FPAC Chairman is now frustrated

The Honorable Leader of Opposition Father Wavel Ramkalawan is frustrated over the fact that Mrs. Lise Bastienne didn’t tell him what he wanted to hear. Wavel had brought Mrs. Bastienne before the committee to answer questions on the financial scandal in regards to a contract between the Irish and State House, which Mrs. Bastienne had signed in her capacity as Secretary of State in the office of the President; surely on the instruction of the Head of State at the time. The contract we believe covered only the nature of the work that the Irish company would carry out for the Seychelles Government. The FPAC had a copy of that contract and they could have easily looked it up and found that what they were looking for was not in that contract and they would not have wasted valu-
able time questioning Mrs. Lise Bastienne. The exercise was very political in character to quench the thirst of those asking for blood in the LDS, it is not a healthy situation for a nation with reconciliation on the agenda. Maybe, we need to rethink our strategy. This kind of wound will not heal overnight.

This newspaper has published documentations, which confirmed unequivocally that Ahmed Afif in his capacity as PS for Finance was the person, who had approved the budgets for both FIU and the NDEA; surely Ahmed Afif must know a lot on the matter. So, why is he not being made to answer the questions? Why is Wavel Ramkalawan protecting Ahmed Afif? We are of the view that everyone who has had a hand in the matter must be questioned, irrelevant of the political party they might now be supporting.

We also believe that no stone should remain unturned in this exercise to get to the truth, it seems that former top people in the PL government, who are now supporting the LDS will be protected. If that is the case then it is an exercise in futility. It will get nowhere, because the facts will not be wholesome in nature and no court of law will accept that kind of evidence.

This situation reminds us of the past, during the one party state, when people who were in SPPF were totally exonerated for crimes that they committed. This is not the kind of change that we were looking for and to think of it so much sacrifice has been made to reach that far and now a big cover-up is being orchestrated by Ramkalawan and co….    



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