Affaire Harmon Chellen: des comptes doivent être réclamés à la police seychelloise

Le 18 août 2014, le corps sans vie du Mauricien Harmon Chellen, une figure importante du tourisme de l’Ile Maurice, est retrouvé en mer aux Seychelles. Quelques jours plus tard, Lindley Couronne, Directeur de DIS-MOI publie une tribune qui souligne les aspects incohérents de cette affaire qu’il juge suspecte. L’article fait énormément de bruit à l’Ile Maurice et est aujourd’hui un de ceux qui ont été le plus consulté sur notre site. Le 28 août, Lindley Couronne publie une nouvelle tribune dans le journal Le Mauricien où il parle des suites de l’enquête et des réactions des citoyens après son premier billet. Aujourd’hui, il reprend la plume dans le journal L’Express de l’Ile Maurice : nous reproduisons ici ses propos.
Acculé par la pression citoyenne régionale, l’État des Seychelles, par l’intermédiaire de l’Attorney General de l’archipel, réclame désormais une enquête judiciaire. Requête que nous saluons. Toutefois, la vigilance reste plus que jamais de mise, car si nous voulons que la vérité sorte enfin de toutes ces zones d’ombre, il faudrait plus qu’une enquête judiciaire, aussi impartiale soit-elle. Il faudrait également et surtout que les autorités mauriciennes sortent de leur torpeur et montrent qu’elles sont prêtes à dépasser la realpolitik régionale.

Harmon Chellen
Plus nous nous plongeons dans le déroulement des faits relatifs à l’affaire Harmon Chellen, plus les contradictions nous explosent à la figure. En voilà quelques-unes que nous choisissons en vrac.
a) Alors qu’une déposition a été donnée à la police de Maurice pour affirmer que la mort d’Harmon Chellen est plus que suspecte, notre bonne police nationale, dirigée par le commissaire Dhun Ishwar Rampersad a-t-elle interrogé Deepak Balgobin, le Human Resource Manager de Shanti Maurice, qui était avec Harmon Chellen aux Seychelles en tant qu’invité d’honneur ?
b) Quel est le rôle joué par le consul mauricien aux Seychelles, le Dr Shah ? Quelle est la nature de sa fonction ? Et surtout, quels intérêts défend-il, lui qui conseille dans une lettre adressée à la famille Chellen de ne pas venir aux Seychelles, évoquant en cela deux arguments farfelus ?
c) La police seychelloise, tristement célèbre, a écrit officiellement dans son Diary Book que M. Harmon Chellen était «missing» à 14 heures 28. Cela, c’est au départ, alors qu’elle suppute que toute la région écoutera, émerveillée, son conte de fées. Mais sous la pression publique et médiatique, elle vient de sortir de sa boîte de Pandore une autre heure : 12 heures 10. Des autorités policières n’ayant rien à se reprocher joueraient-elles ainsi avec le temps, et par conséquent, avec leur crédibilité ?
d) Le certificat de décès d’Harmon Chellen établit sa mort à 15 heures alors que la police évoque 14 heures 50. Which is which ?
e) Quel aura été le rôle du brave ministre du Tourisme seychellois Alain Saint-Ange dans cet événement scandaleux ? Peut-il encore se regarder dans un miroir, lui qui s’empressa d’insinuer que son invité d’honneur se serait suicidé ?
Alain Ste Ange

L’État des Seychelles a encore beaucoup de chemin à parcourir pour être reconnu par les citoyens du sud-ouest de l’océan Indien comme un État de droit. Certes, l’initiative d’une enquête judiciaire est un pas dans la bonne direction, et nous nous attendons à une enquête réellement indépendante, qui réclamera des comptes à la police seychelloise. La société civile mauricienne et celles des régions avoisinantes demeureront attentives pour que cette «Judicial Enquiry» ne se convertisse pas en une «solemn judicial farce».
Lindley Couronne
Directeur DIS-MOI (Droits Humains Océan Indien)
Lindley Couronne


  1. Dans un Etat dirigé par des escrocs et par des voyous,....Putain,quelle justice de merde!Pour embellir un peu cette société de merde,voila une justice,entre déficit de crédibilité et amateurisme,dans les dérives s!illustrent dans l!affaire Chellon.
    Ces dysfonctionnements ont pourtant toujours été d!écriés ,mais rien n!y fait.
    L!une des tares de la justice Seychelloise s!avère être manque de qualification et d!adaptation aux réalités monderne des magistrats
    La justice seychelloise,ces les errements d!une justice en désorde,une justice kangourou,proffessionnement incompétente
    Sans doute,il pèse lourde suspicion de l!opinion publique
    Jeanne Darc

  2. Les assassinats ne sont jamais élucidés .les Seychelles est un paradis sur terre,mais dirigé par des bandits,qui croient avoir les compétences nécessaires pour diriger.longtemps laissé à la traine,l!appareil judiciare. SEYCHELLOIS ,gangrené par plusieurs maux.:démagogic,incompétenre,laxisme,amateurisme,comme le pouvoir en place.

  3. Connaîtra_t, _on jamais la vérité dans la tragétie ?par qui le crime a~t~il commis?il Que l!état Seychellois soit provisoirement accusé de complicité dans le meurtre,et déclaré coupable d!entravé à,la justice.
    Il ne s!agit là que d!une suspicion légitime à l!égard d!un état de voyous,et d!une justice malade.

  4. The murdering of Mr Chellon is not different from a long litany ofincompetent justiceroom comedies ,qhich erapped up in the usual fashion:cover up state commited crimes.All the travesties of justice in this country,are testimonies to the fact that is high time for radical change in the say our country is rule.
    Wher justice as long lost its meaning,qhere prosecutors are blunt instruments of a tyrannic sytem,where courts are abattoirs ,the rule of law means nothing,but the rule of the tyrannic sytenTrails are farcicial,and the jufges are too comical to be taken seriously.The star comodian GA,leading the farce,his clumsy performance is just a badly scripted melodrama.
    It is time to banish stand~up comedians to the like of Govinden,and clowns in the justice sytems and courtroom,.
    Mr Chellon calls for justice is heard from his grave, and justice must be made pl.

    1. Govinden requesting a "judicial inquiry"? What a load of bull. Wait and see Govinden will appoint Perera to hold the inquiry. Perera will be told to exonerate the Police. That is exactly what will happen.

  5. The word justice literally is in existant in the vocaburary imof prototype pokice state,what you get is windowing judiciary system at the service on policestate.luke the kangaroo justice,you got robocops,often ill~bred ruling party gang membrrs garbed in police uniforms,with the whole gamut:arbituary arrests,torture,coercive use of force detainees to confesse,and murder.these toutine activities of thug police in a thug state
    The seychelles constitution guarentees “persons arrested have the right to remain silent,Persons arrested or in police custody shall not be compelled to make confession or admissions which could be used in evidence against him“still the police thugs in seychelles,use coercive methods on detainees amounting to torture,methods of the mediaval time,to extract confessions from detianees,.
    La justice n!en finit pas de se démener comme un beau diable la justice Seychelloise est malade,ce aui du coup crée une crise de confidence justice et justiciable.
    Nous vivons actuellement une crise des valeurs sans précèdent.
    THE CASE,should have long been closed ,for since mr chrllrn,die at the custody of police,the culprit could only be police thugs on duty this day.An ill~mannered,ill~bred ,contankerous and boorish police thug..The same who arrested him butchered him,in michel style,le boucher de seychelles.
    Justice must be done ...not only justice must be made,but must be seen to be done.

  6. Ever since the Coup --- the Police Force Unite went down the drain.
    According to SPUP lead by France Albert Rene at that time the SPLA (Seychelles People Liberation Army) must be the priority. Police could not do their job at night ----because Militias and the so call Solda Rene ruled the night! They were the Rooster in the Chicken house!
    Now what we see is foreigners are doing what Seychellois use to perform because this generation don't trust this administration. It's a shame!. Komdir morisyen zot ban'n GOGOT.

    Alain StAnge with his big fat pork belly like a nine months pregnant man abusing tax payers money lavishing himself around the world with ladies.

  7. C'est tres deplorabe Alain.
    Les Seychellois mange poison sale et le manioc bouir tous les jours.
    Et toi tu mange oeufs de caille au foie gras.
    Salad de volaille a la chinoise
    Crevettes flamblees
    Pruneau au bacon.
    El le cafe moose!
    Quand le bebe vat venir?

  8. Seychelles is in disarray,who to blame?Each slip~ups seems to havw its own rationale.
    What cclearis that roulette ~wheel of Mr Chellen case is just one amount many thers where no~one has been arresred or brouht to justice as always.however,this time for murder most fool,as supported by the report of mauritian forensic experts,stated clearly that Mr Chellon was tortured to death in police custody so shocking but not surprised that police perpetrators got off scot~free.

    What is also clear is that Seychellois has enough,of this under~qualified,incompetent AG.The auestion that crops up is,when would Michel sack his conveyancing clerk?well,michel cannot sack his cover~up state crimes chief agent,that would mean,that the appointed authority may also be incomptent.
    Seychellois think Govinden should quit for incompetency,.His incompetency has become a shame,an anbarassement for seychrllois.He should be issued a certificate,of incomprtency by sey. Law Society.

  9. 15 16
    The brit left a highly qualified,professional police forces to seychellois,with good police culture and ethics,pl has destroyed all that,and replaced it in 1977,with a stasi like police forces often made up of party police reflects the ruling party dictatorial system.police can break in to a person house without warant,point an ak 47 one a suspected thief,though they not sure he was thecthief and though thevperson is not armed.policedoes does run behind an unarmed thief ,but as the have easy fingers on the stigger,they shoot.Forensic experts in seychelles never go on a crime scene ,the stay in an office and fabricate all kinds of illusionary theories,as in the casr of Mr Chellen demonstrates.
    Police ,some are armed withAK 47,war riffles to harrass unarmed citigens ,in a country in which no citizens posse arms,eception party membrrs such as The Royal family members,ex army colonels though zhey should not,they retired,etc...

  10. Seychelles has become island without hope. In desperation, Minister Morgan has to sacrifice Ernest Quatre at the alter of lawlessness as a 'big shake up' for the police force. It is just the beginning, the worse is yet to come!

  11. The road map for a better police force is clear!
    Take out the political profession!
    Police should be separated from the so call army!
    Whenever or wherever Quatre goes like a police graduation,what you see at his back is the so call BRIGADIER PAYET!
    BTW for a lot of tax payers agree that Seychelles does not need an ARMY!
    Who the hell is going to attack you!
    A good police unite like (we use to call gard grogenou)
    A good coast guard.
    A good air patrol unit.
    More fire stations in the villages....nowadays by the time a fire brigade reaches its destination the fire already burnt itself down or there are no water connections!

    1. Arab jihahdist ki pu atak nu! hehey

  12. On the first phot above,I thought it was BU`DDAH in deep meditation ,then I realize it is St Ange-Ang still having a hang over after a long night boozing Rhum.

  13. There is a mass protest in Seychelles in half an hour time.

  14. He recently underwent a liposuction and all to be paid by the next generation.
    That the reason his back was hurting.

  15. Morgan is a joke to be responsible of the law and order.
    People around him were making jokes while testing the police communication.
    Nek nek nek nek can you hear me now?
    (As he turn around a little) CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? HOW ABOUT NOW?

  16. A good special forces that its,pl.not need for artillary and inflantry divisions.Would help stopi.g government wasts on two infantry and artillery devisons could be used to modern those units we really need,as the blogger pointed out.modernization means ,using high~tech,it we need a small quality army not quantity pl.

  17. 17.58 said to separate Police from the Army, a good idea but it is impossible!
    Since the coup, the budgets of Police and Army are but one, under control of the head of the army, i.e. Brigadier Leopold Payet. The break down of the published budgetary allocations on paper are all a fake! If the police department has to make substantial expenditures like purchasing of vehicles, building etc., it has to be approved by Leopold Payet. He would even go himself to South Africa to make the wheeling-and-dealings, e.g. chose the colour and type of vehicles. His modus operandi in receiving whatever ... He is the head of the army but at the same time the controller of the Police Department. The Police Commissioners are appointed as stooges! No wonder why the Seychelles police is what it is today!
    For the shake-up to be complete you need a change of Government that would cleanse the corrupted system and corruption!

  18. U mean the second father xmas,humpt~dumpty,or buddhist statue,could as religious statue during baie ste anne!s spiri patrone ....STE ANNE .could be a good tourist attration....picture in a cage at victoria botanical garden,and tourists paying extra fee to visit him.this will boost tourist arrival,many would be eager to come to see this new discovered endemic species.Discovery CHANNEL would be invited ,a good opportunity to advertise seychelles abroad for free..via discovery channel.Then Gill wouldhas full occupancy all year round .

  19. Pl should replace those AK 47 it gives tazar, by indian made TRAVOR 21 Riffles.k 47,make them look like somali army,it does not represent a force of the 21St,century with ak 47,michel favorite toy.


  21. LE programme et la doctrine de Gill sont inconsistants.Une fois encore Gill se détermine en function de ce qu`il préfè`est fait remarquer par son obsession prépondérante.Dnas LUCKY LUKE,Averell Dalton,passe son temps à demander "Quand est- ce que on mange?Avec GilL ,c`est "Quand est-ce que on .....merde.

  22. The best thieves of the YEAR who get away are the PL bigots.
    The best one man political party is none other then the SFP.
    The best man who keep laughing this year is JPI.
    The worst coq capon is TOTOF

  23. Be zot be kot in nobou ganny sa portre?

    1. Be careful this kannar kouver in the green shirt.
      He is having PMS and his GPS is on his table near the star buck coffee.
      That' mean he a BITCH and he will find you.

  24. Minister Morgan announced a new structure within the police yesterday. He said the appointment of two new Assistant Commissioners of Police is a 'shake-up' for the Police Force. What nonsense, it is more of a shenanigan than a skate-up, or better still "c'est pain pour faire pain-pain" as the kreol says.
    Morgan and his advisors have lost it. They do not know where they are and what to do. They have no strategic planning, instead they are struggling to survive from day to day. Ernest Quatre wants to get the hell out of there but he has been asked to stay a little longer to give time for the white Hunter to stabilize himself, and for him to do this he needs two stabilizers - one on the right and one on the left. A silly organizational restructuring that goes against the long-term development of a small Police Force.
    The rationale is what one could not do as a Chief-Superintendent, one would not do as an ACP period. More regalia on the shoulders of individuals do not necessarily makes him or her better or more intelligent, only more bureaucracy and a sure way for the force to become 'top-heavy', and they have been there before. Perhaps Morgan and his advisors do not know this, they better ask ex. Commissioner Kilindo why he jettisoned Tite Morin and Labonte. "Plus sa change, plus sa reste........" words of late Justice A. Sauzier .

    1. Right on! The next thing we shall hear is that the white Hunter is promoted Commissioner! And the argument will be that as Deputy he is de facto to replace Quatre. Bravo Morgan! this is a real smart long-term planning, and who says that little white monkey has no strategy?



  26. Best floor crosser ,gill.

  27. RAM street protest ,a total flop.He wante over 200 people ,which was already not much for a population of 85 thousands and considering how before Seychellois unveiled his real person,he was able to fill up stadiums.Only two-dozen turned up and they marched about hundred meters and than vanished into the bushes.A personal defeat ,a self defeat for Our millionaire priest.

  28. Sang wrong,mate when r u coming down for us to celebrate Xmas n new yr avec un bon verre lapire dal hey nou a mange tortie met ou contemp baka kan let me know early as tofe is drinking whisky with marko.

  29. As goviden is enjoying his caviars,champagn,coco de mer ,torti sale,thecfamily membrrs is instead mourning thevassasination of theirblove one.
    They would had loke that Govinden would have been a proffessional,competent and in a rapid act,provide zhem with clarity of what went wrong,at least zhe could have celebrated Xmas in a peace of mind.
    GOVINDEN incompetency,made it impossible.

  30. Family membrrs of mr chellen

  31. Si bar nouga ti ankor la,seychelles were going to be the best police force in the indian ocean. zamen en dimoun ti pou dir li ki pou fer. sa la koler ki i ti pou fer ek zot!


  32. Seychelles underdog opposition is just as disconnected to the opeopleas PPLWeak Oppositions as we see,i impedes political development They are incapable of posing a real challenge to pl.
    And since Pl is aware of the wicked opposition ,it tries to distract attention of the people [to prevent. the realization of opposition by zhe people]
    When underlying reasons for weaked opposition,in general, most critical thing,is that Seychelles has no been able to become a society.pL prevented us from looki.g st ourselves as Society,.In such an environment ..Each act of the Opposition becomes an act that ...ThatTalks To itself,.a cliche that only complains about the existing system,without diversity and creativity.
    Opposition is weak,because the inividuals has always been against the State,thanks to factors such as the official ideology.
    LACK OF OPPOSITION LEAVE VOID=====What is ironic,is that there is almost an expectation that Pl assumes the role of opposition.

    Advice to the opposition leaders....there is one way to build an identity,if o.e is disconnected in one!s inner reality,and that is to create one from outside in,backwards.
    Sadly,when people,to the likes of GILL,have undergone long training in disconnecting,and have successfully learned to close the gate,o. Most of their ideals,intiutions,feelings etc..they would make themselves up according to what they think they are.
    Having learned to deny to denied their own wisdom and having taken in other peoples!definitions of them without even realizing it,.those who are disconnected from themselves coBnstructs on identity not grounded in experience but constructed out of,or, in reaction to what other told them ,other people !s ideals, a word stooges,slaves.

  33. Don't lived in the pass,Bar Nouga Ti pilon,hence his agression. Homo sexual was a taboo in Mahe at that time.le boys.

  34. Nor really,the guy call SEYCO,promoted it a
    T seychrlles college.

  35. 11:20

    Eoula le boys, I would never come on this blog and said Bar Nouga Ti pilon.
    So this man in the past been approaching you. Well at least you are telling the truth and I defend you death for expressing your oppinion. le revellers.

  36. As the country collapse Michel tell us all is extraordinary perfect.He tells us the owrdl like Seychelles--probably for money laundering,Human trafficking,Human abuses,dictatorship and all this love it seems because of Michel.Those who love Seychelles are Arabs,Indains occupiers,for Pl is giving them our sovereignty,allow them act above Seychelles laws,and rob our patrimony.

    Our debt is manageable Michel tells us--that is why it keeps increasing and unstil now Pl has not been able to pay back.Michel tells us therei s job abound,that is why umployment keeps sky rocketing ...reflects in high inflation.Economic is moving forwards..that is why we still received another +7, millions dollars loan from IMF ,because we are doing very well indeed according to monkey Michel.Once a monkey always a monkey.


    Seychellois will never UNITE with criminals,and state terrorists......trying to speak in the name of the people without asking them what they think about the one party system is an insult to Seychellois.

    Apropos UNITY ,,,you going to get it in 2016...then we will teach you the real definition of Unity----Unity by the Guns is not unity by dictatorship.

  38. Bar Nouka ended up being BAR KOLODAN...he was a wicked like his master Rene.

  39. Astronaute monkey Michel--says"we will always support our army---But donkey our Army is part of sovereign state and it is A duty and obligation to do it pl or any other government...this is not a question to speak about is tacit moaron...Michel thinks when he says what he said...the army personals would think he is the one who sponsor Seychelles defence forces and the army should protect him,worship him...but the fact is that pl is afraid of what is coming for in 2016...Pl thinks by conducting monthly ceremony and displaying the amry --the alter would die for him not the country.

    I tell you will be remove without the need to control Airport,telcommunication, ports ,police stations nothing...there is one way to do that.... it icall targeting pl one the same day and very single one at the same time-...then there would be no one pl thugs to give the army order to fight to portect Pl...that the army fightto protect Pl when they see the misery,sell out and neo-clonisation taking palce is doubtful and unporbable.And for any soldiers who might turn crazy in return for Pl money ---donot even think of it....for your family members will pay the highest price in your palce...Any soldier wgo tries to run amok.......will be excuted like pl thugs ...if they hide their family members will have to pay the pirce for their action in their palkce...I am not coming to negociate with any one,i am not ordering my men to give pardon,forgiveness...their mission is clear and they been training for years now namely search and executed them.

  40. I would highly recomand the millionair priest that next time he lead a march in town please let Manchanm know that he can carry a banner! As soon as he open his mouth in Brisbane the bullshit box sales jump!

  41. Bar nouga ti Dan coup detat. An 1977.
    he was sleeping with the millitia Dan lapaiy.Banla Ti bien routi son deyere.

  42. March in Victoria was only a Christmas cirkus show in town he did not even pick up signature from all his supporters to come on the streeets that day.

  43. The increasing and decades long report of police,at best~ corruption,calousness ,brutality and incompetency.At worst,they have become predatory and dangerous.In other words,they have become apathetic to these violations of Human Rights.

    The blames ,of course,can not simply be placed on those commiting crimes .Not to make excuses for these crimes,but their prevalance across the SEY.Police forces indicates a disease with symptoms stems directly from its top leadership.The policeThe police forces asurely under~paid,and have to put up with corruption and incompetent leaders appointed by Commander in chief.

    Seychelles police forces have been receiving training and eauipment programmes from some years now,to radically reconstruct thw National police forces and security systems in order to improve their effectiveness and quality of their service.But it seems that the ingrained thuggish police culture and ethics inherited from the thuggish police state havs become an addiction that would need time to cure and get them rehabilitated.

    when you couple MILITARISATION OF LAW ENFORCEMENT with an erosion of civil liberties and due process ,that allows the police to become jugde and jury~no knock searches,no warrants etc..(Seychellois must never be made to sacrifice their liberty for an illusive and dangerous security.

    SOLDIERS AND POLICE are supposed to be different....Police look INWARD.They are supposed to protect their fellow citizens from criminals and maintain Order with a minimum force.

    There are cops,who try hard to be good cops,the problem lies in the systematic of the law enforcement,...that is,it is crucial to demilitarize the police forces.We need to turn a this militarized police forces Pl created in ,1977,to.protect the one party system,by the use of intimidation,torture,murder, into a Civilian/community oriented police service that embodied the philosophy of community policing.The change also involve zhe changeover from Military rank structure to civilian rank labelling.

    Seychelles judicial system and the police still remain the weakest institutions,and people are not able to address their grievances or resolve disputes etc..through legal government institutions.

    Hydricity in policing must end Commissaire Morgan!

    Jeanne D!Arc

  44. Above i stress on the demilitarizing of the police,in a police state,demilitarizing equates Depoliticization,in order to build integrity .
    The police forces have too long been used by the police state for personal ends.because of the clouts and influence which the polit buro hold over the police forces.Police forces have been purged of all kind of influence and political pressure ,which has resulted into a thuggish police force.

    It is my firm belief that merit begets merit and a positive change in the police forces can only be brought by new bread officiers ,who are recruited through a transparent,independent,merit~based process.It would infuse a fresh spirit of service,police culture and ethics,honesty,and inpartiality.


  45. Civilized society cannot exist without civilized police.Pl must allow our police force to get civilized,by teaching them a community police approach.__the philosophy ,that police fooficiers are civilians,not soldiers,and that a police force is a community organization,responsible to the community,not corrupt government officials.

  46. How do you civilized a police force in a society whereby those who are supposed to modernize the police force are the iniciators of this thuggish police force ,which is as thuggish as the the regime itself?It is delimma,that only time will tell.

  47. Seychelles police and judiciary ,are the weakest instituions in our society,and it cannot continue as it is now.So far they have fialed to portect society,deal with crimes,domestic voilences,etc...

  48. His holiness Prophet Michel ,told us in his Xmas message to Pappricate what we have---that is mass proverty,high rate of domestic violence,high unemployment,an astronomic foreign debt,foreigners controlling our instituions, but most important he meant Appraicate the devastation made by Pl for the decades and appreciate the coming hardship,increasing poverty at sight in 2015.He alomost ask Seychellois to Appricate what they no longer have----less land for their kids and kids of their kids..Michel has illiegally sold out part of our patrimony to foriegners ,the slow lost of our identity as a sovereignty Nation,purchase power,securtiy,freedom of speech and their rights to take part in the dicision -making of their country,their economy being gifted to foreigners,thereby impeding them from benefit from the own economy,

  49. 21,59
    You totally right,it purposes a delimma,for there is no pheonix of real change that will rise gloriously from the trash heap of police state.

    So,it is clear that in order to have a civilized police force,we would first have civilized the police state and turn it in a civilians state.
    There are many methods that can used to civilized a police state actors....the use of force,civil disobeydiance,,i.ternational sanction,etc..

    Today,public diobeydiance can be the motor for change,if simply seychellois use their power power to topple the tyrannic system .For that to be realized the...people must realized that pl fear them more than they fear pl.
    U see pl chief..Rene,Michel,Faure on the pedestals ,surrounded by the bayonets of their robotcops,yet in their heart s there is an outspoken fearcof the people.
    In fact,it is not tpower that keep corrupting poeer today,but fear.Fear for losing power.if seychellois modilize themselves tommorrow and show pl their people power,pl would vanished in the bin of history without firing one single bullet.

    Change does not rol in on zhe wheels of inevitability ,but comes from continuous struggle.

    .It can ride you unless your back is bent.“It could be said that a man can not ride you back if u run and chase after your freedom.
    Seychellois must develop the endurance of a marathon runner~A msrathon runner pounds zhe pavement for miles..the distance runner knows his route to thecfinishing line is long ,but prefers to give his best .He doe not say“it is too long,too difficult,i could never do it“ A marathon runner,has plan to win and paces his every steps along zhe way to achieve his goal.Seychellois must nurture the polizical culture and must create immense pressure of zhe police state apparatus,,with the endurance of a marathon runner
    Stop obeying the dictators,then you will see ,that they nothing.If you refuse to obey the devil,you will that they will shade away.

    People power has been their for a while.It helps Gandhi kick out the Brits from India,it helpd Walessa kick one million Soviet troop out of Poland,it topple Mubaraka,Gadhafi,Ben Ali,, etc..
    To topple tyrannts we must pick up zhe battle we can win,and is using people power to restort people rule.
    Pl can only maintain power for as long as Seychellois feed needs cooperation,submission and obediance from both people and institutions,if zhis stop the thuggsh system behind zhe mud wall will colapse like a pyramide of card onto itself.

  50. How is it possible that a single person with only two arms,two legs,and one life to sow terror among a large group of people and a whole country?Becuase we allow Him.

  51. Seychellois as Christians should not obey a criminal government and its tyran-nosuars.Seychellois must excocise pl ghosts,The great trategy of our time ,is not the few who have destroyed ,but th majority who sat idly by.Seychellois have also lost faith in chalatans and soothsayers ,RAM;GILL ....who throw bones and chant incantations for our deimse and purport to deliver us from the same.Seychellois must do it alone.

  52. Obeying Tyrants is rebellion against God.

  53. A few words on tmwhat serms to be two murder case....the case Gina Emmanual and laurance Cote Dor Praslin.
    The police dept on Pralin according th pl,believe thar lanrance was hit by a car or vehicle.....Frakly,without being a forensic expert,is a person was hit be a vehicle,i guess the person i.juries would broken bones,ribs.etc. that injurie most at middle part of the body.not skull(only).now offering money to any persons who can provide evidence.......if pl has hardwork forensic experts that do not sit an office but go on a crime scene,Pl police on Praslin would have known at the first investigation that it was not a car accident but murder.forensic experts could have collect DNA of culprit for it could well be that it was a robbery ,pick pocket that turned lethal ....ehich means ids the victim what victim of theft,the cilprit after hitting the victim robbed him thereby leavind DNa trace on victims clothing ,body etc...If DNa was collected the ... in the first instance,the collected Dna could with crominal archieves,data in the national criminal records to see at first if the culprit is not already known tobthe police......second step would have been to questions family members and his friends....for instant tracing back the last hours of his whereabout....did had problem with someone just hours before his death,what he seen with friends just before,who see him jours,before,does he maybe that relation problem in his partnership,....owe some money and have not pay back,.....after doing all these investigations and questings with no positive outcome....the third simple ,effective,indenialable. Procedure would havr firt compare Dna collected of crime scene to people we knew......then if still no positive outcome.....the DNA could be extrnded to all at first men in the village he leave.........if necessary to women.....snd finally if necessary As it is often used in difficult crime investigation in western world, collecting and matching Collected DNa with all i.habitants of a the case of Praslon all Pralinoise men and women like ...........It should not apply to only seychellois national but the expats in ghe concern district ,village etc.....

    Pl police has once again showed unproffessionalism,they could not even distinguished between a car accident and a murder case at girst sight...though the scares left behind by a car or a person is totally different....and just at first glance any well qualified,trained...equiped police officier should have been able to pl tries to praise its police.......the later redicule pl by proving the contary.Morgan should ashame.......and the Assenbly should ask for his resignation for incompetency by the interior minister........Police forces are unable to protect citizens....and failed to conduct effective,proffesional onvestigation,crime scene invidence and i.formation left behind on the crime scene by culprit........ they so under qualified that they offering money for know what pl .just hopes the killer is a drug addict...the same you created and unemployed and might be entice by the mony pl offer..thus come forward himself to tprovide you the tips...not because he wNts to be caught...but the money on offer in order that he can pay his daily dose.....but that inprobable ..even an addict is not that stupid.

  54. Incompetent,amatuerism,has become endemic to our police forces,,it reflectsthe incompetency od the sytem they serve.

    In my opinion,the person who should be heading The seychellois police force today is Mr Ted Barber,why?He is the most intelligent and aualified.Ted Barber is the only officier in the police forces holding a University Degrer(earned in western uni) .He is the first ever in the police force with Uni Degree in policing science etc......
    Or Mr Barber,place should not be assistance of roucou or else but the person whocshiuld havevbeen given the mission,together with other qualified officiers to compile a real reform pakage.....from a new police culture,ethicsetc... as standards of which a modern pokice should be build
    T.and that withoutvoutsidecinterferebce of political parties though the team of Mr Barber could consul,ask forcopinion etc from civil society,politicians,ngos,etc.. I am sure if persons like Ted and others is asked to do so,and lrt alone doing their job,,withvtotal independency they could and would rise to ourcexpectation and denands.

    With many young seychellois coming out college with A~levels and more,the minimum qualification should be A~level,or in some cases person with a good O~level could also be recruited,then for theclatet earning their A~level would be part of the qualitities,they would need to making a successful career,while those already hllding A~level could be sent abraod,like Mr Ted Barber to study the many different branches,sprcialiued them in law,forensic,criminology,baslistic,criminal medcine,biomicrology,etc.. etc....

  55. PL government is offering money to the Praslin population of 6000 who can lead the arrest of the murderers. Only 6K! Don't look too FAR...... Just contact those postmen on the island they know everyone eventhough there are no numbers on their houses.

  56. But failed to auetion family members and friends of victims.....failed to trace thecitinary of victim hours before his death....e.g who was with just before,.....was about family as aconflicts.......or things like he has a girl who happened to be a married women..husband jealous commited the act......what about was the victim wearing personal belongings:watch,neckless,i phone etc... did he still had them on him when he was discovered unconscious?if he had them..before but not when found uoncious. then a robbery that turned lethal should be considered.....which also means trace of culprit DNA. should exist on the victim body,clothings etc...for the culprit to rbbed the victim ,must havd had contact to the victim police could have also check phone calls if any made by victim hours before found in comma.......could have helped in an investigation .....etc...these are examples of what the police should have done.....and should be doing......but we know.......they do not do it because they are incompetent,under~qualified as the government they represent.

  57. Seychellois were all aslerp ,except the victim and his murderer.......only the killer knows who?pl could have found him if police was profi.

  58. If seychellois knew, The Voice of Seychellois radio bambou would have long make it piblic......if pl police would collected DNA ,all Praslinois could be called for a DNA test to match the DNA collected on accident scene......which could have led to the criminal/s.....but unfortuately unlike forensic experts in western world ,who rushed to an accident,crime scene minutes after,,as we have just seen on French TV,just after the RAID i.tervention incthe recent terrorist case,,pl forensic amatuers sitting nailed on their chair in an office......and expect i.dices,information to come to them by magic......they ended up,like in Tagar soldier case and that of MrChellen case fabricating false,absorb,rediculous evidence.Why use tax payers money to such lazy bones....who demonstrate gross incompetent,..they so useless thatcwe donot need to have. is a waste of tax money.

  59. Chief police Morgan awarded his gang members for fialures.The more they failed the more Morgan praises them and promote,reward them.......with such studipidy our police forces cannot become a modern one.....How you can change them when they think they are already proffessionals...Ojly new breed of police forces who have nothing to do with Pl polite Buro might change the police forces ..not these stooges to the likes of Rouccou,Quartre....Maybe Morgan thinks award not education,good training,ethics etc makes a great police reward them all....for their great fialures.

  60. Seychelles chief terrorist Michel.meets with French Ambassador to speaks on the charlie terror act.I renind Terrorsit Michel that dictator is nothing than State Terrorism...there is no different from pl tgugs with those crazy terrorists in France

  61. May be looking for aid money to play they are fighting terrorism to get some cash like they were doing with Pirates to get money from EU countries.PP and Michel this year was just 11 pirates attack in East Africa in the world news.
    Jihadis If we have them on shore PP and Michel have brought it and there are 50 countries around the world ISIS have recuit fighters i hope Seychelles is not on the list that is in the hands of C.I.A.

  62. Michel is fighting terrorists according to him.What is a terrorist?it is a person,group who advocate terrorism..There is no different with Al Qaida,ISS etc....and both cases those inviduals terrorize others.When Michel.and his pl gang took AK 47 to force themselves of power,butchered innocent seychellois,rape their human rights by oposing a dictatorship on them,which is still going on....this is terrorism......There is no different from pl government as whrn Mullah Omar and Talibans took power in Afghanistan and pl coup Detat. Both are the use of terror.

  63. The different between terrorism and dictatorship lies the fact ,that terrorist groups,attack people ,our group of people of a State,then the victims,people,group of a State...have States institutions to protect them...while a Dictatorship is a system of TERROR,operating behind a State façade.The methods use maybe in some cases different, but with same end.Both dictators like Rene,Michel commit crimes against Humanity.

    In fact,i would tend to say,dictatorship is the worst form Terrorism......While for instance,terror gruops,like recently in Charlie Hebbo case,they hit occassionally ,even some times years between the privous and future Terror acts...unlike Terrorist groups like AlQaeda,in a dictatorship the assault of the people is a daily practice,24 on 24 hours365 on 365 days per years,night and day, other word,not only a group is victimize,but whole population .As state terrorists,control national i.stitutions,no one is protected from state terror,for the institutions that should supposed to protect you,are used by state terrorists as part of the terror machine to enslave,terrorize,intimidate,harrass,you permanently without limits.

    Dictatorship,terrorism...dictator or terrorist...the same shit fron different asshole.

    However,it is true that when people dignity,human rights.,liberty,freedom of of choosing theirbleaders freely,they are robbed,made zhird class citizens in their own home,their dispossed from them,can not make their voices heard etc....they might turn disperate and use other means,that is the same means as Pl terrorists namely terror to make their rights respected,get back their god given dignity .To avoid this potential future risks...let us unite a finish with pl Dictatorship.Dictatorship is a catalizator zhat could breed and hatch potential acts of zhose committed by Pl thugs.. if we want to avoid this risk,lets stop pl terrorists now.

  64. 08,111
    Knowing wickedness,he woild have liked that Seychelles have teorrirsts..there would not only pocket money from western world to fight terrorists,he would also privide pl,carte Blanche,to past laws that would allow him to.silint dissidents,oppositions in order to use his endemic acts of terror disgiuse as fighting terrorists.

    Frankly,Michel would not even hesistate to create fake terrorists,put bombs himself in order to give him excuse to inplement terrorist laws ,hr did it with his gang in the the 70ties when placed bomb at Reef Hotel,he did it in 1977,wgen raped our liberty by the barrel of ak 47.
    The question is rather,why does Michel to create a fake terror act on Seychelles?The answer is ,if does so,he will after pocket money to fight terror from the west,but he willvso kill the tourism industry once and for all.Hence,though he would pocket money frombthe west,this money would not be enough tobsponsor he and his gang lavish lives,he will make his thuggish system vulnerable .For whrnbtourists would stop coming because terror threat,this inturn will create extreme poverty and society collapse....people hungry would either die watching pl,or as a hungry dog in a chain,break the chain with the last force remain, which could mean the end of Michel.In such situation,that is when the hungry people rises up...Michel would have two options..either Run away like Ben Ali to avoid people or resist like Gadhafi and finished like a sewage rat.But he does not end up as Gaddafi,which i am sure he will,he would commit a genocide.


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