Seychelles Economy In Free Fall!


  1. Suggested rates.
    We pay more.

  2. I am building house in India.
    I willl payyy morrrrre.

  3. My monthly allowance to my family in Colombo is getting lesser and lesser. We need a salary increase to be able to live and work as a slave in this Sisel. Malaki

  4. Be prepare to dig deep next year Seselwa SPTC,you will have your fingers stuck for a long time in your a** if you can not see between a Economy falling and a economy growing, stop listen to this MALTOU TOU Michel our economy is strong he don't nothing how much his ministers spend in half.

  5. Is this the same MALTOU TOU, who after visiting the Pope back in 2008, informed us that we had a very strong economy. Back in the days Lehman Brothers advanced us so many million dollars. Seselwa forgets easily. The only Seselwa that never forgets is the demon FAR.

  6. Meriton its time for you to bring a system for the youths,it s call work and learn and this can be done with students after finish secondary school and university if you want our youths to have a future job and not end up in heroin after only study and they can get the jobs your government had given to foreigners and those foreigners can go back were they come.
    PP must know that not only theory are been use for job,practicum are also needed for a future job and look what their future jobs they want put our students in some company and to encourage them a small loan should be pay out every month by this company were they learning their future jobs.
    I have more on this but I want to see if you idiot see what I mean.Dont wait till they finish polytechnic or university they have to start working also when study.If you look this 2 or 3 years just study not doing a few hours or one day ervery week work lots of time lose and motivation lost end up in heroin and alcohol.PP stop making your Seselwa been lazy and than blame them have vision and a solution.

    Seychellios first

  7. Corrupt regime don't have vision and solution.

  8. Sorry I mean only after secondary!!

    Seychellios first

  9. Seychelles economy will stay in free fall, until Pl incompetent idiots revisit their faling and destructive economic policy follow since 2008 by Michel government.Real economic reform is needed that is refroms that are based on supporting macro-economic and ustainable development--On the same length reduction of expats that cause financial leakage,forcing foreign companies operating in Seychelles to keep some of their reveneues into our economy,and making foreign companies pay their taxes,duties and so on.VOODOO economic policies nenver worked Pl,.In fact Michel has failed the country he should resign and desovle his fialed and crooked government and call for new immediate election,or build up a coalition or unity government immeidaitely in order to stabilize the free fall and finally get the economy of back on track.

  10. Corruption is no longer a question of disparate anecdotal evidence or an issue of intellectual debate,Corruption has become the laothesome disease of Seychelles body politics.Seychelles problem is Pl.Less we get rid of pl criminals Seychelles will find itself strangle for decades to come.

  11. Michel is an old donkey---each time he opens his mouth Seychellois discover how more stupid he has grown.Economy is growthing in his bank account abroad where he banked all the ill-gotten money he robbed from Seychellois.It is the hair in his arsehole that is growing longer and longer each year not economy.

  12. What are you waiting 4, get rid its a easy word to say and write but when you organise a protest in Victoria.If you politicians can not stand up and fight for freedom don't talk about get rid and only behind a computer every day you will never get rid of them?Making Seychellios living only in hope and in a dream.

    Me say!

  13. Do PP have a screen machine at the international Air Port to stop any EBOLA case arrived on our shore?

  14. yOU DO NOT DETER EBOLA BY putting screeners at ports of arrivals,it is ridiculous and absurb,You donot let potential victim leave their infected countires travelled with potentialhealthly passangers hours long in planes and then wait at the ports of entering to screen them when we know that the syndrome of the virus takes according to experts a minimum of ten days to be identified.What you do is scrren passangers at the port of deaprtures in these countires affected by the virus in order that they donot transport the ivurs world wide.By doning so you could take protective actions right in these countires affected where potential contaminated passagners could be kept in carantine in airports at ports of deaprtutre.The rediculs we see around the world whereby countires are putting screening machines etc.. at the port of enteries is ridiculous ,inaffective,costly and useless.Deal with the problem at it source not wait the virus to be transported to you .

    Jeanne D'Arc

  15. Jeanne Darc shut f*ck why Great Britain and the rest of Eu and US are doing screening?Those countries that been affected don't have the equipment needed to deal with diseases if a passenger is positive or negative.You got any idea what its better.Jeanne Darc will you be able to stop it spread if its come on our shore what you propose pussy?
    And PP should not only control at the Air Port they have to watch those Ships with African workers on this Tuna vessel from Senegal.
    And do you if those ship been control were they dock in Africa Jeanne?Answer my Q pussy you like to avoid Q some time when you get no answer.

    Seychellios first

  16. Jeanne some ship docking in Seychelles also come from Africa do you know were its dock in Africa Jeanne?

    Three Caribbean countries have ban fly coming from these three countries affected in Africa.And you what you propose Jeanne or you gone home to do your home work and come back the next day to answer?

    Seychellios first!

  17. Heyoula Condi Creole Bous ou Fes kaka couyon were ever you are despora.come to Seychelles to vote pilon.

  18. Pou vote pou ki?

  19. Me don't be leave in any rat race on the island!!

    Seychellios first.

  20. Donne Li encore 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 juska ler inn nepli capab marsey.
    Delo kaka lamisere.


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