Seychelles Independence Day June 29th‏

Flag of the Seychelles 1976
SFP welcomes the decision by the Seychelles ruling party PL to remove 
Zom Lib from Public Domain,remove National Day June 18th from the 
calendar of National festivities annually.SFP encourages the ruling 
party to make June 18th a normal work day in the national calendar. 
As well as June 5th. 
SFP fully supports the recognition of June 29th as the Seychelles
National Day of Independence .
In line with this, SFP calls for full unfettered, undelayed reinstatement
of the Seychelles National Flag of Independence on June 29th 1976.
Implementation of this national truth will go a long way in fostering 
National Unity Correct historical inaccuracies born out of an attempt 
to cover up the coup and related transgressions after June 5 th 1977. 



  1. They know the day this flag is flying over Victoria, it will be jugement day.

  2. The African Union has made a commitment to stand behind its island members. (SNA) African Union should be making a commitment to stop africans butchering each other...... Stay out of Seychelles' affairs !!!

  3. I fully support the motion to reinstate the 1976 Seychelles National Flag. I strongly believe this should get louder and louder and never give up on it. The 1976 Seychelles National Flag is the only true legitimate flag of Seychelles. No-one, no matter which government should ever be allowed to change or temper with it. There is no question that the Flag our Seychelles flew on the day of its independence, the day of the birth of the Seychellois Nation, should remain forever its National Flag. Seychelles Independence Day is and should forever remain the greatest day in the history of Seychelles, there is no doubt about it. Everything pertaining to this day of such importance, should never be allowed to be torn apart form it. Doing so would mean tearing apart the very fabric of the Seychellois Nation. Furthermore, to tear apart any of the attributes of the Independence day 1976, amounts to the worst insult to the dignity of Seychelles. It is all part of the act of treason committed on Seychelles on the 5th June 1977. These were the first things, that were attacked and attempted to distort immediately after the coup d'état Anyone found guilty of such crime should be tried for treason. The Seychelles National Flag 1976 represents so much of Seychelles history and its people. The National Flag should be the most sacred emblem of any nation. The current flag represents a political party. Just like the SPUP->turned SPPF->PL, they've changed the flag along as they've disguised themselves. The National Flag should be far above partisan politics. If you look around in the world, in most decent countries (democracies), (except in some banana republic) whenever they make political changes, they NEVER EVER change their flag, because their flag is their identity. When a country changes its National flag too many times, it suggests their nation's foundation is not solid. If you look around in the world, you will notice that the well established democracies, have had their flags for centuries. Moreover, most of the countries that changed their flags after their country was taken by force, are now returning to their original flags, like Libya, Tunisia, (the Syrian opposition use the country's original flag) the eastern bloc countries which became part of the larger communist federations, such as Ukraine and Georgia, and all the former Yugoslav federation nations etc. to name just a few, have all gone back to their original flags. To return the Seychelles 1976 National Flag is one of the most important transitions Seychelles needs to make if it wants to make a fist step to unite the nation.

  4. The flag shown here is the only flag of national unity.
    Independence came about by a coalition of the 2 main political parties whose colours are represented on this emblem.
    This flag was raised while the union jack was lowered in peaceful times.

    The flag of today is the byproduct of violence and terror on the people of Seychelles by the people of Seychelles.
    It came about after shots were fired from the AK47 assault rifle for the first time to suddenly and dramatically destroy the air of tranquility that had prevailed on these islands.
    Prior to this the only shots fired were those from canons when the French and the British were at war.
    The flag of today is a redesigned flag of only one political party, the SPUP.
    This flag is a flag of division.
    This flag continues to fly because it is being propped up by the ever present AK47.

    I totally agree with the SFP; the solution for the Seychelles lies with the return of the 1976 flag.
    Prior to that happening there needs to be some serious soul searching by the current leaders of the former SPUP and along the way those embarrassing secrets have to be revealed - Done with some profound degree of sincerity, I am sure that the people of Seychelles will be forgiving, but continuing to deny or hide the truth will delay the return to peace, national unity and sanity indefinitely!

  5. This flag will fly!! This flag is the flag of my Seychelles, and your Seychelles.

    Sesel Pou Seselwa!

    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

  6. I fully support SFP stance on this subject matter... May someone at State House is reading this and may common sense prevail. A Hopeful Citizen.

    1. The Flag of 1976 is the only Flag which represented the Nation (tfor it was chosen by the Whole Nation thus our only and truly National Symbol ).Those flag which came after were either representation of a minority group,a minority ideology and sometime nothing at all than just for the sake of having a flag.

      Moreover,Michel/pp calls for Unity but then unilaterally ,in secrecy Built a statue without the consultation,invovlment of the whole.These kinds of behaviors cannot Unite the whole.The results of looking at things exclusively,or even mainly from the individual end of the spectrum invite disharmony and disunity.(Stop this bad behaviours Michel,Dictation cannot unite but simply divide.

      The principle of Unity where there arise divergences ,viewpoint on any subject,then Unity is to be sought in an National and non-exclusive framework designed to mediate partial interests to those of the Common good.The philosophy of Unityx ,DR Michel,deals primily with all questions having to do with the syntheisis of ideas,thoeires,viewpoints ,and value systems and arise when partisant interests are viewed as part of a whole.

      Yes,Chris is completely Right to call on PP to re-introduce the flag of 1976, for the Flag of 1976 , represents the Whole.Thus it ,should be the Flag that would forge the Unity Pp is preaching about but have not act upon.Our Flag of 1976 is the National symbol ,and should be the symbol that represent for us ,the dedication of the people joined together by one strong bond.

      Jeanne D'Arc

  7. Our Seychelles flag our heritage, our dignity as a people must be re instated.
    I commend the efforts of Cheistopher Gill and S F P. they are showing great maturity and seriousness, they are accepting the need for Narional unity and they are calling on PL to address material short comings.
    Indeed we want our flag re instated.
    We must not give up until it it done. It should be complete in place before next Independence Day June 29 th 2015..

    Ale sesel

    Sesel Pou Seselwa as Gill says.

  8. Crooks like Pierre must shut his mouth,what come togethere for unity gran voler,letting your peoples coming poorer their disappear in the hands of foreigners you also want unity NO way with crooks Michel pay to mention this word like him.We will never unite or come together with crooks get it sucker.We have our own agenda how to rebuilt Seychelles and get rid of some foreigners that not belong on shore.
    Michel open Sri Lankan office down town that mean preparing to bring more Tamil Tigers making foreigners invade our country bringing religious problems on our shore like in Sri Lanka.
    Sa liki son manman Michell vole Seychellios and bankrupt our country than make friends with all kind of evil Tamilaek kaka mal bar to get rice for free.
    Michel you know what happen with son Saddam and Gadafi their also buried with him so think about the future of your daughter.If you run in foreign country we will hunt you down don't thing you will escape and run in other country ler liki I sal nou pou rod ou.

  9. Reply to comment above.
    David Pierre has already united full power with PL.
    PDM and PL are same.
    David Pierre is PL doggy, doing everything PL say, paid by PL.

  10. There is a saying you rip what you sown. Those who took part at the drafting the constitution for the 3rd. Republic will remember how weak the opposition team was. Rene's team took all the advantages that the negotiation offered and how Mancham's team was so eager to get to the election thinking that they were a sure in, not realizing that Rene had long demolished their voting power bases i.e. merchants and planters. They gave Rene all that he wanted -flag design, 5 years term for President, national anthem, etc., etc. Too much in a hurry when in fact they could have wrangled that dictatorship to the ground! No, they were dreaming of becoming President, Ministers and what not without paying attention to minute details that today have become big obstacles, problems and embarrassments for those who are calling for real change.

  11. 04.51
    Yes SFP as the moajority of Seychellois are accepting the need for UNITY beucase as you put it "Seychellois show great maturity but also Humanity.But you know what the brainlesssamll gang of idiots with Michel the butcher at it helm,keeps preaching about UNITY .They thinks UNITY is a catchword that when you repeat it turns into reality.UNITY is about involving the whole country and binding the people together,t cannot be achieved with catchwords but by real physical actions.National Unity is also about forming a coalition of parites in time of NAtional emergency and Seychelles is in a National ermegency.What we seeing so far from PP is speeches about UNITY and his gang eating caviar and drinking Champagne with Foreign Dictators like Sir Lankan President, but nothing concrete namely setting up a body for reconciliation that would then bring this UNity the country needs.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  12. Pierre is an illegal who would need to refund all the tax payers^money he has been pocketing as Illegal Opposition leader.No one elected him,instead Pp appointed him.

  13. 14.54

    The DP was not weak in the commission. It was Mancham who was weak.
    We did our job. But our job was always undo by JRM in back room deals we would never expect.

    Christopher Gill

  14. appendix to comment-
    We must assess the situation for what it is. As Claude Bonte said, upon the arrival of Mancham, Seychelles was expecting Superman on April 12, 1992. Instead Seychelles got Mr. Bean from England.
    Ce La vie!
    Seselwa Unite!
    Sesel Pou Seselwa!
    Christopher Gill
    Seychelles Freedom Party

    1. The 'situation' was that Seychellois wanted change and they had pined their hope on Mancham and that gave him a mystical flair and a return like when Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran. But Ayatollah was not in a hurry, he timed his arrival well after the Shad of Iran had fallen, left the country and people's revolution was in a high pitch. He did not rush back to negotiate with the Shad. Unfortunately Mancham did the opposite!

  15. Bishop Chang Him has launched the start of a Truth Commission! First time Seychellois have heard that he went to the mortuary and looked at his brother's dead body, it had a small entry hole in the back and a large exit wound in the front!
    Come on people, load what you know of what took place on the 5th. June 1977 and thereafter on this blog and build on what Bishop Chang Him has started!
    It is the only way to a National Reconciliation Michel, there will never be 'unity' if there is no 'reconciliation'!

  16. The blog is open for comments. The comments of Bishopmwent on radio across the Nation.

  17. And 'reconciliation' starts with a 'truth commission' Michel.

  18. Religious persons like Bishop Chang among others could be the kind of Persons who could lead/oversight a Reconcilaition body as it was the case in South Africa.Michel/Rene should stop preaching about reconciliation and Unity and act instead.

  19. Mancham reconciliated with partilepep and Khalifa as mediator for his own personal interests ,He probably pocketed millions in compensation form partilepep plus pension for life and accepted to play in turn PP's lapdog.Recently he even said"Maybe Zonm Lib should have stated".

  20. The Truth.
    To add to what Bishop Chang Him had started and said, many things happened on 5th. June 1977 and the people of Seychelles do not know because the details were never revealed as the main events were suppressed, and people were afraid to ask or talk about them.
    That morning there were many people locked up in the cells at the Central Police Station. There were a lot of commotion going on outside as the cell doors were being opened and banged shut. One could see through the grills, notably there were 'Jamaican', Raymond Bonte, Philip Doffay, and several others herding people in and out of the cells and elsewhere in the building. There were police officers, civil servants, ordinary civilians and expatriates as well as Seychellois in those cells and they were all begging for water.The main coup leaders Albert Rene, Maxime Ferarri, Jacque Hodoul, James Michel and others were gloating upstairs in the office of the Police Commissioner.
    Whilst the Commissioner-in-waiting James Pillay in full uniform was swaggering along the balcony upstairs, the real Police Commissioner Sommerville was sweltering downstairs in a crowded cell.
    There were several incidents and exchanges between the locked-ups that would be interesting to recall, such as the murder of Davidson Chang Him, when it happened, how it happened, what was said and by whom, and who did what! Those are details that the Truth Commission has to bring out to heal the soul of a nation.

  21. 23:13 "probably " is not the word. Try "has".

  22. Partilepep seems going to give our economy to Sir Lankans instead of developing our people and allow Seychellois to do such things themselves.Sir lanaqkn hospital,Sr Lankan cosmetic,Sir Lankan what Michel?Our stess on housing,Water,our economy ,fiIANCIAL LEAKAGE.etc...and all of course dicided by a handful fo aprtilepep gangster.

    Put your people interest first partilepep.


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