Human Trafficking 2014 - Seychelles Tier 2


 Seychelles is a source country for Seychellois children subjected to sex trafficking and a destination country for foreign women subjected to sex trafficking. Seychellois girls and, according to some sources, boys are induced into prostitution — particularly on the main island of Mahe — by peers, family members, and pimps for exploitation in nightclubs, bars, guest houses, hotels, brothels, private homes, and on the street. Young drug addicts are also vulnerable to being forced into prostitution. Foreign tourists, sailors, and migrant workers contribute to the demand for commercial sex in Seychelles. During the reporting period, five Ukrainian women were recruited to Seychelles with promises of modeling jobs and subsequently subjected to forced prostitution in a private home; these women were later sent back to Ukraine by their traffickers, and allegedly replaced with other women. Some Indian, Bangladeshi, and Chinese migrant workers reportedly have experienced poor working conditions, including underpayment and late payment of wages and substandard housing – possible indicators of forced labor. In February 2013, as a result of increased complaints from Malagasy domestic workers regarding their treatment in the Seychelles, the de facto Government of Madagascar instituted a ban on sending additional Malagasy citizens to the Seychelles for such work.

The Government of Seychelles does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. Despite these efforts, the government did not demonstrate evidence of increasing efforts to address human trafficking over the previous reporting period; therefore, Seychelles is placed on Tier 2 Watch List for a second consecutive year. During the reporting period, the government failed to report any investigations, prosecutions, or convictions of trafficking offenses. It also failed to identify any victims of trafficking, and sentenced two child sex trafficking victims to time in prison. Although the national anti-trafficking committee developed a proposal for training and capacity building, no discernible steps were taken towards its implementation. The government also failed to address the issue of forced labor among migrant workers, despite increasing reports of abuse.


  1. CORUPRTION is the root cause for Huamn trafficking.Huamn trafficking often involved not only criminal organizations but complice of the State,immigration . ,police officiers and other high officials as case Khalifa/Michel trafficking Indians in containers have proven.To combat human trafficking effectively we need firstly to apprehend those High officials for ministers,immigration ,police officiers and Hotels owners who accept bribes and provide seltters and safe haven for such Human abuse Like owner/director of Kempski hotel owners who works hand in hands with PP government.They help disguise,make the abuse invisible,probably provide fake documentations,passports,visas,housing,etc (You may ask how we know PP is involve?Though those cases were made public by Oppostion party like SFP and other indivudals PP at any given time,not a single time,not a single investigation was ever opened --- but instead PP went on months later organized Interantional conference at Kempski and go drink champagne and eat caviars at Kempski Hotel on the same table with Hotel Director and propably foreign criminals involved in this gross Human right abuses. Of course,on such occasions bribery are paid and new methods to hide their criminal activities are concocted.

    As for Seychelles an island in the middle of the Ocean without physical boards with any country(Physical means not like for instance,Mexico/UsA whereby boards are thousands of kilometers long and literally impossible to control thus all0wing smugglers,traffickers with many options to smuggle Victims),The problem of Huamn trafficking in organized ,supported,cover up by Governement and in many cases Ministers,immigration officers,police officers,some hotels owners are activitily involved.Morevoer,if there were a real willingness by government to stop it ,it could be stop immediately.

    Another tactics of importing Human as modern salves onto our shores when it is not in containers,or Arabs' private jets is under the cover of EXPATS recruitments---there laos encourage,pampers by government officials who pocket bribes to turn a blind-eye or in many cases activiitly involve in the abuses.

    And finally ,Huamn trafficking,Drug Importation,Money laundering,corruption all work hand in hands and often organized by the same culprits and their government,police,immigration corrupt officials..

    Hence it is right to say that PARTILEPEP with Michel at its hlem who participated,arranged,authorized,and disguised ,organized the transported,disambarked on our airport and who ,allowed Khalfia to trafficked Indians in Containers to our shores or allowed Eatern European and Australian girls to enter our shores to come a pleased Khalifa perservesity as sex slave at kmepski hotel are active players,culprits in these gross human rights abuses.

    Those criminal activities perpetuated by Khailfia and the Arab owners and director of Kempski hotel had the approval of PP government.Not only Michel but the whole government for not a single ministers,judges,police officers,Fake Oppostion leaders,Immigration officers, some NGO's ..none went out public to denounced these abuses.They did not do it because simply they all involved ,they all benefitted for the abuses in the same way as they have been benefitting for PP dictatorship and enslavement of Seychellois for 5 decades.

    They must face justice and punished for their multiple crimes---if justice cannot do the job--I will do it for them in 2016 .

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. The do nothing because they are involve in the exploitation and it is a lucrative business that generate multi-millions of dollars annually.Note also all those involve in Human trafficking are same who are involve in drug transportation,money laundering,corruption,allow prostitutions to flovrish ---,-etc----- all those criminals above activites go hand in hands.

  3. Yes Partielepep are ivovled activitly--in allowing our kids to be abuses by foreign pedophiles,as the case of the Seychellois Man arrested in France for abuses.The victim is Seychellois and traveled through thr International Airport ,.Since the Seychellois arrested in France,Not a single investigation have been undertaken by Partielepep to see how the kid left Seychelles,who was the real mother/father,who the victim is.or at least help France Authority in their investigation--Why did Partilepep show no interest -well because they are active players.
    I could imagine that those innocent,abandone Kids at the orphan house are easy prey for partilepep and his ofreign criminals.

    Paritlepep think Seychelles must be like Thaialnd ,a paradise for pedophiles,abusers,violators.

  4. Mabye ,Michel thinks our under girls should be married to perverse Arabs too.For it seems b doing nothing ,partielpep wants this abuse to be common palce and make us get use to it.

  5. This government do not give a damn about the people of Seychelles, everything they are doing are for themselves, i.e: New housing for the people, free transport, free health etc, all being done to win votes. This is all what socialist governments do around the world, like Venezuela, a country rich in resources and yet bankrupt, they do not even have toilet paper, from Chavez to his friend Maduro to Rene, Michel and Faure, they are all the same. They will try to fool us again in 2016. I ask the opposition not boycott the election, go on the streets and protest instead.

  6. Le Pep are wolves in sheep's clothing, do not trust those bastards, they will sell their own mother to stay in power. Down to you Michel, Faure, Rene and the rest, down to Le Pep/SPPF/SPUP or what ever name you will call yourselves in the future. We, the free people will unleash Hell on you, not the imaginary one, but real one. We will not stop until you will be seen on TV and around the world signing power away to free Seychelles from a buch of Cowboys...... Long live Seychelles!! Long live freedom!!

  7. Free housing,free health etc is things stipulated in our constitutions and that was dicided on the 18th June before Indepedence and Coup D'etat,therefore it does not come from Pp but the Seychellois people who put in place the constitution.

    Morevoer Pp does not win votes on any Seychellois but rob it --If a party is sure of winning votes of the majority then it does not have to manipulate,rob votes.The majority of Seychellois in a free and fair election would never vote Pp in office but remove them in order that they face justice.One must be stupid to bleive that Seychellois would votes for their own destruction.No normal perons would do that.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    1. Jeanne, I'm glad you are putting the record straight, unfortunately Le Pep had erased this from history, however brainwashed people would vote for their own destruction. Remember, Adlof Hitler won the German election before he turned into a dictator. We all know that the German people is one of the cleverest on earth and they still went down the road to national suicide. I just pray we do not do the same in 2016.

  8. You totally right!But I am convinced that since SFP exists Partilepep has been shaked and forced to change many things--Zonm Lib ,RAM's brother has been removed which might also explain why RAM is now so angry with Chris ,5th June Cancelled ,the deliberate and uncontrol sell out be it passports or patrimony reduced,Interantional organizations waken Up , RENE calling for reconciliation including his lap dog Mancham,Khalifia monthly advertisement on SBC has been forced to stop,and many other crooked activities have been stopped not because Partilepep dicided vonluntarily/unilaterally decided to stop but because the Good,continued hard work of (mainly)SFP and other individuals have been doing and continue to do.Without all those exposures,without SFP naming and shaming those crooks and their illicit activities, nothing would have been achieved..(we must really thank Chris and his devoted team for that).

    There are however,much more to be done,and we could achieve those "those MUCH MORE TO BE DONE"much more rapider/faster If Seychellois play their part ,their civic parts more actively.

    How?By going out massiviely and vote Partielpep out------and should partilepep rob their votes--they must be determine to not allow it to happen this time around by getting prepare to take to the streets and ask partielepep terrorists and foreign collaobrators/colonisators their votes and country back ,else!!!!!

    We could conceive of the transition to dictatorship to democracy as a metaphorical journey on the road to progress,freedom and Human enlightment(democracy) or subjugation and bondage(tyranny).Societies and Nations move along this raod in either direction.Dictatorship could be transform to democracy or vice versa.But the transition takes place on the bridge that connects the road from dictatorship to is on this bridge that the destinies of Nations and societies,great or small,are made or unmade.If the transition is orderly purposeful and skillfully managed,then democracy could be a reality,For that each indiviudals must consciously play his or her civic role.

    Partilepep is pedaling backward on the low road of tyranny ,we are marching forward on the high road to democracy.
    Dictatorship survive not necessarily beucase the terorise,use brutality but because the people are disunited ,passive .When the people are United the can move mountains----Recnet history sohws that in Tunisia,lybia,Yemen,Egypt,etc...
    Believe me,when the people unite and start beating their freedom drums and circle the mud walls ;Seychelles terrorists would pack their bags and fly out like bats out of hell.Some like Michel we go to Dictator haven in Suadi Arabia and would be welcome with open arms and receive kiss on the cheeks,Some would suicide,others would hide out in the backwards of their brother dictators,or meet the fate of Ghadafi.All it takes is UNITY.When Pp mud wall come trumbling down ,the palace of illusion behind this wall would vanish without a trace.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  9. 06.57
    Unlike Germans ,who did elected Hitler in a free and fair election ,Seychellois never elected partilepep not even in the first democratic election just after Independence.

    1. Two wrongs don't make a right !!!

  10. Corruption is a sneaking beast that keep Human enslaved through its power.Traffickers use the guise of justice system,police officiers,government officials to enslave others.Corruption is the key reason why Human trafficking continues and traffickers remain free.Corruption both facilitates traffickers and feed the flow by destabilizing societies.,weakening a country^s the rule of law and stalling a Nation's development.At the same time,trafficking both regional and Transnational contributes to a country^s corruption.To function ,trafficking relies on pay-offs to police offiers,immigrantion officers, employment recruiters,owners,judges,ministers at all levels.

    That partilepep does not do anything--is because its members at all levels are involved and benefits from it.

  11. LÔR BLEU--we havenot seen even some dust of those gold.50 years long without control (problaby much more tons were robbed and transit directly to Europe without comig to Port Victoria) they have robbed us--revenues made trillion of dollars and the robbery continues and that because of partielpep.

  12. The butcher of Sri Lanka coming to visit his evil brother Michel.

  13. Partilepep durg dealers and human rights abuser--Morgan/Meriton in suites talking about Human trafficking and drug---Two atheist,communsits criminals talking about trafficking and drug when they are the importers and world known Human traffickers.What ashame for Mankinds.

  14. Why is it that certain soldiers are taking on a military senarios.why why why why.former spup.



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