Not much progress made for approval of second Seychelles Airlines

There has been a constant stream of messages and emails from contacts in the Seychelles of late, over the fate of the application launched by the owners of Intershore Aviation, owners of the Seychelles Airlines trade name.
With months gone by already has apparently no progress been made but by the look of it, and according to feedback received when making further enquiries, it seems that the application has been put on ice by the powers that be, citing issues over the trade name chosen by Intershore.
Wrote one regular source: ‘I told you when you wrote about this first, that they will be blocked at every corner. The last thing Air Seychelles now needs, in their own thinking, is a rival eating into their market share. Their new expansion plans will probably cost them an arm and a leg to get the routes to Dar es Salaam and Madagascar into profit territory. India should be a different thing, there is demand, but again there is Mihin already offering flights via Colombo and Emirates from many destinations in India via Dubai. What I am saying is that the money Air Seychelles has made over the past two years is now being invested into new routes and aircraft and they hope it pays off. Seychelles Airlines on the other hand banks on nonstop flights from Paris and there are the Air Seychelles flights via Abu Dhabi a handicap for them. China was first to be nonstop but had to be routed through Abu Dhabi, and we all know why. It is time we get competition on the island with another airline but there lies the problem. I don’t see how SCAA and the Ministry of Transport can be impartial or independent in decision making and grant the newcomers a license when they are so directly linked to the national airline. Today it is the trade name, tomorrow it will be another issue and another after that. The present shareholding and board membership in Air Seychelles tells that story without saying another word. I don’t see Seychelles Airlines happen, not this year, not next year, perhaps not for many years’.
Other regular sources made similar comments and expressed similar sentiments though not one wanted to go on the record, claiming the matter was too sensitive to be raised in public and that unless the SHTA would take up the lead on this as an association, individuals were not likely to stand up to be counted.
The issue of competition from within the islands was also raised earlier in the year during an interview with Air Seychelles but understandably, in retrospect, not answered, itself an answer of course. It seems obvious that the present delays for Seychelles Airlines’ application process, some in fact termed them outright obstructions, was primarily favouring the national carrier.
Additional information passed on related to the challenges in the French market place for the Seychelles, a factor which has led to the accumulated 2014 arrival figures being very slightly below last year’s record numbers, and there was consensus among all the sources sampled that only nonstop flights could arrest the decline in France since travel via secondary hubs was seen as cumbersome and seen as prone to greater risks of delayed flights and lost baggage. The just ended Top Resa travel trade fair, France’s most important one, will no doubt have brought additional insights for the Seychelles tourism industry through the interaction with French travel agents and tour operators but at least one source promptly added that insights will not necessarily translate into corrective action nor see the Seychelles Airlines application receive the thumbs up.
Challenging times for sure as aviation in the Seychelles appears at cross roads, with government at odds with a significant portion of the private sector, which, going by the wave of comments received, appears in majority in favour of the new airline.
‘Give these people a chance’ added a source in closing before concluding ‘…as otherwise the entire liberalization of our economy will be put under a question mark. This is, what do you call it, the litmus test for opening up economic spaces’.
E turbo news.


  1. Mr GILL, Please contact AFIF & BOULLE to get their views and approval for a mass protest by the tourism establishments. The protest will be in the form of non-payment of monthly GST - VAT - SRC & SPF. This protest will start from 1st October 2014 until SCAA decides to process Seychelles Airlines application. This is the only way we can get SCAA & Parti Le Pep to start respecting Seselwa. And you know what, if this first protest is communicated well it will be effective. Such a protest will bring this 'One Party State Democracy' to its knees. Honourable GILL, this is a golden opportunity - I am 100% behind you to plan this mass protest. Like I said above - if communicated well to the Tourism trade, it will be a BIG SUCCESS. It should be pre parted as follows:

    1. List of All Tourism Establishment with (a) Contact Name (b) Telephone Number (c) e-mail address.

    2. Prepare a powerful letter explaining the background of the protest and the date it is due to start.

    3. E-mail to the respective establishment.

    4. Follow up by a phone call & get an indication if trade partner is willing to participate.

    5. Sit Back, Relax and as they say in England 'watch shit hit the fan'

    I will forward SCR 25,000 to start this protest. This sum of money will be used solely towards this cause. I will reveal my identity when I receive the phone call to participate. I will genuinely ensure payment of this support fund to get this protest running effectively. I have had enough SHIT in OUR SESEL which incidentally does not belong to ETIHAD. Khalifa is our guest he should NOT control our Aviation industry and restrict genuine Seselwa like Boulle & Afif from 'taking off'. An Ex Supporter of SPUP/SPPF

  2. This article has gone out on E turbo and it has been filed by George Thande.
    It has many implications and it will destroy Seychelles image as a fair and justifiable investment destination for FDI and general engagement of business partners in the Tourism Trsde.
    Already we have heard that numerous agents overseas will stop selling Seychelles.
    Room occupancy is affecting commercial banks.
    Internationally well reputed hotel labels are being tarnished with Seychelles underperformance.
    PL fellows, it it time to wake up from your deep sleep.
    License the airline and let Afif get on with it.
    You have no legal position on this issue,
    Christopher Gill

  3. More delays will spell disaster for Seychelles economy.

  4. Hitler ou KGB type d'agent sous couverture – agent secret dans une démocratie. Faire pour vos enfants courir après lui

    L'ennemi de l'âme des hommes, le diable a corrompu l'intention originale d’un vrai engagement et a créé un contrefaçon, celle-ci, est faussement fait. Il pourrait être un engagement mal conscient ou d'alliance mal inconscient. Il pourrait être satanique. Sans oublier, le diable est là pour infliger la misère et aussi vit sur le sang de la victime. Depuis le 5 Juin 1977, une poignée de personnes oppressives dont des activistes de l'opposition, et si nous commençons par l'exemple lors en chef adjoint d’un journal au lendemain tourné le dos à ses collègues de travail , ses compagnons et pays de se faire baptiser dans l'alliance du mal.

    Après être entré dans la trappe quand à l'intérieur généralement le transfuge est ensuite transformé en une machine a faire de l'argent, la que son fils, sa fille ; frère, une sœur ou un ami proche signifie plus rien à lui. Pour gagner plus d'argent, l'égoïsme et la avidite prennent le controle et chuchotements de l'anneau trahison plus en plus fort à ses oreilles comme il étouffe en avant comme un zombie pour odeur du sang frais pour satisfaire ses payeurs démoniaques. Sa pauvre proie à sa miséricorde qui a été aveuglés par le camouflage de se diverses capes, des manteaux et des masques qu'il porte en permanence et aussi incapable de reconnaître tout vestige de conscience qui reste en lui tandis que le démon ralentissement virevolte et tournoie à l'intérieur de lui. Les signes évidents quand le mal est bien tenne sont lorsque des problèmes sont résistants à la prière et des conseils, et quand il les commandes au démon de partir, et le démon dit NON! C'est comme une très mauvaise habitude qui est difficile à arrêter, tout comme la dépendance aux drogues, fumer et l'alcoolisme. Être un traître, ses motivations vont de la altruiste à l'égoïsme totale. Ils ont des conséquences différentes ont été fixés; tandis que certains objectifs sont posés sur un liste-de-sang pour lui qui a été remise par Lucifer, d'autres sont de sa propre convenance personnelle fondée sur la jalousie pure et la haine, et enfin après chaque lambeau de conscience est rongé, il conspire à la destruction totale de renoncer à la nation tout entière à une puissance étrangère pour les décennies à venir et au-delà la portées de ses propres petits-enfants et de mettre tout le monde arrière 50 ans.

    C'est une honte quand un activiste politique despotique se comporte comme un toxicomane compulsif et / ou un alcoolique. Dans son état incontrôlable, il serait même de vendre tout ce qui est à sa disposition pour obtenir une solution prochaine. Il est si diabolique et incapable de discerner tout le monde sait et voit toutes ses tromperies et astuces, même dès les premiers jours où Satan ont été finançant celui qui avait âmes à vendre. Après la réintroduction multipartisme en 1992 quelques personnages opportunistes faibles qui ont été pris au piège dans bourbier économique en exil ont été parmi les quelques premiers à rejoindre la courte queue pour 20 pièces de d’argent. En ces jours l'économe du bourreau après avoir reçu un appel téléphonique d'en haut était heureux d'accueillir quelqu'un dans son bureau près de l'horloge de la Victoria où des distributions de retraite coulait et coulent toujours à ce jour. Lorsque vous ajoutez un total elle s'élève à plus de 2 fois d'une MNA. Après pris les pièces i d'argent, il est appelé à devenir un agent infiltré et probablement pour toujours, il devra porter les différents manteaux pour cacher sa nouvelle identité. D'ici là, il aurait valu la courage artificielle pour créer des illusions parmi le camp de l'opposition. Il a maintenant pouvoirs à même de la police secrète de l'Etat diriger l'ordre après toute opposition qu'il méprise et son role de sous-couverture est classée dans le régime comme ci-dessus un commissaire.

  5. (Cont Part 2)
    Avec l'aide de messages médiatiques, il se produit dans une pantomime chorégraphiée par plus haut pour donner la fausse impression à l'auditoire étranger que la démocratie total règne dans ce pays et de dépeindre le régime pervers que les bons et la majorité de Seychellois silencieux opprimés comme mauvais, extrémistes, des terroristes, des nationalistes, fascistes, y compris anti-arabe, anti-russe, anti-américaine et anti-britannique, et même anti-IMF. La plupart des messages percutants sont rédigés et remis à lui avec des timing date de sortie. Certains étrangers se sont mis en colere et ont refusé de céder à leurs styles d'intimidation et de falaises artificielles qui sont bien script pour effrayer leurs victimes au point de leur faire verser extras. Certains reste quelques-uns sont constamment berner et désabusé et par conséquent, ils ont recours à activer instantanément la graisse-pompe. Son rôle en tant que traître est, en tout temps, à jouer véritable opposition alors qu'il reste servile comme un caméléon dans son rôle de connivence pour tromper et de faire dérailler le grand public.

    Quelques-uns près de lui ont lui a récemment conseillé de cesser complètement toute son mal malice et de prendre sa retraite après son récente manne, mais il semble qu'il est accroché et ne peut pas renoncer à l'envie de la prochaine dose à vendre et l'éloigner de ses valeurs morales fondamentales juste pour arriver à ses fins despotiques non-stop. Plus de son travail sale, il se vante d'avoir enrôlé des hommes proéminent, de bons écrivains et des avocats sans scrupules dans l'anneau maléfique de feu, y compris un ancient éditeur. Après un couple de whisky, personne ne pouvait l' arrêter de dire tout le monde et tout le monde à portée de voix de ses actes de jeu mauvais, top secret s'ils étaient sans aucun doute. Poignarder ses amis proches comme ils tournent le dos est fréquemment observée. Beaucoup frémi par son brusque et en particulier sur les implications pour le chef en utilisant un tel agent indiscret. Bien que sa pension normale n'est pas prescrit, il obtient ses diverses énormes sous-de-table retraite avec de bon nombre des financier secret. En retour, les financier sont réciproques avec la protection contre les menaces de l'avenir des postes. Diriger une petite entreprise à une perte avec de massives factures impayées en retard, mais encore il vit somptueusement, possède un demi-million de roupie voiture, qui rend les voyages et la vie à l'étranger et vivre dans une chateau.

    Judas Iscariote à la fin était rempli de remords et retourna tout l'argent et s'est tué. Par souci de l'avenir de nos enfants seychellois, nous exigeons que cet animal cesse toutes ses opérations sales et astuces une fois pour toutes. Il doit se rendre compte qu'il est un grand tricheur et un grand mauviette! Son courage a toujours été et est toujours artificielle; il a été un agent SPPF depuis longtemps. Il a dupé le peuple des Seychelloise pendant 22 ans et il ne sera plus tromper le peuple seychellois. Il sera de retour tout l'argent sale et aller en enfer! Il n'ya pas de place pour une telle KGB ou Hitler type d'agent sous couverture dans notre démocratie. Les gens devraient s'élever à l'arrêter. Soyez rappelé, un faux ami est pire qu'un ennemi ... tout le monde qui voit lui, s’il vous plait courir après lui!

  6. Albert Rene did not like the ideas of a free market economy that was favoured by the first government after independence.
    So he toppled that government and with the help of communist regimes like Tanzania, North Korea, Cuba, Libya he built an army and centralized all business enterprises into government owned bodies thereby giving the president totalitarian control over all aspects of Seychellois life.

    Is there any way forward with this kind of approach?
    The most difficult thing for the PL to do is to do is to accept that they made a mistake on 05 June 1977 and that a free market economy is the best way forward for the Seychelles.
    The fact of the matter is that they will never do that!
    Not after 41 years!

    The only way for change to happen is at the ballot box, if the majority of the people have the guts to do that.
    The other slim possibility is if those highly professionally trained Seychellois who currently hold key positions in finance, industry, economics, tourism and transport including the SCAA take a strong firm look at the numbers and statistics and accept the results without fear of political pressure and take steps to apply the necessary changes.
    The test for this group of people is to show that they are indeed professionals and not political puppets!

  7. Hong Kong a boy 17 years organise a protest,politicians in Seychelles just seat and talk about our problems they expect change and wait for ballot box and turn up loser like always.

  8. All Seychelles politicians opposition and Seychellios must realise that Leopard never change its spots change you got to stand up for it..

  9. Seychelles is more communist them China.

  10. Once upon a time......errrr not too long ago a former teacher, a clerk riding a bike at cable and wireless, a colonel in solda Rene,what else errrrr I forgot...... yes, a DOCTOR said in a speech that we needed to LEVE-E DEBOUYE. The sky is the limit! So I stopped my normal anmas koko, bat kannel, plant patcholi and started a new venture in aviation. Seychelles Airways was baptized and PL will let it fly!
    Sesel sa

  11. I bet you if Afif tells SCAA he will fly via Spain or any other country to reach Seychelles from Europe, then these morons will be happy to entertain Seychelles Airlines. Parti Le Fes and JAM stop obstructing private sector business. You seem to be happy with small time business like SENPA. But when it comes to serious investment from Seselwa, to better our Tourism industry you are hell bent on stopping it. If you do not change your tactics, then we will have no option but support the idea of non payment of GST/VAT and other taxes. I hope someone like Mr Gill starts the process of rallying support from the Tourism business community as early as today. I am sure we can unite to make a marked difference on this one. BJ

  12. All politicians in Seychelles have been doped by Khalifa's petro dollars! Their minds are up in the sky day and night watching offshore, they do not care about the very ground that they are standing on, what a shame!

  13. Non payment of VAT is definately an option until such time direct flights are permitted.
    The Tourism Industry must divert as much money outside of Seychelles as possible until GOS relents to reason.

  14. If SFP is serious about bringing change they should start and pick up signature from peoples who believe in change and want democracy to forward a protest why this not happening SFP I enough of words on screen action.

  15. No Progress becuase PlND eutahd HOPE THAT WOULD DETER mR Afif IN CREATING HIS NEW Airlines and by doing so impede Etihad Monopoly on Seychelles.

  16. This GOS including JAM are of the opinion that Seselwa exist because they are in power since 5th June 1977. Be it they have been in power under different guises ie SPUP, SPPF and currently Parti Le Pep.

    Seselwa stand up for your rights. JAM & Parti Le Pep exist because of us Seselwa. We are the ones they are answerable to. We are NOT answerable to them. We 'vote' them to administer and manage our affairs. We do NOT vote them in to lord over us and render us 2nd class citizens in our homeland. They are in power to protect our rights and not those of Etihad & Khalifa. We now have a serious convict of interest when our Government & President overtly favours foreigners over Seselwa, The time to get rid of them from office is NOW - A frustrated 2nd class citizen of Sesel.

  17. My fellow people of Seychelles, STC Depot just open and loaded with masonite, woods,steel,cement and so on. Does that tell you PL is preparing for 2016 election? The prices are so high. WHY? Simple, just do the math. Just before election everything will be given away if you promise to vote for them.

    On a seperate note a kenyan was found dead after a few days arrival in Seychelles. No ebola according to health dept. However blood samlpe was being taken and SENT OUT for further analysis. After 4 decades PL can't do a blood test on their own yet the President has a doctorate degree couple years ago.

  18. Seychelles collapsing second round of bankruptcy!
    Kill Gil for writing about this all this time.
    He is single handedly responsible for Seychelles failure.

  19. Michel kisses ICC fugitive Kanyatta!

  20. Things like this no time for them to think about it busy after Arabs oil money eyes become big than their a**hole on money anyway criminals will never brings things like this in practice to catch criminals cause criminals don't fight criminals

  21. Material!Woods after few months building your house your house are full with Termite.

  22. Does anyone know what happened to the post about Today in Seychelles editor.

    1. Someone hacked into the blog and i will have to re- post

  23. Re post, let them re hack! Seychelles Today stepping to new lows.

  24. I am still waiting for the tax protest to start .... It was suppose to start from 1st October, but there has not been any communication so far. Can someone update us please. Thanks.

  25. Laporte will increse VAT to 21 per cent.

  26. No one got balls for protest!just keep on dreaming business politicians in Seychelles will never stand for protest they know they business will be affected that's the problem till now have been no protest.They prefer their peoples to continue to pay more with them corrupt regime and in a year been bail out two time by IMF.

  27. Balls?
    This is a Nation of cowards.
    Civil war is an option but who will turn up?

  28. IMF is the money tree for Seychelles.
    IMF kouyon give us more money next year.We can fool even the brightest financial mine of the world.HaHaHa.
    Mancham Jrm.


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