Is Ahmed Afif a threat to National Security?

This is the question we should be asking ourselves, having served this government in key areas for twenty odd years - Ahmed Afif must know a hell of lot what went on during all these years that he was a major player in this government. However, he is keeping quiet and his silence over many issues is definitely not in the best interest of this country.

This newspaper has been following and observing Ahmed Afif since his election to the National Assembly. We believe that it is now time to expose Ahmed Afif for the liar that he is, in his demarche to front the agendas of his associates just like he did when he was in Government.

We are publishing a letter to show that Afif lied when he said in the Assembly that he had no association with any offshore company. It is also alleged that Ahmed Afif was party to the negotiations of the contract between government and the Irish. There are strong indications that Afif might have also signed on behalf of the State. Ahmed Afif has stayed silent in the National Assembly  all through the debacle over the contract between the Irish and GOS. He must now address this issue to say whether he was party to that contract or involved in any manner or form or not – he owes it to the people to come clean on this matter.

Source: Independent


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