Ahmed Afif’s half hearted apology

This newspaper has been putting pressure on Ahmed Afif to answer several questions
our readers had asked us to put before him on their behalfabout unethical activities
that he was either engaged in or that he knew of when he was working for this
government for answers. Afif has apparently given an interview to some obscure
internet radio station; RDS, which is operating out of Canada to explain his position.

In that interview Ahmed Afif apologised for the role he played in harassing,
confiscation and imprisonment of peopleall these years ago for carry more foreign
exchange on them than it was legally allowed. He also gave an explanation on why
he made an application for a duty free car on the basis that he was a handicap person.
We are not accepting his apology for the simple reason that these crimes were
committed here and Ahmed owes the people in Seychelles a public apology,
not in Canada - just like everyone else who has committed crimesagainst the people
of Seychelles should do – be it in SPPF or LDS.

The list of questions for Afif is growing every week – this week we have two more
questions to add to the list below:

(1) Ahmed Afif have you ever lied to the Seselwa when you were Principal
Secretary for Finance – when you said many times there were no corruption in

(2) Ahmed Afif did you lie when you also helped defend and cover up the loss
of 4.5 million dollars intended for the housing project at Perseverance?

(3) Ahmed Afif can you confirm or deny the allegation that foreign exchange
confiscated by the currency police was given to you directly?

(4) Ahmed Afif did you apply for a duty free vehicle, namely a Ford Ranger
(s5318) in February 2005 on the basis that you are a handicap person?

(5) Ahmed Afif can you tell us what you know about the consultancy firm
‘White Oak’, who hired this company and how much was paid to them and
 for how long?

Mr. Ahmed Afif during your employment with this “corrupt” government
have you ever asked a supplier for Health Supplies for a commission of Euro
50,000 saying that it was for your superiors, “pour mes superieurs”?

Mr. Ahmed Afif is one among many in the opposition, this newspaper included
– who is asking for the setting up of a transparent Corruption Commission.
The other question for Ahmed Afif this week is – Ahmed Afif will you be prepared
to appear before the Corruption Commission when it is finally set up?

This newspaper is totally against any form of corruption be it in the public or
private sector, corruption is corruption no matter who is responsible. Certain LDS
supporters are of the view that we should overlook corruption by people in opposition
because we want James Michel out of power - to accept that some leaders in
LDS are corrupt will make our task harder.

We totally disagree, we believe that a benchmark must be set and established
right here and now before we assume power – so that the people will know that
we are serious in our quest to wage war on corruption. They must all face the music!!
Whoever they are and wherever they are hiding; in PL, SNP, PDM, LS, LDS,
and SPM…..etc.……

Source: Independent


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