Pti Cowboy has landed the jackpot

Mr. Daniel Cesar aka Pti Cowboy has landed the jackpot not at Gran Kaz, but at the National Assembly in the form of SCR50, 000 per month as a retainer from the National Assembly out of the generosity of his good friend Speaker Patrick Pillay. People are saying that this move by Speaker Pillay to retain Cesar is payback for legal assistance provided to him during the National Assembly election battle with PL last year. Political observers have commented on the fact that Cesar doesn’t possess the required pedigree to hold this job down in the manner that it should. They believe it is a favour from Pillay to repay Cesar for standing by him during his ordeal in regards to the Sri Lankan boy’s allegations.  Cesar also runs a Facebook group, ‘One Seychelles’, from his office (which is paid for by the taxpayers) in the National Assembly from where he launches insults and attack on anyone with a different point of view than LDS. This is highly unethical coming from an office in the National Assembly – What is the Speaker going to do about this situation?  It goes to show that Daniel Cesar will not be impartial in his advice to the Speaker on National Assembly matters. A reader has sent the piece below to prove his point that Cesar is not proficient enough to be the top legal advisor to an institution as important as the National Assembly:

From Mr. Daniel Cesar
"National Assembly Budget Parti Lepep Orizinal are screaming double standards at the National Assembly. Note that the National Assembly Budget has not increased. Secondly it is for the first time that the National Assembly has come under scrutiny in the open something that never occurred in the previous Assembly. When LDS won the election let us not forget Parti Lepep Orizinal sabotage with mass resignations, burn documents and wipe out computers as they thought that they prevent the Assembly from functioning. As Ton Pat explained those stayed on gave a hand and others were brought in. What I am paid is no secret as a Lawyer & Notary Public with my own Chambers with rights of audience in all Courts- retainers for most lawyers are more than that. As Special Adviser I also advise on legal matters and conduct other duties as and when required. The gripe of Parti Lepep Orizinal is not the 50,000 that am paid per month but One Seychelles - our Group. Charles DeCommarmond as Leader of Government Business and Sebastien Pillay as the Deputy before you both complain about FACEBOOK tell Seychellois who is the culprit MNA within Parti Lepep Orizinal that did the dirty by sneakily taking the photo of the vehicle for the Deputy Speaker and then have it posted on Facebook under Fake Profile. I will continue to expose Parti Lepep Orizinal - someday I will make a revelation and all Seychellois will know Parti Lepep Orizinal for what it is and Seychellois will never trust them again - just keep watching this space Parti Lepep Orizinal - if it was a foreigner earning it would be fine but not for a Seychellois Ordiner - Fer en INVESTIGATION dan UNISEY kot Pontiff Pwason i Chancellor for LIFE ek zot bann dalon - Am LDS and am proud to be LDS and will not stop until an LDS President is State House - Get use to the LDS Opposition! Nou pou kontiyen pil lo Parti Lepep Orizinal pou tou zot malis ek soufrans ki zot in fer zot prosen bann malfeter! Mon poz sa la pou zot dizere!!! Charels DeCommarmond dir ek Seselwa lekel sa de KONSILTAN ki ou annan ki lasanble ki peye e konbyen zot ganyen"??



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