Faits Divers

La famille d’Harmon Chellen, retrouvé mort aux Seychelles lundi, récuse la thèse du suicide. Elle privilégie celle de foul play. Elle a mandaté Veda Baloomoody pour qu’il mène sa propre enquête. Sollicité hier soir, l’avocat a confirmé cette information. Il se rend aujourd’hui, mercredi 20 août dans l’archipel et assistera à l’autopsie.

Harmon Chellen, 52 ans, était le Training Centre Manager du Mauritius Institute of Training and Development (MITD) et de l’école hôtelière sir Gaëtan Duval. Il a été repêché de l’eau à Islette à Port Glaud à l’ouest de Mahé aux alentours de 14 h 50. Faisant état de zones d’ombre entourant sa mort, ses proches soulignent qu’il ne nageait pas. D’une part, il ne savait pas le faire et d’autre part, il souffrait de problèmes de peau.

La famille ajoute qu’Harmon Chellen était jovial et tout excité car il devait, la semaine prochaine, aller installer son fils Brandon à Singapour où ce dernier a décroché une bourse d’études. Selon elle, le quinquagénaire a assisté à une agression qui aurait mal tourné.

Il nous revient également qu’Harmon Chellen, qui était en mission officielle aux Seychelles, avait pris contact avec Jean Marc Lagesse en lui disant qu’il avait bien besoin de lui parler. N’étant alors pas disponible, cet ancien du Paradis et actuel General Manager de l’hôtel Constance Ephelia, basé à Mahé, lui avait demandé de se remettre en contact avec lui lundi. Mais Harmon Chellen est décédé sans avoir pu le faire.

Le haut cadre du MITD était arrivé aux Seychelles le mercredi 13 août comme invité d’honneur pour la remise de diplômes à l’académie de tourisme. Cette cérémonie s’est déroulée le lendemain. Il était prévu qu’il regagne le pays lundi.

Toutefois, lundi vers 10 heures, Harmon Chellen a été convoqué à la police de Port Glaud pour répondre à une accusation d’agression sexuelle faite contre lui par une femme de chambre de Constance Ephelia. Celle-ci était également au poste de police lorsque Harmon Chellen s’y est rendu. Bien qu’ayant décliné son identité, le Mauricien n’aurait pas voulu donner de dépositions. Après avoir rempli les formalités d’usage, il a été autorisé à partir dans cet hôtel où il logeait à Islette. Presque cinq heures après, un homme a alerté la police de la présence d’un corps qui flottait dans l’eau à cet endroit.



  1. Very sad story indeed however I wonder what will be the out come.
    True or not true.
    Will they fabricate a story.
    My prayers with the family at this difficult time.

  2. Answers please.

  3. What is going on in Paradies?Would Seychelles soon the ideal spot for the next BCC TV Show" DEATH IN PARADIES"?What is sure there is too many unexplainable death going on in Seychelles.All truths must come out.Failing to come out with undisputable causes of the death of Mr Harmon,would further damage of our country's image abroad.That is not the publicity our land deserve partilepep,for it contribute to discouraging tourists to visit us.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  4. Many of your are very dishonest to your very own person - we never needed Internet and mobile phone in that Sechelles Seychelles all those who know the core issues and yet just shuts up.

    For these reason added the issues of South Tirol, Silver Maniago at our SIROP portal, he had to go about on crutch and yet what he achieved. Our then Important Italian workings the GMR and many others.

  5. Dimone pe dir Ki Flavien kinn trancler son bon salon avec son cravatte.

  6. Notice so many Mauritians drown in Seychelles or are lost?
    One top insurance man was lost on Farquar on holiday.

  7. Seychelles need more international reporters.

  8. Rimer pe circuler Ki Flavien J Ki trangle son bon salon avec son gravat.

  9. How can someone vanished during broad day light on Farquar?
    Did that guy knew something and he was silence?What happen with the case?

  10. Condolences to the family. Question to James Michel and his security officials, what the heck is happening in Paradise? People are dying left, right and center and no one ever gives a damn!
    Mr. President, Seychelles has more problems than you and your government can solve! Now that you are about to reshuffle your cabinet, please make sure you replace Joel Morgan and Quatre - they are two blind men running one same ministry!
    There are too many unsolved homicides and unexplained controversies.
    Traffic problems are out of control, yet more cars are being introduced onto the road every day! Yet STB is calling Victoria the Centre of the world Carnival! Tourists and locals alike cannot walk anywhere because there are no proper pavement, unless one wants to commit suicide with a Tata bus!
    Islands of Paradise are today islands of suicide!

  11. Any two bits detective will want to know how the guy was dressed. The Seychelles Police is not saying anything on this issue, may be they are so blind that they do not see the significance.

  12. Not that mean you find his body floating in the sea SP the cause of his death was by drowning may be he lost his life in this hotel were he was living then been drawn in the sea crooks have done it in the past.
    Seychelles police can not even take hair sample in the hotel were he was living his family and lawyer should bring down on our shore international investigate I think international investigate have also their scientist our police got no scientist not even lab for DNA for future crimes.

  13. I would not always critize our police forces for not delivering,Itis all in the culture built during the apst five decades by the one-party state that have unproffesionalize our police forces.The most important thing to d in order for our country to see the kinds of proffsionism the Brit left to us is-----A change in the police culture.Organization of the police forces,Combination of the different units in order that each one knows what they doing and when they need to do --E.g in many cases,including this one,police officers went to the crime scen etc....often destroy the evidence because they were never really trained on how to secure a crime scene.Forensic experts in Seychelles never go on a crime scene even they should be one of the first.etc..etc..etc..There is lots of job to do in regards to professionalize our police forces.

  14. A guest of Honor ends ends up dead from a swim?????"??
    Get real folks.

  15. Murder they are murdering Mauritians one by one.

  16. This case has similarities to the case of Dominique Straus-Kahn - the ex. IMF director, except he was not murdered nor committed suicide. There are two possible scenarios here, 1) The shame of rape allegation drove him to suicide, and 2) someone killed him and threw his body into the sea.
    But the local believers in witchcraft are saying that the Madagascar witchcraft has been at work once again like when a male person discovered his penis has turned into a snake after his involvement with a Malagasy female!
    So STB better warn all males that in Paradise 'Adams' do not seduce 'Eves' from Madagascar!

  17. He was found naked.
    He was murdered!
    Murder at Ephelia Hotel!

  18. Yes I agree. It is obvious he was murdered at Ephelia Hotel and his body was dumped down the road into the sea of Port Glaud. The body drifting with the southeast.

  19. What has happen to this Seychelles expert in forensic science who was train in Scotland or Uk 3 yrs ago? His name was all over the local paper.
    I think Boussin was his surname.
    well he might be Dan lakanbis baka.
    Foreinsically examining Baka.
    Sa oua dir Mon.

  20. RIP Mr Chellen may the devil be punish one day by the higher one.

  21. Talking about professionals, one of our very own police professional was visiting Seychelles last week. He was the founder of Fingerprint bureau, Crime scene section, Photographic section etc. in the Seychelles Police Force but Pp government kicked him out. I shook hand with Mr. Lautee in town and he still looks good and fit. Pp did not want to hear about the changes he proposed instead they imported Irish non-professionals! This Seychellois police professional has been working with the Canadian police for many years. Last time he proposed an AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) for the police and the Government rejected; now Joel Morgan and his sycophants are talking about AFIS as if it is their own idea. Welcome home Mr. Lautee! have a wonderful holiday and excuse the mess the country is in, you said it loud and clear "You are never the true prophet in your own country" Wow! how true!

    1. I saw him too, he is still in top form and jubilant as ever. To add to what you said, he is one Seychellois police officer who was trained and worked at New Scotland Yard, London, England. Metropolitan Police London and attended Bramshill Police College, England. Bet you our Irish officers have never set foot at any of those establishments. Unlike some who were sent by Rene to Cuba and North Korea. Wonder why our Police Force is now in such a mess? No leadership and know how!

  22. People who remember Simon Desnousse & Mike Asher know their bodies were found 'blown up' at Anse Forbans. However, it is common knowledge they were abused, tortured and killed elsewhere before their bodies were driver to Anse Forbans for further atrocities. People in Paradise Get Real !!! You can fool some people some time you cannot fool all the people all the time.

  23. ALA CROOK SYTEL SEEN 1977 till 2014 it will go on and on :)

  24. 06.04
    Mr lautee is a good example of the many Seychellois proffessionals in the diaspora who the government should be encouraging to come back instead of illegally recruiting foreigners.

  25. Agree with you 100%, and as everybody is writing books nowadays I suggest Mr. Lautee also write a book. Remember he was the lead investigator in all major crimes in Seychelles before coup d'état, and kept the police force Administration on track after the coup whilst Pillay and Fontaine were playing politics with Albert Rene. In 1981 he was ousted together with 14 other police officers in the first political purge carried out by Rene. I am sure he knows a lot of what Seychellois have never been told, remember in those days talking about coup d'état was taboo and communist doctrine made us afraid to the point of not trusting our own members of the family. It would be interesting to know the other side of the coin, or set the pace for a truth commission!


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