Foreign Travel Advice Seychelles

Safety and security


Most visits to Seychelles are trouble free, but tourists have been robbed. Crime levels are rising, with an increase in both targeted burglaries and opportunist thefts against residents and tourists. The inability of the authorities to catch and prosecute offenders is a concern.
You should maintain at least the same level of security awareness as you would in the UK and make sure your living accommodation is secure. Don’t carry large amounts of cash or wear eye-catching jewellery. Use a hotel safe to store valuables, money and passports. Don’t leave valuables in cars or anywhere on display.
Accommodation, particularly in isolated areas, should have adequate security, including external security lighting, grilles and overnight security guards.
Be vigilant and when outside hotels grounds always carry a mobile phone with roaming capability for use in emergency.
Take care in isolated areas and also in more popular places like Beau Vallon and the back streets of Victoria, especially after dark. Beaches, parked cars and both residential and tourist accommodation are favourite targets for thieves.
People trekking on marked and unmarked trails have been robbed, including at knife point. Leave valuables securely in a safe and stay within large, organised groups. Take particular care if you’re alone


  1. Minister Home Affair country are not safe!Adam this country to be safe PP must go,because those old crook have lost love for thier country and its peoples to be safe in their home.PP crook are only hanging like monkey on foreigners back for aid for free not interest in domestic crimes.If you see this small island Seselwa are not safe and criminals can not be got this system have a big problem that mean your President fes have get no solution to solve problems better f**king get lost.

  2. The price of oil has fallen by 30% since July, why is it that the price of fuel in Seychelles is still at an unacceptable level? Seychelles Reality should be looking at this more closely because lets face it we are being robbed by the Government.

  3. PP if you dont have enough Police to do patrol in the night,what those soldiers do? Sent them on patrol unarm at night been paid just to sleep.I dont think you need all those soldiers just to watch your ass like baby sitter.This island right now need order. And order not to brutal peoples on the streets at night..

    But not to make Seselwa deaspear when wrong doing ok.

  4. Minister for home affairs Joel Mongan expressed horror at the news of the breaking and killing of Mrs. D. Morel in her house at La Retraite in the middle of the night. Things are really getting from bad to worse in Paradise, whilst their president is frolicking in UAE with his Arab friends trying to brush shoulders with the rich and famous. It is time for him to make a public statement like the President of Mexico did on crime in his country. He should announce plans for a massive overhaul of the police force. He should start by getting those officers that Pp sacked to come back and even ask the diasporas to return. Seychelles could become another Haiti and they have only priest Aggatine but he would never be like priest 'Aristille'.

  5. The rapid increase of crime against tourists has become alarming,and the government seems unwilling or enable to tackle the problem.This alarming curse if not tackle rapidly,would have damaging consequences on noth the tourism industry and our economy on the long term.
    Crime would erode confidence in future development,reduce the competitiveness of existing industries and services.For example,by imposing burdensome security and may deter investment.Crime limits people choices,threatens their physical integrity,and disrupts their daily lives.

    Partilepep has fialed to recognized the causes,in order to identify strategies to deal with this concerning trend.
    Here are some recoomendation:
    High rates of crime can be turned around by a bterr balance between legitimate law enforcement and Preventive measures,with a stronger focus on prevention.
    -Governement should create or invest more in units to address the issue.
    -Public security requires community collaboration---Ngos should become more active and government should commit to mre actively engaging citizens.

    _Prevention and control------preventive measures such as increased investement in training youth,job creation etc...

    The main cause of crime against tourists as it is also for crim in genral,is due to the fleoh of youth Drug addicts---the later without a job,need to find other means to finace their daily dose of hard drug ,and the easiest way to make money without working is by robbery,stealing etc...

    Partilpepe should take the issue seriously and start developing real program for our youths----for instance by reducing Exapts in order to give our youths jobs----lets feed our youths paartilepep before feeding foreigners.
    After Rehabs ,persons should be followed up by reporting on a weekly or mothly basis to a social center,pyschologist etc.. to ensure that the after rehab program set up for patience are implemented and followed by patience.

    The government must act in a serious manner,it must rethink its approaches to tackling crime and rpovideing security on the ground.Maybe a special tourist police unit should be set up----highly visible and motivated to the specifically dedicated to the tourism sector is a worthy benchmark issue of consideration.Government need to follow approaches that are centered on citizen security and address the causes of crime including social,economic and political exclusion
    crime ,APRTILEPEP,IF NOT TACKLE WOULD HAVE ----negative impact on the investment climate and can deter both domestic and foreign investment ,and hence growth.
    -IT LEADS TO HIGHER COST OF DOING BUSINESS because of the need to implement different forms of security and diverts investment away from business expansion and productivity improvement,and may lead to a less optimal operating strategy.
    -it leads to business losses arising from looting ,theft etc...
    -It leads to loss of input because of reduced hours of operation,and temporary output because of individuals who have to eave temporyly the labour force.
    -it erode the development of human capital as well as social capital.hernce constraints the development of growth.
    -It diverts public resources away from productive uses that have a potential much higher impact of social development and potential for growth.
    -Partilepep must act--to be complecent of the issue is both wrong and dangerous ,partilepep.Act now ,else you going to destroy our tourism industry in a way you have not yet done.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  6. Partilepep must take the necessary steps to safeguard the TOURSIM INDUSTRY against crime.Failing to deal effectively with the rising crime rates,would damage the Destination and Seychelles would be consider by Tour operators,travel agencies and thoers as crime risk zone and would stop coming to our shores or come to stay in all -inclusive guarded properties as if they are in an open prison--that is not what tourists come to Seychelles to experience"Locked in an all-inclusive hotel means unsafe,risky,and it si a bad image for the destination.And asking TOurists on arrival to be cautious because of the risk of theft ,robbery in itself is a bad publicity.Tourists come to visit us and expect their safety to be secure by the host government and they are not here to be guard of themselves against thefts nd take the responsibility of the government and communities.

    The imagine the /holidayTourism industry is vital for our country^s economy andonce lost it would be difficult to retrieve.The people of Seychelles especially those in the tourism industry need the government to act fast in their intrest while it has the chance.The problem has been vividly highlighten.Please protect this lovely islands ,its people and the visitors that come from far and paying a fortune to visit us.
    Tackling crime against tourist is not only a matter for the government though the former must lead in the fight ,but also that of communities,tourism businesses and law enforcement.
    Potential tourists travel behavior is influence to certain extent by the risk assessement conducted and published by some of their respective governemnts,travel agencies,etc...Partilepep passivity is paving the path for the bankruptcy of our tourism industry.Act donkeys!

  7. Sad indeed for a small island nation with population that every one knows everybody and yet can't catch the two masked men who killed the lady at La Retraite.
    Morgan need to offer CASH money and I bet you someone will come forward especially we are getting close to holiday seasons. If JJ Spirit can offer cash to anyone who can do good cause for PL why not for the one who can lead to the arrest of the masked men.

  8. Shame, the philosophy of this Government since their coup d'Etat on 5th. June 1977 was to stay in power by all costs even by hooks or by crooks. Just look at some of the practices that got Seychellois to where they are today. The SPPF as it was called then, did not care of the long term consequences of the brain drain when the most intellectuals were leaving the country, on the contrary Rene said "if you do not like, just pack up and go" Today, Seychelles has to import foreigners to fill posts in the Civil Service, Judiciary, Police, Medical, Hospitality and right down to Construction. The party did not care when people were afraid to go out at night fall, in those days the fear was intimidation by Militia, now they want to make the islands more lively at night for tourists. The party did not care when they purged the most capable officers from the Police Force, it said then that it was reforming the police when in fact they were positioning their yes-men and fools to enforce dictatorship, today murderers are on the loose and the Home Minister says the country is not safe. The party did not care how the state coffer was misused to finance corrupt schemes and the country survived as land of Napa, yet they called it micro-economic until the country was bankrupt. Then they called IMF for a bail-out, EU for a write-off, Arabs for a sale-out, and is still doing everything possible to keep Party-Le-Peuple in power!
    Someone asked how come Seychelles is like that today? The answer is that Seychelles has always been a dangerous place since 5th. June 1977 with the murderers still on the loose!

  9. 5.58
    Morin needs money for Xmas--Oil price is at its lowest on world market and that for months and the rend continue--at the same time Morin and partilepep has decided not to keep price unchanged but increase it to fill up partilepep coffer.

  10. Dr Prof Michel our illiterate ex-economist says SEYCHELLES IS DEVELOPING FAST.What does a fast development means really to a small country state with limited resources ,is it a good thing or a long term danger?
    Well,the truth is that uncontrol and too rapid development is going to destroy our envrionemnt ,put more stress on natural resources and impede future generations possibility to do their own development,the later would be left with no space,no possibility to create,innovate and do their own thing.By selling out very square meters to foreigners which is illegal by our law and developing or building on every square meter fo land as Michel and his gang has been doing put the future of future genrations at risks.And there is nothing to rejoy about Partilepep.Future genrations would nned spacve for their own development and as responsible Seychellois we should oppse Michel/partilepep policies of building everywhere and anyhow and at all cost and stop partileppe from continuing to allow foreigners to control on economy which means controlling us.Fast and uncontrol development would means more Expats coming to colonize,take Seychellois jiobs and land thereby increase artificially our population which itlsef put stress on natural resources like water ,land etc...

    WAHT SEYCHELLES NEEDS IS NOT RAPID AND UNCONTROL DEVELOPEMNT BUT SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPEMNT PARTILEPEP--THE DEVELOPEMNT THAT PROVIDE OPPORTUNITY TO OUR PEOPLE AND TODAY'S NEEDS.NOT fantasy development and development at all cost just for the pleasure of developing and just to say "Look all those buildings with shiny windows ,it is partilepep who built it as showcase though it is not needed today but in 50 years."

  11. 11.55 Dr Rene told us "if we donot like just pack up and go"For Seychelles Rene thought is his and his gang.It was the first dictation of Rene ,which show us how criminal they are.

  12. Any news about the murder that occurred last week?

    1. 04:16 no good news however I will remind the population that Rene is guilty of the death of Gerald Hoareau in England during the mid 80's. That was repeated in a communicate by James Mancham who actually now in the asshole of PL.

  13. No murder is national sport of partilepep ,there is no need to make it public and to investigate or apprehend the crimnals.


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