou fes Chief of gardbo carry out your investigation the way should carry out,case of Mr Chellen if he was not a VIP on our shore the case will be close by now lots of murder case this regime have thrown out of the window.
    MURDER in Beau Vallon custody.
    MURDER in Grand Anse Praslin custody
    MURDER in Port Claud custody
    MURDER in Central custody

    Police with out A-level are not police for our society must be better educated and discipline.

  23. SP are becoming frustrated I don't no what are making them becoming frustrated.

  24. Rimer pe circile Ki Flavien Joubert kinn tranglay son bon dallon avec son gravatte blue.

  25. Gurkhas playing with sticks in their ass. That is what is making them nervous.


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