Kangaroo Court challenged

The former Speaker of the National Assembly has filed a petition before the Constitutional Court for an injunction against a request to appear before the Anti-Victimisation Committee of the National Assembly. According to information that has reached this newspaper Dr. Herminie got a letter from the committee asking him to present himself before the committee for questioning this coming Saturday at around 9pm – to answer to an allegation by a former driver who lost his job many years ago.

Dr. Herminie is viewing this situation more like a persecution from his political enemies in the National Assembly, rather than a genuine case of victimization. This newspaper is of the view that this case against Dr. Herminie has been orchestrated by people formerly in SNP – who are now in a position of power in the National Assembly. They are making use of the power they have now to persecute people they had a difference or tussled with in the past. This is persecution in its real form. It is sad to think that it is coming from the same people who have complained bitterly about being oppressed in the past. It is a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire. Qui vivera vera! 



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