Who's Running The Show?

Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture, led a one-day working visit to Paris to meet with French tour operators and members of the press. Minister St.Ange was accompanied on this working visit by Captain David Savy, the Chairman of the Seychelles Civil Aviation Authority (SCAA), and Mr. Manoj Papa, the CEO of Air Seychelles.
In Paris, the Seychelles Minister and his delegation were joined by Bernadette Willemin, the Seychelles Tourism Board's Paris-based Director for Europe; the island's Marketing Executive, Christine Vel; and Jennifer Dupuy. Air Seychelles' Justin Gosling and Christine Ozouf were also present at the meeting when Minister Alain St.Ange announced that Air Seychelles would, with immediate effect, operate its two weekly flights between Paris and Seychelles with only a technical stop in Abu Dhabi where passengers now remain on board the plane during the short stop.
"We can today announce that Seychelles has negotiated with Abu Dhabi for our flights to be authorized to make technical stops only in Abu Dhabi on the way to Seychelles. Tour operators from France have been requesting that their passengers traveling to Seychelles do not disembark during the transit stop in Abu Dhabi. The point was made that families with children were not happy with having to disembark and go through the security procedures before re-embarking on the plane. The same applied to the elderly passengers. Today we can confirm that we had heard the message and that the Abu Dhabi authorities had accepted to make an exception for the Air Seychelles flights to and from Paris and also Hong Kong," Minister St.Ange said.
The Seychelles Minister also explained the refocusing by Seychelles on tourism as the pillar of the island's economy with an inter-ministerial meeting with members of the tourism private sector and Chamber of Commerce and Industries where the challenges being faced by the industry are tabled, analyzed, and necessary actions proposed. This inter-ministerial meeting is being chaired by the island's Vice President Faure. Minister St.Ange also spoke about a separate committee instigated by President James Michel of the Seychelles that regroups the Ministers of Finance, Transport, and Tourism to analyze coordinated approaches to marketing and air access.
Also addressing the Paris tourism meeting were Captain David Savy and Mr. Manoj Papa. Both said that Air Seychelles had answered the call made by French tour operators and that this was but the first step to direct non-stop flights in the future. "We need to work together to stimulate the market and get numbers growing so that the island's national airline can in due course consider direct flights," they both said.



  1. Unfortunately for heath and safety, passengers are not allowed to remain in the aircraft while refueling. So what Mr Ste Ange is saying cannot be applied to Air Seychelles, unless it is allowed in the UAE.

  2. Bernadette should have been alone able to negociate without having to spend extra tax payers money to get Papa/mama,/Sister whoever there just to do what Bernadatte in regards should have done.

    Any whatever the name Pl wants to give it--Technical,mechanical,techonoligacal stop In DUBHAI will means still is not what we asking Pl to do.We mean Direct flight just as he did decades long before Pl slod Airseychelles to Khalfia.There is not need to waste passangers time and force them in duty free in DuBhai.We need direct flight,that is non-stop from Paris to Seychelles St Ange nothing than that.Any proposition that have to include via Dubhai,or else is not a direct flight St Ange.

    Stop bulshititing passengers and tourists we badly need for our economy by forcing them to transit in a palce that even the tours operators do not want(beucase there is no reasons be it technical or else to do).Visitors and tour oprerators concern should be primie and that before the dictation of Khalfia ,a perons who have nothing to do in decision making in the affiars of our vsoveriegn country.

    Tell us St Ange why you still bullshiting tour operators working to get the things you failed to do for you,with transiting SHort.Meduim/Long stop in DuBHAI St ANge?hOW DID YOU DO IN THE PAST sT aNGE?dID YOU STOP ANYWHERE FOR under the pretexts of technical,mechanical ,ttheorlical whatever reasons?Stop bullshitting people Pl,we Seychellois as 60 percentage share holders in Air Seychelles will dictate to you what must be done and as servant of the people we nautrally expect you to abide by the people dictattions or you have the free choice to leave the position of minister for the later isd not a personal asset and you are not oblige to stay in this position when you cannot deliver the dictations of the people your master.
    It is also ^high time to get a Seychellois managing their company not an Indain who is just there to fulfill Khalifia interest and help destroy our country's interests in the name of Khalfia.

    I support and would encourage the French tour operators to stick to their decision namely refusing to force their clients into transit and duty free in Dubhai----totheir clients opt for Seychelles and save their money sometimes months if not years long solely for a trip to Seychelles --not to be spend in duty free in dubhai ,in Afghanistan,Kaboul,north pole or else where.

    And one more thing St Ange,,,,,,if you seirous to get our tourism industry back on track---better work as team and partners with those who are doing more than this fialed government to help us get our tourism industry on trap and they are these tour operators you have to listen to ,not Khalfia ,Khalfia is not a National of Seychelles, he has no power in this country to decide the fate of our air line,country and take decision in the name of seychelleoi.He may dicate on his people,on his own airline,but not on a Christian sovereign Nation with no connection with him.

    do what the people want and that what the providers of tourists want--onl this way we could revive our i^tourism industry.And lastly Pl,We giving enough of your bullshits,do not forced us to change your by forced Pl.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  3. St Ange must stop the ingrained mentality of trying to dictate Pl will on others.The tourism industry involve many partners and for it to work decisions must be taken in partnership St Ange n0t by dictation from Pl government and less from a foreign government like UAe(we not part of UEa and we will never be part of it)so sto'p listening to khalfia but your master Seychellois people instead.

    When you work in partnerships S Ange ,you would have to take in considerations the most important aspects of your partenrs.the later also must ensure their companies objectives(real bojectives like having direct flight is one of the upmost unlike forced transit in Dubhia which only to please Khalifia a foreigner who should have nothing to do in our affaires.

    Seychellois support French travel agencies on their position "Direct flgihts which is also the position of professional in the tourism industry as well as the majority of our people.

    What we want must be the rule not what Pl gang and incompetent will want.If you cannot deliver the Wishes of thep ople ,then you have to go,the minister is not your personal asset but belong to seychelloisyour masters.Direct lfight St Ange .Pl or dismissed and go find a life in the gardening industry.

  4. St Ange I guess you enough educated to understand that a direct flight means departing from one spot and iwtohut stoping anywhwere uand land to the destinated spot.

    I would like St Ange to explain Seychellois with convincing arguments why pl wants Air Seychelles to stop in Dubhai?What makes it so important than anything else to stop in Dubhai.?Is that a priority for Seychelles tourism industry St Ange?And if yes,what this priority objective is ND WHAT WILL SEYCHELLES GET FROM IT IN REGARDES TO ENCOURAGING TOURISTS TO VISIT SEYCHELLES?iS IT MAY BE THAT MONEY THEY SAVED AND PLANNED TO INVEST IN sEYCHLLES ECONOMY BE SPEND IN DUTY FREE IN dUBAHI?dOES THAT BENEFIT SEYCHELLES TOURISM INDUSTRY AND ECONOMY ST aNGE?sINCE WHEN HAS dUBHAI A STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE TO OUR TOURISM INDUSTRY?

  5. Pl must also immediately allow Mr Afif to operate his airline to do what pl have fialed to do.Trying to deter and discourage Mr Afifi in the name ofKhalfia monopoly of the route must be stopped immdeidiately.YOu cannot operate direct flight then you got the guts to bullshit a Seychellois Citizen who wants to do something good for his country by impeding him to participate in his country prosperity while letting foreigners like Khalifa to monopolize and ddecide how transport services would be operated in Seychelles.

    Seychellois want a direct flight from Seychelles and vice versa,and this is unconditional St Ange.We refuse any arguments,pretextes,rediclues that tries to fulfill Khalfia wishes or any other fishers.

    1. Air Seychelles is a thrall of Etihad.

  6. The focus must be on making tourism work.
    The focus must not be to make Air Seychelles profitable.
    Let us get the fundamentals right before we make more mistakes.
    Christopher Gill

  7. The announcement of guest from Paris being allowed to stay in their seats is what we refer to as a Non starter.
    The route with onward bound Tourist to Seychelles, is only 20%.
    We really must get the fundamentals right.
    St. Ange was right to got to Paris, but he needed more in his hands.
    The market needs firm solid and serious message on direct flights.
    Christopher Gill

    1. He might whisper nice words into your ears when he is indulging in free food at your restaurant but for sure this guy is not to be trusted. Do not let Ste Ange take you for a fool. Thank you!

  8. As long as Ste Ange is the Minister of Tourism, there will be no change. Ste Ange is not interested in direct flights from Europe. If he did, there would have been changes a long time ago. Do not tell me that his hands are tied behind his back. He is part of this illegal regime. The buck stops with him.

  9. Seychelles inbound traffic by air is tied directly to Minister of Transportation run by Joel Morgan.
    It is not tied to Alain St. Ange.
    It is Joel Morgan who is responsible for this mess along with the deep reasons for it, courtesy of David Savy.
    St. Agne is trying to keep the French market in play. But it is obvious from the 20% inbound load factor with direct french tourist on Air Seychelles, that the French Market has abandoned us, they are simply fed up.
    Now the -14% figures will worsen unless direct flights are initiated.
    St. Ange banked the reversal on a thread, because that is exactly what Joel Morgan gave him.
    When Joel Morgan announced this technical stop at Abu Dhabi without disembarkation by Seychelles bound Tourists in the Cross Sectoral Meetings, I was near sleep, and did not budge when he said it.
    Neither will the French Market.
    Folks, we need to start taking the Tourism Industry more seriously, and the issue of direct flights: very seriously, very fast.
    Good Evening.
    Christopher Gill

  10. That meeting was just a show to pacify critics and the reasons are:-
    - St. Ange has to pretend he is listening to local tourist industry but he has to obey
    Michel who needs to please his boss Khalifa.
    - One way to buy time and nudge out the urgency of Seychelles Airlines
    - Stop-over is a stop, no such thing as technical or if passengers disembark or
    Tourists from Europe is doomed for the time being, due to weak EU's economy particularly France, scarce of Ebola outbreak in Africa and Seychelles being classified as part of Africa, and devaluation of the Seychelles rupee makes cost of living higher in Seychelles compared to neighboring destinations.
    By the way, where are the African State Representatives at the Ebola conferences? yet they never miss other meetings around the world, particularly Seychelles!
    Where is AU to sending their military, medical and financial assistance to their fellow African countries of Liberia, Sierra-Leone etc, infected with Ebola?. Only US and other western countries are giving millions and exposing their military personnel to fight this dangerous virus!
    Minister Larue better start preparing Seychelles Health Services on how to deal with an Ebola crisis. Even Michel is not shaking hands with diplomatic representatives from West Africa at State House for the time being! It is said that hypocrisy is a homage that vice pays to virtue.

  11. The answer is simple. We are 60% share holders of Air Seychelles. Khalifa owns 40%. We just have to tell the board of Air Seychelles - we need to start with 2 direct flight to Paris per week and gradually increasing it to daily flights to Paris - just like the old days ! If Khalifa cannot accept this, then move aside and let Afif & Seychelles Airline fill this void.

    Mr St Ange, I have a lot of respect for you. However, you should refuse to stoop so low to baffle the Seychelles Tourism stake holders. You and I and everybody knows what direct flight means. This bullshit about technical stop is just to 'fool' the mass. Direct from Paris means a flying time of between 8 1/2hrs to 9hours flying time in the air. 'Direct flight with technical stop' means a minimum of 12 hours in the air plus another 1hr to 2 hours technical stop. Such inconvenience puts a lot of economy class travellers off. Of course you Mr St Ange do not mind transiting in Dubai or Abu Dhabi because you only travel First and Business class at our expense. No wonder you and all the big wigs have reached Platinum status on Emirates Aline in record time !

    Enough said for this early morning. SPTC

  12. StAnge is surely doing his best,he is no doubt the only minister who seems to take his job seriously and trying to do his utmost,but unfortunately his hands is tied by mini dictator Morgan who seems have the duty and obligation to satisfy Khalfia's wihses than putting the country's interest before anything else.Has he pocket big bribes that now he must be slaved of Khalifa interest?Time will time.

    While we recognize St Ange willingness to do his best,it is also high times to publicly critize those in the government to the likes of Morgan who has been acting as traitor against Seychelles interest.He must have the gut to speaks out ,name and shame those donkeys who have confiscated our institituions to serve their own interest and that of foreigners who have bribed them and made them traitors.It is a question of honor St Ange,you cannot and should not accept that your affords are tampered by thieives who have done nothing to the country than destroy it,sell it out to foriegners and rape its insitutions,laws and people interests.Donot let yourself be a scapegoat of lesser idiots than you,do not let them drag you into their gang,If you want your honor respected you must speak out and then you will have the support of the people.

    Pl has not get it namely that Travel agencies are the primary source fro travel sources for both individual and tourist service providers.The altter includes the promotions for all essential for both business and leisure traveling including Hotels,Airlines,car rentals,and among of travel needs,as Dito they are the most important and lowest cost channel of distributions for Airlines..That means you cannot negociate by dictation Morgan,especially when you have your country's main industry in free fall .And pararelly,there is no convicning and petinent reasons to insisit on making transit in DUBHAI be it strategically,economically and technically and whatever froms.Why would you want AirSeychelles flying for Paris make a stop in DUBAHi when the Airline and time you forced Airsey in to Duty free in DUbahi would have landed in Seychelles(that when the airline has tow hours direct flight before reaching its final destination?).Donot try to tell us that there are no engineers,competent Seychellois and facilities at Seychelles National Airlort to conduct these so call technical be it checks whatever?Other Airlines be it private or Foreign National airlines when the land iĂ´n Sey Ariport they do have the technical,mechanical services provided by company stationed at Poit La RUe Airport Morgan/Pl.How did you do it before Glenny Savy when Airsey operated direct flights from UErope to Seychelles,was no all techincla checks done right here at Pointe LA RUE?Are you telling us now as we evaluate,develop that our people become more stupid and uncapable to repair,make technical checks on Airlines because Khalfia has decided so?

    There is no convicning justifications for whatever period of transit in DubAhi for whatever reasons.There is no need to land an Airline after flying 7 hours non-stop to force it to land in a country just two hours before it reach it final destination.There is not need to force tourists who savedtheir money to spend in Seychelles economy ot spend it in duty free in DubHia,There isno need to daily the flight by two hours to force tourists inot duty free when they want to get to their destination as faster possible into a duty free which they have not freely deicded to do.WHat they want Pl/Morgan is simply get to their finally destinations as faster possible ,with less inconveniences,and they do not expect that dictatorship that has for decades enslave its people tries to transport its dictation of the will and tell them where to spend their saving/money.What tourists expect from a host destinati0ns is that it provides them from the time they start their journey until they end their holiday with the best possible comfort -


  14. 14.38
    Totally right,it is Morgan and Michel who pocketed money from Khalfia to sell out Airseychelles who are impeding St Ange from getting the job done.Khalfia interest are above Seychellois interest from both Michel and Morgan,the same two who illegally sold out part of our patrimony to Khalfia.

    In any company,anywhere in the world,what is normaly is that the biggest share holder in a company have always the final say-----For Morgan and Michel it is Camel Khalfia the minority shareholder who have the decision-making dictation on our Airline.These two monkeys should refund the bribes they pocket from Khalfia and stop impeding the country tourism industry from getting our of the dark hole they created because of their lack of education.

  15. It wont happed.Now you are discovering the real POWER OF THE EAGLE from the UAE.
    We own Sesel sold to us and its population.HaHaHa.
    You will work to pay out your debt.

  16. I have to admit may be for la katryem fwa that I don't trust any more mon parti prefere lepep. Very Sad indeed.
    StAnge direct flight mean non stop and technical stop. Don't redefine your way. In creole anvol direk. Tiklo i tir zot aranz zot en peu e aret bat latet zot prozen.
    Aaaaa....rrrrrr.....wee Seigneur.

  17. Refueling with passengers on board is not against regulations.

  18. On the horizon Ebola brings more bad news for everyone. According to the WHO, the most severely affected countries are Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone, however, the Africa tourism industry has felt stark repercussions across the continent through economic losses, canceled flights and bookings, closed borders and negative perceptions. Tourists view Africa as one country in risk assessments and bookings are down to 70%. Seychelles is considered as 'Africa' and advertised as the gateway to Africa.
    Salem, St Ange and STB will have a hard time to convince the world that Seychelles is now part of UAE!

  19. The Paris - Seychelles 20 percent load factor combined with consistent -14 percent per month, every month compared to plus 14 percent growth of the same market in Mauritius tells the story of the French Market and their dissatisfaction with the stop in Abu Dhabi.
    The industry but more importantly, the government, must grapple with these fundamentals and tailor the counter action accordingly.
    The Market wants a firm and clear position on Direct Flights.
    They do not care about your problems with Etihad or commitments.
    Give Seychelles Airlines the go ahead, to save the French Market and salvage Seychelles credibility.
    GOS has no other option.
    Good day!
    Christopher Gill

  20. The people are so gullible that they believe anything that the Government tells them. Now they think that a technical stop is not a stop-over and the plane will not be on the ground. They believe that Seychelles is the most beautiful place on earth and the tourists will visit Seychelles no matter what, even if they do nothing to please the visitors. This sentiment is often heard from shells vendors at Beau Vallon, of course they have not seen the other side of the coin to realize that there are other beautiful places in this world. Seychelles is beautiful to an extend, depending on what sense one looks at it, but it has many drawbacks too. For one, it is not peaceful at all - just listen to the barking of the dogs, the howling of the cats and the roaring of Tata buses. One tourist summed it all in the following term "This is a noisy f...,,g little island". Another said "A beautiful country but ugly government".

  21. PL talks about commitments towards Eithad,but what about Eithad commitment towards Airseychelles that must be reminded that it holds 60 percentage in the code share thus the later as the biggest shareholder should have its say.

    As to the pretexts of technical stop it is baseless and not an important and should not be a priority argument in the negociation.Airsey has in the past operated direct flights without the need to undergo technical stop two hours before reaching Seychelles and there is no reasons that confirm it needs to do so today.It is a pretexts forward by Morgan in order to impede direct flights because Khalfia has dictated STOPS in DuBHAI to forced passengers in his duty free as part of his stragety.

    When we ask visitors to visit our country ,we should also be prapred to provide them with all their required services at the best possible comveniences and that including the best condition to reach our shores.Forcing them two hours stop in dubhai to simply please Khalfia as if Khalfa is a prophet that all passengers would have to worship before continuing their journey is a sign of disrespect of the visitors.

    Morevoer,If Morgan cannot reverse crooked deals he signed with Eithad in return for bribes ,he could at least speed up the licencing of Mr Afif new airline which couls be operational as fast possible to do exactly what Pl incompetent government is failing to do.Then Morgan can go debate with himself a in toilet about his commitment with ETIHAD.

    Seychellois people needs leaders that put the country's interests before anything else.Agreements signed in thze name of an illegitimate government in secrecy does not reflect their peoples will and does not put the interest of the country.In other words,Morgan/Michel unilateral deals with Etihad is illegal.

    We want direct flight from Europe to Seychelles Morgan,and nothing more.And since you do not have the competent and the authority to negociate in thepoeple's name you should demission,for inc0ompetency and iresponsiblity and anti-patriotism.

  22. If we tinkle we have to sprinkler every trees because there are no portable toilets.

  23. dOES ANY LONG HULA ARICRAFT NEEDS A TECHNICAL STOP AFTER SEVEN HOURS FLIGHT?the answer is No.E,g Cathy Pacific flies 16 hours from USa to Hong kong non stop,Singapour Airline 21 hours from New York to Singapour non-stop,Singapour flies 18 hours non-stop from LA to Singapour,Cathy Pacific 16 hours non-stop from Jannesburg to Dallas etc..etc..etc..

    So why would make Morgan wants to forced an Airline landing for technical check after seven hours filght?None than the slavishness to please Khalfia,the guy who bribed him.

  24. Sometime,the beauty itself could be a very prefect ads for a destination ,which Seychelles uncontestly posses,but at the ned of the day ,regardless how beautiful the destination maybe ,if would cannot provide the guests with the facility to get to the destination ,the beauty of th destination will remain a fantasy in the guests' head.That is what Morgan and Pl policy is doing to our tourism industry.They are destroying it and that by the obsession to put Khalfia interst before that of Seychelles.YOu mught have thought,these two donkeys who have bankrupt the country twice in less than five years who be a little more intelligent by this time listen to experts both Local and Intenrational,but the tow donkey with half-brained have convivnced themselves that ifalures could be turned into success by following the policies that keep fialing the country,This is irresponsible and inaccpeted for the people.

  25. Bonjour les amis Seychellois,
    Les Français aiment les Seychelles et nous souhaitons tous la reprise des vols direct Paris - Seychelles (sans escale) pour de multiples raison !
    La majorité des Français attendent ce moment avec impatience pour revenir dans leur pays préféré ! Alors nous patienterons le temps qu'il faudra pour la reprise des vol direct Paris -Seychelles !
    Espérons a très bientôt amis Seychellois,
    Le Français

  26. 4.40
    This is a portable toilet, Morgan's mouth.

  27. What was PAPA who does not speak a one word French doing there?

  28. Morgen says AAIRSEY has a commitment toward ETIHAD,but not the opposite though AIRSEY is the biggest shareholder.By Commitment ,Morgen gives us an idea of what kind of illegal deals he and Michel made to ETIHAD--NAMELY USE airsey AS SECONDARY aIRLINE TO Etihad AND that all Inrternational operations would be reserve and done by Etihad.In the deal AIRSEY was to operate regionally only ,so Morgen cannot tell us that Airsey which was not operating Flights from Europe /Seychelles had a commitment Have AIRSEY transit in DUBHAI.This shows that Morgen/Michel deliberately Signed with EITHAD the destruction of our National company solely to please Khalfia/Etihad objectives without daring about the negatives that such illegal deal would have on our tourism industry though Mr Afif who himself an ex-pilot therefore has some experience in Airline industrywarned those two Maron Michel/Morgan not to make the deal.The two greedy marons with their little half-brain tempered by bribes illegally went on to sign an illegal,disadvantagous,economic Desturctive to our tourism industry thus our economy as if National assests are their pirvate properties.

  29. Captain Morgen tells us ,he will do everything for Airsey.But failed to one the one and only important thing namely get Airsey operating direct flights to our main market in order to save our free falling tourism industry and feed Pl who has bankrupt us twice.We donot need you to do everything Morgen,you have proven uncapable tries the only one little thing instead ---by getting Airsey our Seychelles National Airline(not UEA Airline )start immediately it traditional route in order to save our tourism industry you and Michel with you crazy,incompetent,idiotic polcies had brought us into.You have already< committed many crimes that you have to answer for,at least avoid adding one more crime to your long list by allowing Seychellois to have control on its National Airline and not that of a foreign country and despot.

  30. Every time Joel Morgan opens his mouth the people of Seychelles want to puke, He must be the most despise Minister in Michel's government. He is smeared with corruption and introduces idiotic strategies. He said that the Boer Brigadier Hunter has made provisions and plans for the Police Force which are being studied and reviewed before implementation. Do not hold your breath, the Boer will pull old files from the shelves submitted long before him, use the ideas therein as his own - plagiarism it is call. Another fake prophet in our Christian land!

  31. He is Michel's right hands,In all illegal deals made by Michel he has been the the most active helper of Michel be it is illegal sell out of our patrimony to Khalifa,illegal deals in Etihad/Airsey,and so on.ou remember,Michel preferred him than FAURE as Vice President,becuase of his slavish bahaviour towards Michel,but pressure from FAR ,forced Michel to follow what the Polit Buro decided namely Faure as Vice President and then Chief-of crooks.

  32. St Ange is complaining about no enough money to advertise Seychelles,What the purspoe of asking for more tax payers money when we cannot transport those who want to visit us to our shore St Ange?why not raise the most important issue which is operating immediate direct flight t and from our main market St Ange?Get what is needed done first ,before even asking to waste money to adverstise.Advertising and fialing to provide the adequate means to get those interesting to visits on to our shores ,will be a waste of tax payers money.Get first ,direct flights t our sohres St Ange then we could talk about more money to advertise Seyhelles.The rasons that money is needed to advertise Seychelles ,is known namely because Pl with its crooked polcies have destroyed our amin market ,wehich was well-publized and advertised in the past decades,Now we must psend double and more to revie a market we were once well-established because of the madness of two donkeys Michel/Morgan who illegally made deals with Khalfia thereby destroying our tourism market and industry.

    We refuse to give you money tax payers money StAnge unless you can find solutions to the key problem affecting our tourism industry new,namely the failure to operate direct lfights from and to our main market,Before proving yourself and achieving this important step ,there is no need that tax payers throw more money in your minister.We want to see ,first results on pending problems first,before nothing St Ange.

  33. Thorwing more money for now to St Ange,will be like throwing money to promote a film ,then the promoter cannot provide the ticket to those who wants to see the film,It is a loss St Ange.

  34. In the mean time Mancham is getting tons of congratulatory messages around the world leaders on his new books. Even youth leader in Seychelles stated how interesting the book is eventhough he had not finish reading it. JAM is still on page 5 and in need someone to read for him like a bed time story! Poor man, he want to retired but idiots keep voting for him.

  35. Congratulations coming from paid ex-minister of Rwanda and thoers retired persons does not make a book good.We need to wait and read ourselves what is Manchan talking about ,Shit or fact.E,g doews he explained how he secretively via Khalifa negociate and paired with Pl thugs ,the same who over threw him.How much did he pocketed in the deal?How must he is pocketing from Tax payers money in pension for life ?etc.....Youth leaders are the fabricates of Pl communsits they sing the song with words put in their mouths by Pl.In other oqwrds,they not free but slave of Pl.We expects JJ SPirit foundation members wihhc is an illegal organization sponsor by rax payers money by Pl ,which replace what should be a National youth foundation.

    it seems some of those praising Mancham books have been poaid to the likes of Bashir Currimjee Muaritius,saying "I weill buy a few copies for my friends"Why ask them to buy it themselves Mr Currimjee if it was so convincimgly interesting and educative?

  36. Tns of messages --but the thing is Dr Mancahm said RENE invited him back---we would like to see detailed of how RENE convicned him to come back and the amount of money he pocketed to accept RENE invitation.No on would bleive Mancham return was for free .And since he had never fight to re-established democracy in Seychelles but rather supporting Partilepep ,this in itself raises suspicion and a sign that Mancham must have pocketed money from RENE.No one wold stay quiet unless been compensated in multi-millions.,which would be something illegal.

  37. Praslinois is exceling Pl government is promoting our Seychellois,creole culture by reving our Traditional wedding.That is what Seychellois culture and tradition is all about.Not Hindu religious procession that has nothing to do with us and should not be allowed in our country.

    Bravo Praslinois,Keep it up!You are safeguarding our tradition and culture being threaten by Pl and foreigners like Indains who have been allowed to illegally aubse our streets to promote their own culture.

  38. PRASLINOIS excep partilepep in promoting,preserving their creole culture and tradtions.Praslinois seems much advance and aware of their culture and tradtions than Pl government who prefer fake,non-creole and Seychellois culture and traditions like the illegal Hindu religious procession.Hindu Temple,Chinese Pagoda,that have nothing to do with us.

  39. Praslinois excel partilepep

  40. Of course for a first start after being buried by Partilepep communist ,the traditional wedding being revived by Praslinois is not perfect yet--for example,the traditional carte is missing,more traditional customs should be wore by those following the couple,accompanied by Accustic camtole music(often only violins and guitar plus ROMNACE songs etc...)but I am sure the Praslinois who organized or initiate tand reviving our tradtions are working on it ,to perfect it,make it more attractive,and give it it real full traditional flavor.

  41. We do have any pirates in our EZEZ Morgan they been long radicated,what he have is three young Seychellois in Egyptain gulag on the death row.

  42. DIMANS Beach---pl tells us it is a success---but what do we really learn from that is that there is alck of ativities for both Locals and tourists,that there is the possibility of developeing a real domestic tourists--secondary to foreign toursits for instance by offering weekends Day trip including barbecue,lunch-bag.etc.. to our Outter Islands,that we need more night attractions etc.......We more both of DAY and night attractions,things like Cabaret,piano bar,hard rock café,muscals,pubs,Partilepep

  43. Morgan on the way to Dubai to go worship Khalfia and will be forced to approved in secrecy Khalfi's Plan for Victoria but because of Seychellois opposition to Both Khalifa and the planning being down by an Arb despot who Seychellois hate and want to see out of their country Morgan and Pl must disguise the real reason behind his visit to Dubai behind Meeting in the fight of piracy.

    The only pirates we still have in Seychelles are partilepep criminals not Somalis.As to Morgan may he inherited it from his grand grand parent Captain Morgan,that explain that he keeps robbing Seychellois just like his grand parent did.




  45. 5:09 All I will tell you is Bel-Ombre Hotel will go ahead, even if you do not want or like it. Abdul

  46. It was announce that an indian worker disappeared on Astove Island in the Siychelles.
    Queation for IDC; What are the indians doing there? How many are there? Doing what? Are they doing illagal job that sesewra don't like? How did they get there? One more question who is the king of the IDC?

  47. I can't believed my eyes when I read the article on SNA.

    St Ange closed the Kreole festival after barbare ziska siser bomaten!

    I am so happy the general Presidential election was not the following day because we were going to see the deaths lining up at the booth station ready to cast their votes for PL the crooks.

  48. St. Ange is not our problem.
    Our problem is lack of direct flights.
    Sesel Pou Seselwa!
    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  49. Mr Gill, I agree St Ange is not the problem. I also agree direct flight is a problem but not the only problem. We need to make ourselves competent, competitive and offer excellent customer service as well. The 15% VAT should not apply to small establishments of say 10 rooms ! Taxi fares are too high, internet costs are too high, Emirates & Etihad has a monopoly to fix airfares from Europe... How come the cost fro Europe to Kenya, Zambia, Tanzania etc are some 35% cheaper than travelling to Seychelles...

    1. Ste Ange is part of the gang. He is the Minister of Tourism and should put an ultimatum on Morgan desk. Either direct flights or resign. Unfortunately he does not have the guts. Morgan and Ste Ange are from the same political party. They are as guilty as each other. Aret pren seselwa pou Kouyon!

  50. Chinese officials charge for ivory trafficking in Tanzania, Seychelles today was asking who benefit from coco der mer? PP crooks and Chinese.


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