"I Want More Freebies" Says James Michel at the UN

Seychelles President James Michel addressed the UN Climate Summit in New York this morning with an emotional appeal on behalf of islanders all around the world, for world leaders to take decisive action now to reach an agreement to halt climate change.
He asked them not to ignore the truth about climate change, and warned that it is time for action and not just for speeches.
“We have been given four minutes to address this plenary. It doesn’t matter. It is four minutes too many, I say! For now is not the time for speeches, but for action. We have heard it all before: the well-crafted speeches, the promises and the exhortations… We have also heard the scientific facts, the complaints, the pleas for help from those on the front line: Small Island Developing States.”
President Michel reiterated his statement made in Samoa at the UN SIDS Conference earlier this month, where he had called climate change ‘a crime against humanity.’
“Climate change – on our current, avid path – is a crime against humanity. We are all guilty. And we are all victims. But increasingly, SIDS themselves, are refusing to be victims,” said President Michel.
He said that islands are taking up the challenge to build their resilience and finding innovative ways to tackle their uncertain situation.
“Seychelles is hoping to finalise innovative debt for adaptation swaps that allow us to create marine protected areas that build climate resilience, while receiving debt reduction. We also call for more ownership by islands and coastal states of our ‘Blue Economy’, strengthening our ability to build resilience, sustainability, food security and economic prosperity. We need to take into consideration a Vulnerability Index for SIDS,” he said.
President Michel called for the Paris agreement in 2015 to be a protocol under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Chang (UNFCC) and said that it must be an ambitious and legally binding agreement that is applicable to all and must be adopted within the shortest possible timeframe.
“We must agree ambitious targets on the basis of common but differentiated responsibility. We call for the urgent operationalisation of the Warsaw International Mechanism for loss and damage and for a permanent seat on the Executive Committee of the Mechanism to be allocated to SIDS.We must mobilise real adaption funding for all countries particularly taking into consideration the vulnerability of SIDS,” said the President.
The President said that recently, a Seychellois child wrote to the Secretary General of the United Nations in a heartfelt plea, which resonates with all islanders. He quoted the child saying; « We are small, » he wrote, « and to many we are insignificant … I am an islander and proud of it, for there is no other place I would wish to be my home … Our pleas are lost in all the noises made by the great of this world. While they count their profits, we are left unheard, forgotten … »
Mr. Michel asked world leaders to not forget our children in this year of climate action.


  1. Michel Seychellios also back home want to see action to democracy and justice not just speech sucker 37 years with you PP crooks its enough Seychelles deserve better moron.

    Waiting for you outside UN building.

  2. Freebies while he is violating peoples rights inside the country??????
    I don't think so.

    1. Why don't you do something about it instead inserting six question marks? Sitting on your ass and complaining on this blog will not change anything.

  3. This man is really a first class IDIOT at its best.
    He claimed he traveled 24 hours to NewYork to deliver a 4 minits speech.
    YES! And was on climate change.
    Yet from 19th to 22 September; Seychellois picked up 220.17 TONS OF RUBBISH!
    He look like a dead man walking!

  4. Your President is very consistent with his speech.
    He always remember to say blue economy.

    Donn li ankor cenk.

  5. Michel travels 6000 miles for a four minute speech? Come on PL get serious.

  6. PE impress pou gayne larsan.Larsan Ki e oule.Lekonomi Dan pei e Dan problem hey oua prend 70 mil dollar zis pou al fair vantar pou 4minute.
    Bring back Rene to sort this mad man.

  7. The 4 minutes speech that cost Seychellois 40,000 US dollars. What a prick!

  8. Look at how empty the room is. Only Potter and Adam are in it. What a bunch of jokers.

  9. The debate at the UN will be dominate by ISIS those monster with guns in their hands chopping head of their own bro Muslim raping woman and selling girls and Ebola in Africa and Ukraine I am following Obama speech live as it happen.
    EU and the West must get though law on immigrant because you give a place to have better life after they want to bomb you in your own homeland after remove them wolf out of the hole.


  11. Michel huffed and puffed about what he and his sidekicks would do like a chronic drunkard.With his gang they are hanging out the climate change sign in the hopes of getting aid.
    In Sept 2010,Michel attended Copenhagen Conference on Climate change and he said that"Climate change is about our existence,it is the very concept of our Human dignity"But the fact is that to the contrary Seychellois consider that Dicatorship posses a great threat to their survival than Climate change.

    He and his gang are rumbled into the UN rubbing their palms and licking their chops in the hopes of reaping millions of dollars in carbon blood money and make a quick exist.This global debate has also offered Seychelles dictator a historic opportunity to guilt-trip the industrialized countires and rob them blind.

    Having been rejected by the people of Seychelles in successive elelections another event more sinister motive for his obsession about invitation to major meetings in the desire to earn legitimacy and to devert attention from his appalling Human rights recrods and crimes.Michel wants the world to believe he is a Patriot and care for the welfare of his people.But as Albert Camus wrote"the welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrannts,and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyrants a good conscience.For decades Pl has used the predicament of the people of Seychelles to bolster his repressive machinery and to plunder the wealth of the Nation.This time,the world must awaken to the vile ruse of the dictator and stop him before he inflicts more devasting Human suffering in the name of development,democracy and now climate change.Michel should immediately stop relinquish his position as spokeman for Seychellois on climate change lest he change Seychelles a laughing stock.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  12. Anonymous 3.21 my bro in this world today we got no DEMOCRCY only a capitalist world.World of democracy is dead don't exist any more just name even we Seychellios will have no chance to see it.

    Seychellios who have access to Aljazzera to watch World and Peoples on Wednesday 22.30 GMT documentary on Pirates fishing of the cost of Africa by Chinese.

    1. Watching Aljazeera is like watching SBC. It's full of Islam propaganda. Aljazeera is banned in most democratic countries due to their terrorist propaganda.

  13. Fly for 24 hours to talk for 4 minutes at a cost of 40,000 dollars.
    And that is equal 10,000 dollars per minute.
    Only 4 people were listening to him and even national TV coverage.
    They rather take a commercial break.

  14. JAm since you are in USA did you stand by OBAMA for bombing the ISIS.
    Did JPA sent a letter of congratulatory for bombing the ISIS.

  15. The thugs in the center ring of the Un climate change circus .Africans failed states mendicants,fakers and welfare beggars of the islands, all swarm to UN with their begging bowls.African thugs citing Climate damage and the Islanders' beggars claiming rising sea levels.Unfortunately,even a cursory examination of the facts would prove both of this claims are fraudulent.Once again ,these Afircan beggars in the fight against anthropogenic global warming came together to hold an International fear fest supposedly to save mankinds from the ravages of climate change or (to save the planet from mankind),depending on who you talk to.The predicable results as we heard coming from the mouth of climatologist Michel:more strident warning of disasters, pledges of more reaching actions,and no real change.

    This travel circus began with the 1992 RIO Climate Summit,which set the tone for all subsequent Global warming passion plays.The circus has become world dictators International stage for self-promotion,pontification but mostly as the place where they hope to rob rich countries from their wealth.African thievres like Michel have no limit,they ready to go beyond boards to perpetuate crime Cross - board Operations------ like the Un climate change conference to keep hunting for millions.THIEVES -IN-PLAIN-SIGHT.

    finally,while it is clear the industrialized countries like China,India and others contribute mainly to the calamity of climate change and full responsibilities lie on the side of these countries.It is right to say though,that the Vampire like leaders of Africa should be held accountable on two levels:there are the fleet of expensive,fuel thrusty limousines and luxury cars that their families use of daily bases;The private jets they use to fly shopping around the world.and the energy consumped palaces,villas and (all purchased with soteln pibluc funds,while their people starved).
    On a policy level :Lack of knowledge of environmental issues,and absence of comprehensive environmental policies,lack of environmental impact assessment frameworks,Mass sale of land to corporations and foreign government,Marginalize fo experts and academics who could help development of sound environmental policy etc..etc..etc..

  16. ISIS we have on our shore its matter of time they come out of their evils hole.

  17. No one was listing this yellow man at the UN.

  18. Interpol or CIA should open one of their office on our shore,because Seychelles soon will become a transit destination for foreign terrorists.

  19. The mouse that roared at Un conference.Michel addressed at the UN climate change conference as the Photo on Today's Nation show did ctached the attention of any foreign delegations attending the summit.-No one listen--some Foreign negociators simply were usuing this time , sending SMS texts to family members and friends,Some chatting with their collegues,some simply walking around,some even leaving the Conference Room.Michel was making and listening to his own speech-A speech by Michel for Michel.Foreign delegations literally walked-out and delegitimized Michel .This time the game backfired---no dollars from Industrialized countries.Michel and his delgeations just let off a whole lots of steam and huffed and puffed in the frigid UN Autumn.The Bravado was replaced by servile groveling.As the UN conference drama drew down its curtains,Seychelles Dictator and beggar Michel , I guess learned this valuable lesson:--"He may huff and puff and try to blow down the UN house down,but in the climate change theater,He and his gang are nothing more than servile stagehands.

    1. Michel did not write his speech. This guy doesn't know how to write. It's Adam who usually writes his speech and he spends hours infront of the mirror reciting it to pretend it's his writing

  20. 13.46
    We know that,it is not only Chinese but also Sri Lanakns,Taiwanese,North Korean,Iranians(remember when Iranqains were caught by praites in our EEZ only then we discover how ofiregn fishing boats are eroding our EEZ and robing us with Pl complicity), Thais,And amny more.Instead of fighting against illegal fishing which is devastating our natural resources,Pl stay quiet,pretend not to see,no aware and prefer to go around the world preaching about PIRACY that does not exist ,or have long been radicated which also affect our tourism industry for when Michel cry out of fake PIARCY FIGHT it discourage visitors,investors etc....Millions have been lost in illegal fishing by ofreign Pl friends in the lase decades ,When you add the amount to that of the legal Tuna sieners which are also robbing us from our Natural resources-------the estimate amount of money Seychelles has lost and still loosing amount to Multi-billion of dollars in lost revenues for our country.All that because of Pl thugs..

  21. 13.46
    I think you problem is that you have never no democracy,and never experience it,and were told by PL that democracy in one-aprty stay ,the one Pl has given you for the alst decades.If you would understand the meaning of democracy you would have noticed that countires like Switzerland,Danmark,Sweden,UK etc..all are real democracy in which the people decide.I know and understand that Michel who never lived abroad cannot explain or gives a fake idea of democracy.But try with FAR--he studied in the Uk -he should know better than Michel an idiot who grew up under the coco nut tree and never travel to mpdern world until we became first time President in 2008.And being President and traveling means staying all dayin hotel room --hence you cannot get to know the world this way.So even Michel is traveling here and there and wasting tax payers money----he ended up staying in his hotel room .oblivion of the world outside his hotel room.Donot count on him to give you a glimpse and understanding about Democracy and free world.

  22. Seriuos people feel an obligation to listen whenever their President speaks.They furrow their brow and hold their chin and aprse every word,they assume that most everything a President says is significant,which is often true.They assume that waht's significant must also be well-informedNot necessarily,I have been thinking about this as it become clear that,even at a elementary level that Dictator Michel does not know what he talks about.it is appalling to hear this maron making speeches on world stages.He give the world the felling that all Seychellois are like him namely primitive as as the monkey he is and look like.Frankly that an insult to our people dignity.Resign Dr Michel.

  23. Marijuana is good for cancer ban moron why just one ENDOCANNABINOIDS not a rat in this regime know what is Endocannabinnoids marijuana kill all kind of cell of cancer.
    Do your research before chopping it moron I told you moron me have a paper from doctor I will never stop taking my pot every day and you can not arrest and brought any charge against me for using it.

  24. Do you ever experience it Jeanne?your last comment you think seen you live in Switzerland you know more what is democracy than me.

  25. I can see Mugabe making bla bla bla like always, but this donkey Michel did have any chance to be on international TV thanks god!they know his speech are useless no need to broadcast live.Regime must change Mugabe you and Michel making your peoples suffering and getting poorer and you are abusing power AFRICANS DICTATOR.


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