Authentic Or Fake?

Offshore Entities:


  1. Now, now, this is serious allegations....What have you got to say to this Mr Marco

  2. It is a fake---printing mistake on first document--SECOND CLASS HONOUR --not HOUOUR Marco.The vice Chencollor between 1989 t0 2006 was Mr Kenneth Calman on the above DOC it is not the signature of Mr Kenneth Calman.ususally university documents entail security features some such as water marks cannot be seen with unless light is directed under the document but there are other security features that are recognizable and should be on the docs--here nothing.

    You faked your Degree Marco,and who are you think now ,Seychellois will believe in the lies you telling us about your thuggish activities and your acts of robbery and criminality.
    I tell you,it would be difficult for any partilepep member even when specialist and masters of lie to convivnced Seychellois that you are different from other partilepep gang members as it is as hard to believe that partilepep chief-Criminals RENE/Michel would accept someone who would not do as their masters dictate in the criminal gang call Partilepep.No gang in the world accept members who are not like them,wicked like them and abide by dictations of the CAPO Di TUTTI CAPI---anyone who refuse the DICATIONS of the BOOS as it is normal in any gangster groups are often eliminated.That you stil lalive Armco ,is surely because you have been accepted as gang member by Partilepep beucase you have proven yourself to be as criminal as your boos.ELse CAPI RENE/MIchel would had long get rid of you.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  3. He was planted to replace Ramados on the Chamber of Commerce and now appointed as a member of the board of the selected citizens Wow! The pieces of the puzzle are in place and Marco the Masquerade has no place to hide!

  4. Marco, things does not look too good. Lies, corruption, bad behaviour always catches up - unless you are FAR who seems to get away with murder !

  5. Them crooks with false certificate are bringing our country in volcanic.

  6. Gosh! that document is unprofessional in every aspect and obviously it must be a forgery of poor quality. How could Mr. Masquerado or Marco whatever his name is, attained prominence so fast on false pretenses? Either the people of Seychelles are really dumb or everything in the country has been so faked for so long that they cannot differentiate between lies and truths anymore. But Mr. Masquerado remember the saying 'the higher you ride the harder you fall'

  7. Was that ever a question?

    Everything that comes out of Pl is toxic and polluted.

    Never count of Jam to tell the truth.

    He also got a fake doctorate degree from India.

    Jam, do it like Isaac study hard and use your brain and not your derrier.

    Errrrr.... btw JAM did you answer the questions from Isaac blog?

  8. Why fake the authenticity of a University credential ,Marco?..It seems Marco bought his bougs degree on the black market and he did so ,it seems,to ensure that he stands on the same level as his fellow doctors in the Pl ,along side with Dr Michel,Faure,Meriton,Mitsy,but also to allow him get a high position job which intellectually , would otherwise never have.Phony Uni Degree means also fake experience Dr MArco.You're selling Seychellois a fake ,fabricated image that you are not----YOU ARE LYING once AGAIN TO THE EPEOPLE, Dr Marco.You are an unscrupulous nerd,Dr Marco.

    This is a criminal act, Marco,and I believe the University in question should take legal action against Fake Dr Maroc,and at the same time, Dr Marco should be prosecuted for using fake Degree purporting to have been issued by this institution.Durham University should do so,to ensure the continued integrity of its degrees the Diplomats and to ensure the integrity of this great institution.You are tarnishing the image of this great institution ,Dr MArco.

    Help me with it Dr Marco,I have been trying hard to pronounce this new English word you coined for us,and I really having difficult to pronounce it.What is it Dr MAroc?''Hououou,trou loulou ,hououour .......You know what Dr dog after several trials made it ----Woouooup,woooup.Woooooup....

    1. this is simple outrageous and childish!!!

  9. Me Paul Brierley probably forgot about this exception and special Congregation ceremony,held specially for the son of god Michel,Maroc.The son fo god deserve to be treated differently,isn't it Dr Marco?

  10. JAm is a devil .The word Turth does not exist in the devil's vocabulary.You will find words like murder,robbery,Human right abuse,theft,stanism,atheism, and such words.

  11. Seychelles has more serious problems then Marco Francis personal mistakes .
    Why don't you focus on those issues instead of picking on person who made mistakes when he was young.
    He work for the business community and inspite of his faults we support him for what he is doing for Seychellois Business.
    Focus on PL government and the atrocities it commits.
    Focus on building the country.
    Thread carefully when you elect to focus your energy on a small fry in the big ocean and you let the real sharks get away.
    Christopher Gill

    1. Christ I defend you to death what you said however disagree with you.
      Faking a certificate degree from a fine university is like a stolen identity.
      Could you imagine if JPI came forward with a fake PHD degree in brain surgery. PL might blame the SFP don't you think so?

    2. Mr Gill i do not have a fake degree. I do not sell fish to Sri Lanka and i do not have an offshore account.

      In fact the sharks are all in it together. Sooner or later there will be none left for the Seychelles people.

      This individual cannot performed his duty as Chairman of SCCI while at the same time trying to achieve personal gain.

      Money talks, bullshit walks, that is how life goes.

      Gary Tall.

  12. I do not think so,Why?Chris words is just to show while MARCo might fake his degree ,he is a Seychellois rasin at the helm of a Seychellois organization and not by imported foreing crooks like RAMMADOSS.The different between the two is that the former has Seychellois mentality and his home is right here and could be dealt with when he went wrong as in this alledged degree fasification case.while a foreing donkey to the likes of RAMADOOS is more likely to rape us ,and since he is not a genuine Seychellois often his crimie would be more astrocious for he is not one of the family of the victims .In other words, while Marco must jsutfieis and explain this groos malaise,we recognize aalso th<t we prefer a Seychellis at the head of our institutions be it justice,polcie etc... than imported foreing crooked who are illegal and were imported premeditatedly by aprtilepep to help the alter enslave,rob,colonize its people for lcoals partilep thinks might not always be ready to cmmit partilepep crimes and might hesitate to butcher them a should partilepep ask them to do so.

    That Marco is appreciated by the business community ,is a fact which Chris just brought our attention to,but in any way does he said that MAroc should not answer for his scam.Forging a degree does not means that you donot have naturaltalent.

    it is either a support nor a criticism but a fact that needs to be told.

    1. The truth is not always pleasant or easy.

      Sometimes we are tempted to ignore it or reject it rather than accept what is revealed about us.

      Bloody sad!

  13. Mr Tall,you say it dam right.The problem is we cannot stay quite when we see donkeys in design suit dictating their brainless will on those who are more qualified intelligent then partilepep marons and not react.

    What he discover is this case is that Not only Marco concocted himself a phony Uni degree that partilepep (not necessarily Marco)allows the exportation of fish aborad while Seychellois are striving to find fish and must pay high cost for fish which is cuases partly because of the fact thjat partilepep deprive Seychellois from their Portein and sell it abroad.We are angry because these same donekys with Dr Prof Michel in front ,gojng around on world stage preaching about FOOD SECURITY and then at home they are alooowing that their FOOD SECURTIY is sodl to thoers thereby putting their own people FOOD SECURITY in jeopardy.And the strange thing is that while aprtilepep allows,authority MAROC to import proteins Seychellois need abroad,,,,the same aprtielepep allows five star hotels to import fish that could be bought locally from abroad.This is partilepep crooked policies of destruction being perpetuated for decades.


    We donot imagine what we obtained genuinely--imaginary seems to be for partilepep under qualified donekys who must allow thinks of waysto fake ,their identity,their degrees to make them look something,someone they are not.

    As Mr tall puts it,soemone who has lie to the public cannot be given public responsibility.It would be like saying "We did not elect aprtilepep but still let them rule us.There are set conditions that any person must follow ,abide with in any thing we do in life and when one failed the people who he asked to trust him then the culprit cannot be trust therefore cannot hold public office,duties,responsibilities in the name of the people he disrespect.We cannot allow ourselves to tolerate such practices ,else paritlepep will think it is normal ,common palce and can continue to disrespect Seychellois their masters as partilepep has been doing for the last is like saying Michel and his gang though all their criminal activities must be left untouched because he give us a good smile each time he presents himself on tv.

    I am sad for MAroc .who does seems to be that crook at aleast as aprtilepep members but Seychellois want to see responsible,honest persons,with integrity acting in their names -and when anyone failed to abide by the rule set up by the people the persons should take the initiative him or herself and just leave, ask for orgivness when necessary but not come out as if the wrongs done are okay and should be left untold and un punished.

  14. We must now question how and when Clifford Andre became a barrister. According to my knowledge and I am sure to most of you, he did not at any stage in his career completed the necessary pupillage as required under the law of the land. Why was he exempted if he was? If the Bar association is found wanting what is left for us mere mortal to do? The truth is out there Scully

    1. Clifford Andre cannot even write basic English how the hell can he be a barrister.

  15. The issue of Marco Francis faking a degree was done in 2008.
    Marco was elected to SCCI as Chairman of a defunct dead chamber of commerce after Ramadoss a fake Seychellois fabrike had taken control of the Seychelles Chamber of Commerce at the exclusion of Seychellois business for his own personal benefit.
    Marco Francis election was a revolution in the Chamber of Commerce. His approach was a revolution, and he used a policy of advancing equality of all citizens to equal opportunity, equal voice, equal treatment, to open the doors of Stats House, Vice Preside to office, all ministries, to dialogue.
    Marco Francis argument was and is a highly compelling argument: 1 small Seychellois business must become active as real stakeholders, 2 all businesses should be treated fairly, 3. Constitution of Seychelles 1993, must be upheld by the government, dialogue with government and private sector must be regular, frank, sincere, for the benefit of the whole country.
    These are the benefits of Marco Francis as Chairman of Seychelles Chamber of Commerce, even with his fake degree, which no one takes seriously any more.
    Having said that, Francis is doing the walk,along with the talk. Because he is doing both the business community of Seychelles supports him and they will stand up to his slander. If you have something solid to say,say it. But remember , when you propose to remove Marco Francis, who do you want to replace him with? Dr. ramadoss?
    This is what is being proposed by those pundits attacking Marco Francis.
    As long as he works pro bono for the private sector and does a good job, we will support him. Right now while you are busting his chops,Marco Francis is on a flight to China to negotiate direct flights to remove Seychelles anba green Khalifa.
    I support that, because this is good for Seychelles. I proposed the initiative, and he and St. ange are moving on it.
    Stop playing with our lives out of hate.
    Christopher Gill

    1. A thousand nice words do not change the truth.

      The fact of the matter is Marco Francis has no integrity. His behaviour has brought disrepute to himself and the business community in Seychelles.

      As i have said before, you have criticised Mr Ramkalawan and others for their conduct in public life and you were well within your rights to do so.

      You need to be consistent and not practice of giving special treatment to anyone.

      I my view this man is not fit to be in charge of any institution.

      He should do the right thing and resign!

      Gary Tall

    2. I have read enough from here, and I know that if I ask a question will not be answered anyway, but I will still ask. Gary tall who do you have in mind to replace marco? TELL US!

  16. The confirmation that this document is fake came in October 2008.

    Why is this criminal not in jail?

  17. I do not know the answer to your question. It is the same question Clifford Andre Ramadoss man is putting forward. Clifford was also the Chief legal consul to James Michel.
    He has made Marco Francis his personal agenda since his offshore company was struck off the list of companies in good standing.
    My point is this: inspite of what Marco Francis has done to himself with these fake degrees, he has done a lot for Seychelles business at a critical time. My understanding is that the business community does support him. They have taken a pragmatic approach to the issue because Marco Francis has been a breathe of fresh air after a era of Fabrike Ramadoss controlling the Chamber of Commerce for his own personal benefit.
    Tax on Casinos is zero percent.
    I call on Marco Francis as Chair,an of SCCI to pressure government to impose a fair taxation scheme for Casinos ans end the era of Ramadoss sucking our blood and enslaving our people.
    As long as the private sector supports Marco Francis, leave him to do our woke to get us out of th is mess created by PL.
    Sesel Pou Seselwa!
    Christopher Gill

  18. “Many people, especially ignorant people, want to punish you for speaking the truth, for being correct, for being you. Never apologize for being correct, or for being years ahead of your time. If you’re right and you know it, speak your mind. Speak your mind. Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.”
    Mahatma Gandhi

  19. Marco Francis certificate may be a fake. This is what has been exposed on this site. This is one side of the coin. Do we know if Marco submitted these papers to SIBA ? Was it Clifford Andre who manufactured this certificate and kept it on file with a reply from Durham University (which incidentally got replied the same day that SIBA wrote to the University). Something does not add up here. Let us wait for Marco's side of the story before we pass judgement. If Marco decides to ignore all this, then it will not be correct for us to pass judgement. Ambassador Tall, you should know better to listen to both sides of the story before passing judgement ! A Raze

  20. Christ ou pe pran pitye pou sa serpan.

    Be careful what you are saying today.

    Look like you are about to say its OK SPUP did the coupdetat.

    Now let move forward. A spade is a spade!

    I can smell something! Hopefully its just my nose!

  21. I do not pran pity's Pou en serpsn. I am taking a stance that is pragmatic given the purposeful intent of Pl SPPF attempt to destroy the business community in Seychelles. The business community holds that it is pragmatic of keep Marco Francis where he is as long as he does a good job.
    I am ok with that at this time.
    We have other more serious matters to address like a collapsing economy, no direct flights, murderers walking free in Victoria, abuse of 80 million CSR.
    If you think I am supporting SPPF ......go fuck yourself.
    Christopher Gill

    1. wow! no need for this sort of language!

  22. Mr Gill, calm down a bit. No need to use the word F*** ion this site. Do not stoop so low. When you see a dog baking at the full moon do not try to stop the dog ! A Raze

  23. This dog is ARAZE.
    Marco need to be dealt accordingly.
    Can not swept under the rugs of ARAB!
    Let us not forget about sesel pou seselwa by Peter G.
    And if you think I support PL.....go fuck yourself too.

  24. Yes, Mr Gill the above anonymous get a clear point expressing his/her opinion.
    Tomorrow the day after tomorrow, next week, or next month there will be small Pl criminal activities and according to you SIR its ok, and let sweep under the carpet.
    Well SIR, that not the Mr.Gill we knew. Saying all that it doesn't make me a Partielepep supporter!
    Have a nice day!

  25. No politicians Seychelles can be trust that's why Seychellios will never see freedom and change you don't no with who they are friend.

  26. 04.33
    Chris is totally right to say that we have moreserious matters to address--for these amtters are the pillar of our existence whether Maroc is right,(wrong Crook/saint etc....Comparing Maroc^s mistake to that of the mess our country is in because of aprtilepep dictator and the multiple gross unresolved crimes commited by partilepep ,we can say thatAmrco commited a misdemeanor-----that usally deserve a fine.But if Maroc apologises and resign ,he deserve to be rehabilitated ,the alter is something almost unthinkable for partilepep long recidivists like Morgan,Govinden,Faure,Michel,Glenny,David ,Francsi ,Guy Adam and the rest.

    Saying that we have more serious matters to deal with ,bdoesnot means that Maroc should not be criticize for this miserable naĂŻve act,but that it should not be over teated as a gross crime to the likes of those commited by aprtilepep criminals such as selling out our patrimony that deprive all Seychellois bad or good from their land,selling out our passports allowing potential teorrists to get access to for instance European Union for which Seychellois are Visa Waiver and then blow themselves in the name of Allah which would destroy our country image years to come in a way that even partilepep 50 years dictatorship has not done.

    There is something that shows that MArco is not a typical criminal as those in the PP namely he came out expressing himself be it in form of denial or approval.This is a guy who we could give another change because all seems to be a mishap on his apart ,for nothing shows that he committed other dilicts in the past that we should classifies him on the same list as partilepep nor his mishap as the most important issue Seychelles and Seychellois have to deal with.

    Now on Marco case---It is sad to see that Maroc,who seems talented and appreciated by professional in the business community to have fallen prey to the less educated than him namely partilepep thugs.It is sad because ,he has the intelelectual capacity to be able to sit on an University bank and successfully work harkd for his Bachelor Degree in whatever subjects he would have is sad because ,his friends who kn0w him for such a long ,feeling speechless for they know that Marco is not the person to normally do such illegal is sad because Marco seems to has fell a partilepep prey because of navety rather than the deliberate willingness to commit this shamefull act.

    I would advice Amroc to do the following:1)resign as l,eader of the Chamber of Commerce,becuase though your good jobs the fact of lying about your qualification to the public has made the public lost trust in you.And as a moral act --you should resign.This would show the public that you somehow tacit recognize your mistake and that unlike aprtilepep thugs who gragged you in this mess,you are not a recividist,therefore forgiveable.

    Take a two-year grace perion,subscribe yourself at a University in the Region be it at a S .African,MarutUis,Indain,Singapore,etc.. University --go and get your degree by hard working that we convinced you have the talent to succeed.After that am sure Seychellois would forgive you,rehabilitate you,and support you in making a new beginning.

    Do not act in this situation as aprtilepep thugs--always in denial----show partilepep thugs that you recognize your mistake and by doing so you will confirm what all those who know you in the business community have already said namely that you have a brain.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  27. What Marco has done to himself is not worth writing on this blog. Go and write about the bigger fishes sharing Seychelles amongst themselves. Let us start with Glenny Savy, Gpt Adam. Concentrate on these 2 for starters. Once you have finished repatriating the money these 2 have stashed away, we can move on to Albert, Mukesh, Sarah. These 5 should keep you busy for a decade. Bien A Raze

    1. I think you are living a realm of fantasy.

      Have you read all the articles on this blog about these people you have mentioned?

      Why are you defending this poorly educated idiot?

      He lied and he is a disgrace to himself. He has scored an own goal, similar to that of Marcello of Brazil in the opening world cup match against Croatia.

      Marco need to be substituted.

  28. Maroc definitely fell prey to partilepep predators---He is not the first person none to be honest to be victim of Partilepep predators.

  29. Bien A RAZE

    seems araze for Marco ^s mistake that destroy Marco than partilepep 5 decades fo gross crimes on the people of Seychelles.

    Marco's phony degree,does not reduce neither his intellectual capacity nor his natural talent.Marco was not elected at the head of Seychelles Commerce for his regrettable phony degree but by proffesionals in the business community for the proven good jobs he has been doing.Unlike ,Partilepep marons and Doctors,Marco has the intellectual capacity to sit for any Universtiy degree,but shit happens sometimes even to honest people which seems to be the case of Marco.

    Now,proffesionals in the business community,ahve decided that the good job Marco has been doing for Seychelles businesses should in anyway be jeopardise by the fact that he is involve in a case of phony degree in Law.Marco is not exercising law but working as a talented representative of the business community.

    So there should be no amalgam between his job as representative of the business community(which has nothing to do with law)and the phony degree.This is two different things and should be deal with as such .It would be wrong to ask ,for instance, a successful,experience Airline^s captain appreciated by his crew, to let his position as captain because he fake his driving license.That is what seems to be going on in Marco's case.

    I repeat Marco did not fake a business degree in order to question,put pressure on him to resign in the position as Leader of Seychelles Commercial community.If it was the case then naturally he would have to resign.Becuase then,his appointment in the position he is holding now,would have had been considered -was influence by his fake BUSINESS degree--that is not the case and the fake degree has nothing to do or any influence to the position he is holding now namely a good talented representative of Seychelles business world.

    Let us give Marco a break,and instead put pressure on aprtilepep crooks who have given themselves pension for life which affect all Seychellois for it is our tax payers money they robbing,let us pressure partilepep thugs to bring back our 2,4 billions in order to pay the astronomic debt partilepep created but also in order that we develop our country without depending on foreign aids,loans chartity.Let us put pressure on partileppe ,instead to get our country back and free our people from 21st century slavery and destruction of our land.Let pressure partilepep terrorists and let us make sure they end the rest of their criminal lives behind bars as they deserve.let us pressure partilepep thugs ,in order that it stop allowing Indian Hindu worers parade in religious hindu procession in a land that is sovereign ,belonging to a Christian Nation and not theirs,Let us pressure partilepep to get our National Airline to tis owner Seychellois in order that we can start direct flights operations to revive our crumbling tourism industry.Let us pressure partilepep ,to abide by the Constituions ,get mercenaries ,foreing judges,and rest out of our land and out of control on our institutions,becuase it is illegal ,inaccept ,criminal and a treason act.let pressure aprtilepep thugs to give us the hiding place of those innocent Sechellois ,Michel and his gang butchered in order that family members of victims can conduct a funeral for their love ones.

    1. You must have a fake degree as well.

      Those of similar taste congregate together.

      As immoral as Marco himself.

  30. I think those fancydegrees including the doctorate Gill has given himself are also fake. That is why he is standing up for Marco Francis


  32. This administration posted an article " AUTHENTIC OR FAKE" so all loving people of Seychelles especially the SFP supporters are stating their opinion. Here comes Mr Gill second in command which I respected very dearly abusing an anonymous blogger because of his or her views. Nothing against you but in future you need to respect other SFP supporters views too. Somewhere on Mahe JPI is laughing!

    An ex SPUP, SNP and SUP.
    I call myself a SFP revolutionist.

  33. Blogging administrators have a tendency to lose their sense of who they are and who Christopher Gill is, when they work with him.
    We can always start another blog, if the Administrator continues to glitch on his his own World. Till now, I will just refrain from writing articles until such time the Administrator comes back to reality.

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

    1. Mr Gill, you should look at yourself first before passing judgement about me "losing my sense." I have never supported this illegal government in my whole life. You did.

      In fact it says a lot why i am still residing in the UK rather than my place of birth. I left the Seychelles in 1984 because i did not want to live under Dictatorship.

      On the other hand you sustain this illegal government with taxes from your business and at the same time trying to discredit them.

      I do not want to associate myself with a con man, a man who fake his degree for his own gains. If you do, i have no option but to remove myself from your entourage otherwise i will be associated with people who commits crime according to UK law. I am a law abiding person and I do not want people to question my credibility.

      Whether you want to write articles is up to you. It does not bother me at all. Less work, more free time with my family.

      It is time for you to sit back take a serious look at what you have written the past few days. It is disgusting and i did not expect it from you. You even swore at a person who gave his opinion on the blog. You have totally lost the plot.

      Gary Tall

  34. Zot sa link you tube posted 03:23 en Komedi.

  35. Totally agree Anonymous 04.24.

  36. Just quality of this paper we can see its fake.

  37. A lala. Lager in Roz dan SFP. Party Leader also Party Secretary general, Treasurer and secretary and ordinary member Doctor Christopher Gill pe insult Gary Tall. Gray dont give up. He used JP Isaac until he could gain no more. Now he has done the same to you. Who will it be next.

  38. Terrorist Michel says "Cliamte change is a gret threat to our existence"Seychellois think State Terrirsm and dictatorship is the bretest threat to their existence.Who to believe a monkey like Michel or the Ciizens of Seychelles?I would opt for the majority oppinions.The different is that climate change --we assume could be a threat to our existence ,it has not been proven yet,while partilepep dictatorship has proven disastrous for our people liberties,freedom,existence on all possible front.

  39. It is not an insult but opions of free individuals.It does not means when you share the same politcalviews you must always agree,divergent of opinions dieas,postions is health for progress.Else you end up in a one -party state like we are now under partilepep dictatorships.That there is divergent show how democratic SFp is,and how mature it leaders are.As free minded persons and strongly believe in freedom of expression---Each person has a right to his opinion,unless you believe in dictation demonstrated b partilepep which has resulted in amking Seychelles a prison Nation.
    .,you donot have to agree with someone's opinion but if you open -minded you should defend to death the person's right to say was he thinks.One does not have to agree on verything,else there would be no progress.

  40. Dr Mancham calls on the world to destroy the Inner_wall,he should rather callson aprtilepep criminals to free Seychellois from the mud wall of communist and dictatorship and fre Seychelliis like Gobachov did.

  41. 4.24
    We have the rights to express one^s opinion,to agree and disagree.But regardings MAroc case,there is a few things that needed to be pointed out.

    I myself ,strongly criticize Marco and I wanted his skins.But after more information unfolded,it discovered that Marco was not chosen as Head of Sey Comerce because of his fake bachelor degree ,which all business persons working with him and who ^knows him,confrimed that in fact they all ignored that Marco even hold a Bachelor degree in law.That change my position,becuase I did think at first that his fake degree was one criteria on which he was chosen for this post.They aslo confirmed that Marco was chosen because he as a businessman has proven himself as such and it was his business achievement and talent which made them chose him to lead the business organization.

    Now we might agree and disagree on wether it is right for Marco to export fish abroad when Seychelles government is preaching about FOOD security,and while Seychellois lacks fish which hike fish prices locally,But in the end of the day,Marco business is legal,it is not up to Marco to decide whether we should export fish or not,It is up to Partilepep government to regulate and make it illegal not Marco.In other words,the government must take its responsibility.

    1. I fully respect your views.

      It's like you are calling the kettle BLACK...

      And on the same time not to DARK

  42. Mancham make me sick with his grape just a chatterbox seen coming back from exile and his work with PP in all this sell out and Seychelles going back(parey dan son le pok) in a different way.

  43. Numbers of students graduate fine,but you get job for them were they will start a career?That mean Minister of Labour has to start and look were to put them to work ,before ending in heroin our becoming a bitch.I know a few with good education now they are heroin addict one behind bars.

  44. And one student refused to take picture with the group.

    He turned his back with the camera.

    Just because he could not stand JAM and PL thugs!

    You are a courageous young man!

  45. This young man, how dare he lacks respect for JAM. You may not like JAM, but he is the elected President. I do not like JAM, I do not support JAM, but I have to respect him as the head of state. If we have this malelve attitude, we will not move forward as a nation.

    1. Anonymous 05:48

      Can you tell me where did you purchase this book?
      There are two kinds of books.
      Those that no one reads and those no one ought to read.

  46. How can you respect a criminal of state moron?

  47. 05.45
    Neither Rene nor Michel were even eletec by the people.In one party state dictator elected themselves,Why?becuase they know they under qualified and would never in normal circumstances ever reach the stage of being President not to say minister not even an ambassador.They knew for instance ,just before coup D'etat that communism would never be accepted by Seychellois this explain why a coup Detat ot ofrced themselves on power.And what they do once on power ,first they call themselves PATY OF THE PEOPLE ;OR like North Korea call itself DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF N KOREA,or PEOPLE this and that ,and all that to make fools like themselves believe they were chosen by the people and love by their people.When you are loved by your people ,usually one should not fear of Democracy wherby people choose their leader ,like Mnedela proudly proved,because he was sure that the people really love him.Donkeys robbed elections and conducted coup detat because they know they donot have the intellectual ability to be elected in free and fair elections at the helm of a Nation.
    Figure this ou`!what would a donkey to the likes of Michel be without coup dĂȘtat,a fruit seller at Victoira market,Herminie,a drug addict,RAM drug dealer,Faure a tabac farmer,MEriton a prison guard etc....


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