Why did Wavel not join with Pat Pillay For the first round of the 2015 presidential election??

We have finally located the frying pan that Wavel said its wooden handle was getting too hot. This was just after the 2006 presidential election when he had lost yet another election and he had gone to State House to connive with SPPF\PL to provide the National Assembly members with a rise of more than 100% in salary with other benefits. It is important to state that Wavel instructed all SNP National Assembly members at the time to vote in favour of the national budget, which followed in 2007 containing the increment. This was the first and only time that Wavel and co had voted in favour of the budget.  Wavel has since played all kinds of political games until the exorbitant benefit in terms of pension before retirement age provided to him and the others were pulled earlier this year. This move by President Michel has incensed Ramkalawan to the extent that he is now easily comparable to a mad dog.

The electorates are starting to doubt the loyalty of Ramkalawan when it comes to removing Parti Lepep from power – many are of the view that Wavel could be throwing the elections. Political observers are still questioning the motives behind Wavel Ramkalawan’s decision not to join with Patrick Pillay in the first round of the 2015 presidential election. If he had - James Michel would have been out of office.

However, now that Wavel is happily tucked in the LDS bed with Ton Pat he needs to come clean and tell his supporters at least, what stopped him from doing the same thing in the first round of the 2015 presidential election. He must also explain the buying of a jeep for cash (SCR450, 000) from an Air Seychelles pilot, just after the second round of the Presidential election, where did the money come from; apparently the money was delivered in two plastic bags! Wavel must also provide a public statement to explain why he is still refusing to pay, as ordered by the court the money that is owed to his sister and brother. At the start of the year Wavel had to appear before the court to answer to a case brought against him by his siblings, because he had abused his position as executor of the family estate. He transferred the family house in his name for a declared sum of only fifty thousand rupees; the house was worth at least 1.2million rupees. He had also mismanaged funds in the bank account. These are legitimate questions that Wavel must address before the National Assembly election if he wants people to vote for his new political party (LDS), which is being fronted for him by his longtime friend and political ally, Mr. Roger Mancienne, who is also his business partner in the printing trade. 

Source: Independent


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