Air Austral Sep 2014 Seychelles Service Reductions

Update at 0700GMT 26JUN14

Air Austral from 29AUG14 to 02OCT14 is temporary reducing Seychelles operation, as St. Denis de la Reunion – Mahe service being reduced from 2 to 1 weekly. Mondays service is cancelled during this period.
UU421 RUN1920 – 2200SEZ 738 4
UU422 SEZ0955 – 1230RUN 738 5


  1. Seychelles SCAA and Minister Morgan cannot seem to get it right. What a blunder!

  2. La masturbation de Air Seychelles contre Ethihad et immirate air line.
    lekel Ki piss premier.

  3. Then NATION in pompous style, shows Morgan shaking hands with Austral Pilots at Pointe Larue Airport as if Air Austral was about to increase seems when foreign airlines reduce flights to our shores thus affect our tourism industry PP. consider it a success .....Porbably Morgan was thinking abou Khalifa^s ETIHAD monopoly but surely not our tourism industry.One might have think after 500 years of Slavery,Africans have learnt something from there slavery past,No they have not as Morgan and Pp monkeys demonstrate--they hold proudly to the old adage "Once a monkey ,always a monkey"In fact they help their slave-masters in enslaving them by their slavish mentality.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  4. You know African was made salve 5oo years long,not because their masters were strong and power but because African themselves pariticipate in the enslavement.Those Africans who participated in this gross Human right abuses thought by doing so, their masters would love them or love them,But the fact is their masters were using them to do their dirty jobs in their place.What Pp/Morgan is practicing is similar in regards to Khalifa.And they so retarded and blinded by oil dollars that they just donot see that.

  5. St Ange tells us "we must diversify our market"Yes St Ange.but diversification without connectivity---- would always mean failures, a waste of time and money.

  6. St. Ange sounds good. He does not always make sense.

    So far that has given us 12 percent increase in Arrivals and 1 percent increase in GDP.

    We need to improve on tourism yield by keeping St. Ange working, keep pressure on Finance and Transport to correct their fault lines that do prevent any further diversification of our markets.

  7. In LSH Morgan look like an old white labrador dog leaning back peeping through a binoculus and telling this monsier close to him, did you see my MUZZLE?

  8. Where he does not make sense is his argument that yield is the job of the Tourism Trade. This is only part of the equation.

    Who makes Seychelles expensive for everyone, Tourism Trade ? No. It is the high incidence of Vat at 15 percent which is unheard of for a Tourism based country. It is the assyudda assessment on goods at 15 percent based on cost of goods, insurance, freight, by ship or air cargo. This is stealing, ring off all tourism trade and visitors alike, and reduces the yield. Here finance Pierre Laporte is to blame 100 percent. He needs to correct this fault by his administration. Minister Morgan, is at fault for not suceeding in bringing in more flights to Seychelles. He has only excuses why he cannot so this, no reason why he can. The time for excuses is over. It minister Morgan cannot deliver, then the portfolio for Transport should be removed from him. Give it to St. ange let him do a run. We need results.

  9. President Michel is disappointed in Joel Morgan. What is this? Where is 'Morgan?

  10. Licencse Seychelles Airlines. What is the hold up? We need to get out of this mess Joel Morgan and Pierre Laporte put Seyxhelles in.

  11. Michel is disappointed but .he is the president why not sack Morgan?Michel is disappointed who make the deal with Etihad to destroyed our tourismt industry?Did Affif told?When AFFIF who has a brain told him "that is wrong"He sacked him for Khalifa intersts is above Seychellois according to Michel.":5 billions robbed from our coffers still in Swiss bank,bring it back Michel for the people is disappointed with your robbery too .Corruption creepd not system in aplce to control and deal with it--Seychellois has enough with your corruption Michel.Multi-millions is ofriegn aid not a single cent accounted for .Seychellois must pay for your theft Michel.30 thousands of Expats taking Seychellois jobs and allowing Sr 2.5 billions to leave our economy .Seychellois do not like it,Stop it Michel?reduce expats Donkey.Five satrs htoels keep their profit abroad ask them or put system in PLace TO STOP THAT Donkey.It not MORGAN thze problem the problem is the whole bunch of Pp donkeys and you Monkey Michel in the first place.For all the chaos have intensify since when you illegally put yourself onto power and start selling our,depending of Exapts,sold out our economy to foreingers thus making Seychellis unable to benefit from their own economy monkey.

    Jeanne D`^Arc

  12. Yes ,I do beleive that the two ministries namely transport and tourism should be coupled into one ministry and fall under the same minister.And partilepep should do that rapidly to avoid a total collapse of our tourism industry.

  13. Transport and Tourism must fall under one Minister. This Minister must be Alain StAnge for this time. Morgan is too detached,from the business revenue side of transport. He is clueless as admitted himself to me on a number of key issues.
    St. Ange is the opposite.
    Mr. Michel do the necessary July 1st.
    On that same day remove Gerard Hoarau from Planning with a replacement recommended by SCCI.
    Sesel Pou Seselwa
    Christopher Gill
    Leader Seychelles Freedom Party


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