UAE Taking Over Planning of Seychelles!

ABU DHABI: Under the visionary leadership of His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the UAE and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, and the strategic direction of General Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, to enhance bilateral relations and collaboration between the UAE and Seychelles Governments, a delegation from the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) visited the Seychelles for the first official meeting to discuss the preparation of the Seychelles Strategic Plan.

Prior to this visit, an MOU was signed between the UPC and the Ministry of Land Use and Housing, in addition to a number of steering committee meetings and visits. The aim of these meetings was to determine the general scope and framework for the project, and the aspirations of the government and the people of the Seychelles that the plan will be required to respond to.

The week-long visit kicked off the start of the 12-month collaborative project between the Republic of Seychelles and Abu Dhabi Government. The aim of the project is to develop a plan that will articulate a clear vision for the future of the Seychelles, a country spanning over 115 islands in the Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa.

The Seychelles Strategic Plan will cover all of the islands that comprise the Seychelles, with particular focus on the main island of Mahe. A framework plan will be developed for Mahe and a detailed Master Plan will be developed for Victoria, the capital city of the Seychelles.

Based on a thorough analysis of all issues relating to land use planning, the Plan will address the priorities for the Seychelles such as; facilitating economic growth and diversification, protecting the environment by ensuring development is undertaken in appropriate locations and in a sustainable manner, appropriate allocation of land for residential and economic use, protecting the character and heritage of the Seychelles, and preserving and enhancing its social and cultural aspects.

Falah Al Ahbabi, General Manager of UPC, said: “This is an exciting opportunity for the UPC and is the first time weÕve collaborated with an international government in this capacity. It is a testament to our growing reputation globally in planning complete sustainable communities, in line with best practice planning policies, that we are able to advise and assist with the SeychellesÕ future development plans.

“Our experience in shaping Abu DhabiÕs rapid growth stands us in good stead to share our expertise with overseas governments and planning agencies.

“As the population of the Seychelles is growing and the economy is changing, the need for a thorough development plan is becoming increasingly important to ensure that the countryÕs resources are used as efficiently and sustainably as possible, whilst still retaining its history, culture and beauty.”

The plan will set out the urban development framework for the sustainable growth of the Seychelles over the next 20 years. The UPC will give technical assistance and support on the project to prepare and deliver the Seychelles Strategic Plan.


  1. Here we go, the corruption thats irreversable like a well aimed rifle loaded cocked and ready to fire. Seychelles will never be the same. UAE what the fuck. We are french and we are no one's slave. How the hell can the people of seychelles "as a whole" be letting this happen.
    The flood gates will be opened and it will flush you all out and be replaced with people that have NO HISTORY or prior family to ever have been born in the seychelles. Once that happens it will be no longer so rename it something aribic and be done with it and condemed ..

  2. Here we go, the corruption thats irreversable like a well aimed rifle loaded cocked and ready to fire. Seychelles will never be the same. UAE what the fuck. We are french and we are no one's slave. How the hell can the people of seychelles "as a whole" be letting this happen.
    The flood gates will be opened and it will flush you all out and be replaced with people that have NO HISTORY or prior family to ever have been born in the seychelles. Once that happens it will be no longer so rename it something aribic and be done with it and condemed ..

  3. That should be the plan, build their house high on the mountain, so they can flush out the Seychellois people living down the hills. Seychellois you are gone, you are finished. This is what happened to lazy people sitting on their fat asses waiting for a fat check from james Michel. Our country will be flushed down in the camel's shit.

  4. To make Seychelles the same agian we have to stop Michel and co by any mean and its time things are getting back to a new colony a arabs terrorists colony,Michel you are f**king with Seychellios opening your mouth on sp u-pi 50 years of corruption your mouth look like you are sucking arabs dicks..BEZ vole Seselwa ban lanket sp-u- pi then let arabs turn Seychelles upside down like it belong to arab liki ou manman.


  5. A country belongs to its people,thus the people is the solely dicision -makers in all decisions concering their country while government is the administrator not the opposite.

    This planning is being done without public scrutiny,participation ,and in secrecy and being dictated by foreigners therefore it is illegal and should be refuse by all citizens.

    Seycheles is not a colony of UAE and Khalfia government has no rights to come and decide in the Affaires,decision-making of our people in their sovereign homeland. .

    Seychellois should be prepare to take to the streets to stop this CAMEL from putting his nose in our country affaires.Seychellois are capable of deciding by themselves as they have always done what is good for them ro not ,.

    e should be prepare to walk the streets to stop Pp which has allowed Khalfia to believe that Seychelles belong to him and Seychellois is his slaves.

    Why he does not go to National PLANNING IN AFGANNISTAN;SOMALI;YEMEN Islamic states?Who the hell he thinks with Pp to believe that he could design for Seychellois what is good for them?

    PP you know what do not force me to come before 2016 to blow your little monkeys head?

    Jeanne D'Arc

  6. we donot share anthing in common with UAE or Aarbs,as a Nation we are the master of our destiny not Arabs,we should define how we want our land to lokk likes not Arabs,we should decide what is good ro not good for us,not Arabs.

  7. What kind of Government that Seychelles has to opt for Abu Dhabi's planning and vision? It is idiotic to place the future development of one's country in the care of another nation where their culture, religion, and even the topography of the land are in complete contrast. That planer- country is going to plan everything to fit with her doctrine and future vision. Khalifa has his own ambition and design for Seychelles, this is why he has Michel intoxicated with money whilst he Michel bamboozles the people of Seychelles with music, dances and drinks. The danger is when the real people of Seychelles will come to their senses, it might be too late.
    Look at Dhubai, there is nothing natural, everything is artificially made in a desert with petro dollar. When that petro dollar ceases, everything will die and Dhubai will become an ugly white elephant. Khalifa knows this and he is preparing his niche in tropical Seychelles. High up on the mountain tops, even sea-level rise will not reach him. But people's power can!

  8. Breaking news,can SFA verify this information please,I just heard from some parents that have took their kids on the new playground in Victoria that there is electrical current with some of those machine toys.There risks of electrocution is there if that is so.

    1. It's probably static electricity which is harmless. It is important to report it to the authorities and make a note of the date and time and keep it for your record.

  9. Seychellios rise up and take the destiny of your own Country before it is too late.Looking at what is developing under your very eyes is evidences that Misel is under heavy influences from the UAE.His little brain could not see that far or if he see it,he is guilty of dispossession of the seychellios people.Creole lever hey sortie Dan Sa trous Ki Misel inn prepared pou ou tomb lafan.
    I just wonder as many people has been saying now is Misel n his government involved in the importation of heroine in Seychelles in an attempt to destroy the very fabric of the seychellios people?Annou lever it is time to act now.

  10. Can someone highlight the disappearence of a young man by the name of Terry Jules?

  11. Very interesting but WHO and HOW is going to pay back.
    Believe me ARAB will take over and Seychelles will no longer belong to SESELWA!
    Then we are going to notice more batar partou kote.
    The few Grimace, Maconde, Mafouta and Matoubouk will be elimated on Mahe.
    Only Mohamed, Akbar,Nahyan and Kalifa will populate OUR PARADISE.
    Unless female arabs marry the Bacarie and Zacharie's.

  12. James Mitchel need not only to speak to the people, but also to listen to the people and understand their point of view, and take the people's concern into consideration. It is time like these that I think of my Hero Gerard Hoarau.

  13. 08.53
    You right.But without those monkeys at statehouse Khaifia would not be raping our Chirstian nd,enslaveing people,aand importing terrorism into our Christian land.The one we must stop by all means are those brainless monkeys can PP

    And now you starting to understand why they should all be eliminated by execution.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  14. 15.34
    He needs to listen to the people his masters and do what they tell him not the opposite.Government is there to administer what the people decide not the opposite.When one fells that he or she cannot do what the people ask him or her to do,then one should leave and go find a life not hang of power like a tic on a milk cow or a bernacle on a sinking ship.

    But the maron seems not to get that he keeps hanging at the tits of the people and suck them dry.

  15. Tery Jules one of the adding victims butchered by NDEA Michel mercenaries.Then he calls himself a Patriot.

  16. Seychelles First2 June 2014 at 03:41

    Seychelles First is committed to preserving our ancestral ethnic and cultural heritage, traditions, customs and values. We oppose the colonisation of our homeland through immigration and support the maintenance of the Creole people as the demographic majority within our own homeland. Seychelles First is committed to maintaining and strengthening Christianity as the foundation of our society and culture.

    1. Hats off to you Seychelles First. Best of Luck in this challenge.

  17. We will rise up and if we took guns to fight invaders and oppressor don't blame us blame pp and Michel for letting violence come on this island once was Paradise.PP and Michel Seychellios decide what best for them not you crooks and arabo..

  18. Manchaam "believes that Seychelles today is endeavouring to promote an exemplary path to political stability and economic development under the leadership of current President James Alix Michel and with the help of the UAE". Did I read this right from the Nation. God help us, God help us. Help us and show us how to eliminate Manchaam and Michel the 2 cancers that is causing so much disease in our paradise.

  19. Since when is India capable of training athletes. India has never won medals in any high level sports and now James Michel is telling us that Seychellois will be trained in India for IOIG next year. Does James Michel really think we are that much of an idiot. My people its time to let this buffoon knows we are not idiots.

  20. You all deserve the idiot politians you voted and paid for. Now the big question is how the hell remedi these fuckups.

  21. Is Khalifa Seychellois,our King?Or a pedophile,autocrate,wicked Arab who sponsor terrorists like partilepep ,HAMAS,Taliban.We soveiregn Mancham.

    1. Maybe we should go there and kick his Royal ass.

  22. Both Mancham and Michel are Khailfia Jihadists------They think Seychelles should be a Islamic State and Seychellois should be forced to convert into Islam.You know after all Machna recogciliation With partielpep is a result of Khalifa involvement and in the deal Mancahm was asked as aprt of the deal to always come out and support Michel and Khalfia distruction of Seychellois fabrics.So donot be surprise by his Statements he was paid for that.You noted already,each time partilepep talks about Khalfia Macham comes out to say "I agree with Michel,i agree with this and that".

    1. Mancham has become the pillar which support this zombie government for a fat salary....... Judas !!!!!

    2. You are right.

      POO AND PEE COME ON THE SAME WAVE LENGTH in case you never realize. Errrrrr.....split of a second apart!

  23. Qatar have just free 5 terrorists and bring them home. US got one prisoner back,taliban got 5 in return.

  24. Sport.PP have to write off this stadium in Victoria,this government should use this area and built muticomplex sport arena for Basketball,Volleyball,Boxing,Hand ball etc.School meal should close and this place its good for a big clinic for peoples from Mont Buxton,English;Pointe Conan etc peoples don't have to go especially at Mont Fleuri hospital.And victoria gym you can use it and make our police station more bigger and more modern.Donkey.

    This government also blame ex French trainer of our volleyball national team for being a agent,SVF if this guy did not put his foot on our soil today even Rodney Akong and others will never have chance to be proffersional in france you stop him now none of you can be a sport agent to help young Seychellios you cant see Lisa Labiche sent you SAF FER FOT after winning a silver medal in junior championship in Bacerlona this young talentshould had been in international competition.PP you can do nothing for a guy how have talent to be proffersional abroad.Accuse this guy being a agent BUT NONE OF YOU AT SVF can help our youths they all end up in heroin.

    Indian training our athletes this Michel don't no nothing about sport he only how to hold AK-47even for sport and politic zero.Thats why more and more sport is fuck up in Seychelles.I say to all athletes Seychellios if you can train like alone or with a personal trainer will be better for your future and for your gold.

  25. I donot have foreign agent in a gang of military men,i do have a professional ex-French legion advisor else all my men are young ,determine,highly trained soldiers .They donot need the help of GUrKAS,nor financing for Arab despots.For instance,my guys could have illuminate all pp donkeys without the exception of RENE with two to three USB misiles when they were opening their aseholes celebrating Michel if I would have given the green light.Today Wednesday they would have all been in their coffins,and not a single GURAKS would have been able protected them and Khalifa would have been ran to his island of sand in UAE.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  26. Could be use to build a New ,larger museum,with more historical ,cultural ,attractions in it ,anthropology providing a real Tourist attraction and real rich historical display of our people culture,traditions etc

  27. I don't see seychelles going anywhere if we leave it in the hands of the youth of nowadays,partying drugs and alcohol,laziness will lead us to nowhere. BELIEVE it or not we are ruined and lost. WE do need it or not

  28. Prepare yourself for long robes, women covering up and private beaches. Good luck Seychelles. You would need it.

    1. Allahu Akbar !!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Hey tourists are importent for our country museum can use this place were school meal center or were Victoria gmy is for a museum for tourist our youths also need place for their sport activity when we have good facility for sport this encourage youths to be more active in sport than heroin and alcohol abuse.

  30. SPORT UNITE PEOPLES SPORT BRING PEOPLE TOGETHERE POLITICIANS.Politic divide peoples and bring only war between human being.

  31. Sports unites poeple? Some of the greatest public disoders and deaths around the world has happened because of sports. It all comes down to respect and fairness when one has lost, injustice is the problem, whether it is from a referee or a politician.

  32. Seychellios youths abuse to much alcohol,heroin and some cant see their President and his ministers are abusing power and they are a group of Mafiosi in action.

    1. I have been saying for years that drugs will turn young people into pacifists and those bitches at State House love this fucking shit.

  33. The most important priority of any government is to uphold the constitution of Seychelles.
    By allowing the Abu Dhabi UPC the right to intervene in the urban or rural planning in the Seychelles, this government has just allowed a foreign country to violate the Seychelles Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity.
    If there was such a thing as an opposition party in the Seychelles, the matter would have been challenged in the constitutional court if at all there exists such a court!
    Failing that, the people could put up a citizen's challenge but as we all know, the people have no rights in this so called "democratic" nation.
    The fact of the matter is that the people of Seychelles will continue to be screwed left, right and center!

    1. Agree with you, but Seychelles constitution is dangerously flawed.

    2. This is what happens when turkey write the christmas rules. The constitution in Seychelles favours the ruling party. As you have mentioned my friend, "we will continue to be screwed left, right and center".

  34. My icon Mandela use the world sport to unite South African peoples when the rugby world cup were held in South Africa.Death happen in sport around the world because hooligans been paid to make trouble in the Stadium by mafia politicien.

    Syria over 200,000 death in just half a year politi-fes in Ukraine ,Libya its still going on and because of politicien fou around the world, And if you compare death cause around the world by politicien its unaccountable and disturbing than in sport death moron.In sport no one use tanks or fighting jets and Rpg,rocket ect or if you stand for your their butcher you middle of the streets.In sport death are cause by frustration or been rob or by hooligans been paid by Mafiosi to distract a match.

  35. 04.09
    Yes the people can challenge Pp,and they have rights 8unless they bleive as pp namely that their rights were given to them by PP and the latter can remove them.Seychelois donot have to ask to a gang of terrorists the right to exercise their rights.We donot have to aks anyone something that belong to us------And moreveor,Seychellois have proven at LaMisere(khalifa shit)at Takakama,etc.. that when they want they can rise up,So far it was at District levels,and what is needed to get them act Nationaly is a UNITED OPPOSTION.Once this is achieved ,I asure you,Seychellois would roll over PP ,and creaet a TSUNAMI.


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