Breaking News

Seychelles President James Michel unveiled a statue to replace Zom Lib on 

Independence Day June 29 th today.
President Michel called the bronze statute a symbol of liberty, reciting
the era of slavery, colonialism that led to Independence.
Ironically the statute is designed by a sculpture name Tom Bowers,
an Englishmen,cum fabrike citizen who has done numerous favors for 
the communist party of Seychelles over the years. 
Monument in North Korea.
Mr. Michel would have been more politically correct to have a Seychellois 
artist sculpture do the honor of designing a statute of such important
social consideration. Seychellois artist Steve Marie could have done this 
job and bring with it Seychellois pride.
Michel sought Independence, south Liberty according to his speech, but 
fell short having his colonial master design his Independence Day statute.
Mr. Michel, who advises you?


  1. BREAKING NEWS coming from a Sir Lankan journalist friend.
    Why is Sir Lankan Butcher coming and going from Seychelles to meet his butcher firend Michel?
    Here is the true story and the hide secret and crooked of Pp.Sir Lankan Butcher in 2012 bought an Island in Seychelles.
    Check is on internet under( OR )Gleeny ,Morgan,Pp Michel stay quiet of course ti is another illegal sold out of our patrimony and help Sir Lankan butcher President in order to laundered stolen money.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. Marxism has step up a gear.

  3. Seychelles First30 June 2014 at 02:25

    The statue of Freedom has not been cast yet, the furnace is hot, we can all still burn our fingers.

  4. No big different between zonmlib and the new one.
    Except the new one is cloths and zonmlib was naked for almost 40 years.
    LIBERTY? Where is liberty in Seychelles?
    Maybe for the foreigners and the butchers friends.
    Real liberty will come when PP is out of power - very soon- I can feel it coming through the voice of the ones are suffering now. Heard from their own oppinions trhat they can't support Michele regime anymore. They will never bribe us anymore and 2016 is coming.

  5. Did they forget to put the torch on LA LIBERTE or ZONM LIB took it with him.

  6. Once agin the butcher demonstrates the pathology of a crook's mind.He forced our innocent school children to attempt his redicule showcase with and handful of army officilas(the later have not choice)and tell us that ia UNITY.He convicned himself that our children victims of his crooked attitude and the handful fo soliders are the 90 Seychellois individuals who stayed at home and would never attend his comic show.
    He tless us that we must take this as a symbol for 200 years suffering ,But from WHICH WOUND mcihel?without the Frenhc setttlers who freed Africans slaves and brought us been a Nation today monkey.And he tells usto use this symbol of healing ,Healing from what?
    the fact anf history speaks from themselves.Sechellois have suffer more under Pp tyranny than under their colonia,l master,we have become poorer,our people are being made slaves of Arabs,Russains amfias,and their patrimony disposses from them.That is not because of our colonial master but Pp terrorists.

    We blame others for his failures.But thwere he is with Laporte going around the world with cupped hands begin the world for aid---the same masters he is attempting to blame is the same who is now feeding us with---relief aid,economic aid,military aid,technical aid,aid aids,environement aid,human aid(BOND AID).

    He presenst himself as a PATRIOT/a savior instead of the a criminal who butchered his people freedom with AK 47 are he and his gangsters heros and who Seychellois should worship.

    What for a monkey.He seems to be telling us that all scientific progress and discovery is his work,all wisdom,virtue,intelligence and so forth is directly the product of his sainthood.

    The world is probably laughing as this monkey as my dog has been doing the whole morning.Why not go hang monkey or maybe St Ange could caged him and use him as tourist attraction in a zoo?

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D?arc

  7. The torch ?RAm stole it.

  8. Under Brit there is no historical,physical proof that Seychellois were butchered.UnderBrit time there is no proof Seychellois were made slave ,but today we are slaves of Arabs idlamic terrorists like Khalifa,our country known world wide as a base Illict trafficking,Russian mafias,and all the alms of the world.Under the Brit Seychellois sleep with both ears closed today mercenaires brutalize them even int otheir homes at will.Under Brit judges,police officers ,public employees where all Seychellois today we have over 30 000 foreigners taking Seychellois jobs,controling their institutions,Confiscating their patrimony,even their birthrights--is that independence partielpep ro neo-salvery.neo-colonailsim,tyranny?

    We were much better off than in 5o years of forced communism --we poorer,more illness and deseases that was once exterminated and radicated are back,Bad trained Seychellois professional,collapsing economy,destruction of environment,birth mortality higher than under british colony,rule of law inexistent,police officers are today thugs in uniforms,State organized crimes of all sorts,under brtish Seychellois was consider PARADISE today the land of money laundering,huaman trafficking,drug trafficking,arm trafficking,sex slave trade,its government involvement in Rwanda genocide,etc..etc..etc

    That is Seychelles today under partilepep communists and murderers.

  9. A Leopard never changes it spots !!

  10. We would have to replace this communist like statute once partilepep is toppled.

    1. A strong gust of wind could easily uproot this contraption and a "ti group" of people will be blamed!

    2. A strong gust of wind could easily topple this contraption and a "ti group" of people will be blamed!

  11. Yes,2016 is slowly getting closer,they would bribe,enslave,rob us,sell out our land in their graves.

    Gleny Savy would shit out the money he made in the illegal sell out of our land to Sri Lankan tyrannt and Arabs.

  12. Unacceptable that a British citizen designed this statue instead of a Seychellois. Michel is an IDIOT to think that this statue will bring unity to Seychelles. The only thing that will bring about unity is the death of Albert Rene and James Michel, the 2 biggest criminals and killers in the history of Seychelles.

  13. Colonial master dressed Michel`s grand grand pa and ma,built roads,planted crops,built schools and educate Michel's parents,built hospital,and so on, while partilepep is plundering Seychelles resources and stashing money in Swiss banks and selling out their peoples' patrimony.

    Seychellois fishermen desaspeared--a conspiracy by Chinese and aprtielepep /kindnapping so that they find a reason to allow Chinese to rape our EEZ under the guise of piracy?Piracy is over in our waters partilepep another partilepep illicit act.

  14. Tom Bowers is an English uk citizen. He has been hiding inSeychelles to avoid UK tax scheme.

    He is. Fabrike and leftist close friends with Dacid Savy and Glenny Savy for protection.

    He does sculpture of Seychellois always skinny, stomach in from starving, ribs out from malnouriish, skinny legs, skinny arms. Insulting us as if we are inferior. Fuck off Tom Bowers you Fabrike,
    Michel you are an idiot and a disgrace to Seychellois.

  15. I will pay some heroin addict make them throw some paint on it don't worry guys.

  16. Why all the secrecy before unveiling the statue? there is nothing exceptional or meaningful about the molded piece. Whoever is advising James Michel is out of touch with the present reality and perhaps the history of the Seychelles islands. If they wanted to erect a monument for their town and country, it would have been a good occasion to solicit public opinion and get everybody interested to propose ideas, the end result would have been the people's choice and that would have been the true design for a Statue of Unity!
    Usual attitude of Pp - my way or no way!

    1. Very true! but this time the design was approved by Khalifa himself and Michel has no choice but to follow what the money provider on the hill says.
      Sahib has spoken - "no obscene object like Coco-de-mer at the foothill of my castle."

  17. This monument makes Seychelles North Korea of in Dian ocean.
    Design is gross, tasteless, tacky, shapes poorly co ordinate s, colors off.
    Tom Bowers as Mr. Gill our leader says is a Fabrike. This project should have been open national competition. Max participation, all parties agreeing to the monument selection.
    What an opportunity wasted by James Michel.
    Political bonanzas like this come once in a lifetime. He pissed it away like pee into the wind, and fatso Glenny used Desroches island bathroom tiles on the water fountain. The Benetier is a fake, imported from Mauritius, where he does his shopping and has dual citizenship. Folks, fatso Glenny Savy is a Mauritian.
    I want to puke!

  18. Yes, the Zom Lib caricature has been replaced, but with what?

    Another caricature depicting the "dear leader" of communist Seychelles with one of his many mistresses both wishing they could cover their faces, out of shame and sin, with that piece of cloth they are holding over their heads!

  19. Obviously the PL adores communist statues.

    May I recommend that they visit the Memento Park in Budapest.
    ( Also known as the Communist Statue Park )
    After the fall of the USSR many of these items were taken there.

    That modern Seychelles would continue to be intrigued by communist mementos is mind boggling, disturbing and very sick!

    Michel has been permanently brain washed by Marxist Rene!

  20. North Korea inspiredn

  21. Tom is an unknown artist who just want to make some dollars to make a living.Michel is and would remain the donkey that he is.He would always love the slavemasters sons and daughters of those who enslaved his parents.

    Michel is like what in IIDIA are known as the DALITS(or untouchable).Like the DALITS ,mcihel thinks is is inferior than his white master and was born to be a slave.So do not blame him directly for his slavish mentally ---he was taught it seems to me to beleive this way and this CAST behavior seems now a genetic problem in him.He has demonstrated his inferiority to European(RUSSAINS) ,to Arabs on several occasions and he would probably die this way.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  22. If this is a Statue of Liberty, Michel has truck load of cow dung to sell!
    The trouble is that there are a number of people who would buy this BS!

  23. TommyBowers is a failed artist that has lived off Davis Savy and Glenny Savy. It is a disgrace to have him do a national monument. Crush it! Take it down!
    Long live Seychelles!

  24. The monument lacks any class. It looks like a cheap North Korean job. Glenny Savy is not known to have very good taste.
    It has all been numb by eating too much birds eggs. His omelette is ten eggs all by himself.

  25. How can a country allow one man to control all it's bird eggs for so many years?
    His family and friends in Mauritius get containers of Birds Eggs each year.

  26. Indeed another sad day.

    Zot tir zonmlib lo cenk-zen avenwu e met paul e virgini look-alike lo cenk-zen avenwu e PL apel sa linite. Cenk zen avenwu ti merit sanz non osi.

    Montanny trwa frer menm tin fatige get dan fes zonmlib pou 37 an.
    If these mountains could talk....they will say TOU SALA KOMAN YAPELE.

  27. It is not political but environmental and protection.That is good so.The question should rather be Why Glenny Savy is illegally controlling and selling out our Outter islands(our patrimony)and illegally selling bird eggs,illegal staled turtles,dophine meat abroad without partilepep,operating illegal hotels intervention and laissez -faire?

  28. Do we have to taken guns or bomb to free our country and our peoples.Michel,Glenny and fake opposition are asking for it and they will get it.

  29. Michel is good with Seychellios with words but lean on Seychellios on the way down what a mal rouge.

  30. And now the prince of IDC want to rebuild the airstrip on Cosmoledo atoll.
    WHATCH OUT. Airplane will come from Maaritius with illegal tourist and all the dollars will go in his pockets. Far taught those Savys boys really well and mokesh taught them how to put the icing on the cake. TOU-SALA-KOMAN-YAPELE.


  32. Why does partilepep waste tax payers' money to open Ambassies is failed or poor states like Swaziland,tagististan and so on which Seychelles has nothing to gain from ?What for partilepep,as , means to launder seychellesois 'tax payers money robbed by partielepep?

  33. Woman striped naked in Port Claude police cell shame on corrupt cops may be they were high on heroin like always when on duty high some mouth smell baka like kaka when they talk to you cant see all transport gave to them for duty they crash it.
    Look at this police cell look like a cell no matrass this is for pigs not for human being like the cell aljazzera show in Eygpt were those 3 aljazzera journalist have been detain.
    Is this three Seychellios in Eygt dead or still alive Morgan?

  34. In any civilized and democratic country, the leadership of that Police Force will have to go! Striping a woman naked by police officers, in a police station and in a police cell, shows you that this police force has been stripped of its professionalism, moral, dignity and leadership! In another country people would be on the road asking for the resignations of both Morgan and Quatre. Come on Quatre, show them that you have a little bit of more fiber than Morgan, go before he can even think of it!

    1. Quatre will not go, he has no professional ethics, the biggest fool Seychelles has ever had as a Police Commissioner.

  35. Some of our cops are surely corrupted,but many are badly trained and paid thus demotivated especially when they see Pp gangsters giving selfves pension for life,doubling their own salary ,and so on.The roots of all those problems is a results of 4o years of aprtilepep terrorist gang.To sovle all these problems we must deal with the root cause namely partilepep then the way things are done could be changed.As lon as the virus calls paritlepep is still around we would not radicates the illness.

  36. Captain Morggan is not interest in egypt .
    he is busy cutting cake with papa on the occasion of returning back to Paris.
    THEY LOVE CUTting cakes.

  37. Seychelles cops every time committed offence they say they did do nothing to hurt any public.
    Seychelles police cell are more worst than police cell in Africa not because some one committed a offence you have to put them in park konson and threat them like pigs they are also human.Its time human right visit those police cell in Seychelles.

  38. Quartre must go his like Michel and co all of those old crooks are incapable corrupt and with out knowledge only alcohol in their brain and don't care about protecting the public instead they continue brutalize our peoples next time they will rape woman in the cell you bet.They make foreign mercenary do police jobs and Quartre and co seat on their fat a** just wait were can confiscate some drugs money to put in their pocket to buy a few bottles baka.

  39. Healthy life with Sri Lankan watch out your organ Seychellios.Sri Laka in Neapal,India are well known for organ trafficking.Aljazzera show a group of young man from Nepal their organ been remove when drunk at sleep.
    Tamil what you have different than other doctors around the world what you mean by healthy life suckers lots of peoples in Sri Lanka are living with diseases that we don't have on the island you are just finding away to invade our land nou pou kas zot liki just bring their f**king whole family on our island I told suckers we have water and electricity only for Seychellios.PP you what we watching right now those mountain were no Seychellois if you will sell it with those Tamil you are bringing on our shore you better prepare we will act before 2016 did you see in Iraq soldiers left their ammunition and run left every in the hands ISIS the same will happen soon those who want to join us join us those not prepare to face Larme de la RESITANCE like during rebellion.

  40. Police raping citizens!

  41. This hospital NOVAKOS whatever,belongs to the Brother of Sir Lankan President,and his hospital has a record in illicit trafficking of Kidneys.The TIMES has conducted investigation of this issue and has revealed the active involvement of this hospital in these illicit business.

  42. Michel you are talking about unity some family want to know who kill their love one 1977 till today 2014:This woman have said she will not keep quite until she see justice for her daughter and her unborn baby who kill her and her baby Quarte?She said some peoples know who but afraid to come forward that mean some Seychellios are cowade.
    Police and Seychelles government don't want to learn about DNA and built a science lab for SeychellesPolice instead they sent it in South Africa for Seychellios to forget and continue taking life of Seychellios who don't walk in their footstep and don't walk with them and not wear the same colour like them not in this century pp crooks you know elephants never forget the past they will come back and hit you back even its years.Any way Seychellios cops some were fisherman not one of them were good in science at school.


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