"Escobars are murderers”, Wavel said

Last week on Tuesday 7th March the National Assembly debated on a motion on drugs brought forward by Honorable Bernard Georges the National Assembly representative for the district of Les Mamelles. This is the motion as it appeared on the order paper:

Lasanble Nasyonal I demann Governman pou met an plas en Task Force ki enkli reprezantan Gouverman, Lasanble Nasyonal, distrik, paran e dimoun konsernen pou:

1. Pas anrevi sityasyon drog dan sesel

2. Etidye mezir ki nou e lezot pei in pran pou atak problem drog

3. Resevwar propozisyon sorti kot sitwayen e Lorganizasyon konsernen lo mezir pou konbat sa fleo

4. Elabor en plan d-aksyon konpreansiv anvi redwir e elimin problem drog sesel

Our translation:
The National Assembly is appealing to the Government for the establishment of a Task Force to include representatives from Government, National Assembly, parents and concerned citizens to:

1. review the drug issue in Seychelles

2. study the methods by which we and other countries are attacking the drug problem

3. receive propositions from the citizens and concerned organization on measures with which to combat the scourge

4. come up with an action plan with the aim of reducing and eliminate drug problems in Seychelles.

What follows is an extract (translated) from The leader of the Opposition speech in the National Assembly on Tuesday 7th March: “He has got his big car, he has got his big house, and his children are at the private school, during the school holidays he takes his kids to Dubai and elsewhere to Disney World – and you, you just sit there like slaves, let’s get out of this slavery…… Mr. Speaker I took the girl and placed her in my car (I know her dad is listening to me now)… I put her on the boat and her dad called to say thank you very much cousin….. Mr. Speaker she has gone back to Corgate Estate… she has returned to Corgate Estate!! It is a wasted life. And for me it is for this reason that we need to make war without pity…. If we were in Bogota, tonight several of us, our body would be retrieved from the gutter with a bullet at the back of the head. But we are living in Seychelles… and today I would like to talk to those who say they support the LDS…. I want to talk to the Escobar to tell them that if they support the LDS, they cannot be doing drug business… they cannot be bringing heroin in this country… if they support LDS, they cannot be doing that. So if they are doing heroin business I don’t consider them supporters of the LDS…… I will not associate myself with them. And Mr. Speaker we need to be sending clear messages… we need to save this generation…..………..”

Wavel went on to say that the Escobar has no interest for the country and that the only interest they have is their own selfish interest. He also said that the Central Bank should give seven days notice only for the immediate collection of all the old bank notes to catch the Escobar out with their dirty money. This newspaper in some part agrees with what Wavel Ramkalawan said. However, we need to highlight the hypocrisy of the man, his double standard a trait he is well known for….

The exercise by Wavel to set himself apart last week on Tuesday is one that brought out the coward in the fake priest and he will regret doing it in the manner that he did….  Wavel thinks he is smart; smarter than all the rest in the LDS and this will be his undoing. It is important to note that Wavel came to this National Assembly having been defeated twice at the polls in the presidential and the legislative elections – he got in through the back door with the help of the Escobar. The big vehicles which he said belong to the Escobar were present at all the political rallies staged by the LDS during the campaign for the National Assembly elections. Wavel knew them because many were giving money to the LDS and spending a fortune to get LDS elected. If Wavel was a courageous leader he should have spoken out, there and then, at the rallies that he didn’t want the support of the Escobar - to tell the Escobar now after the election, when the Escobar had contributed so much towards the LDS victory, which has provided LDS with a majority in the National Assembly is both self-serving and deceitful on his part. This is the behavior of a (con man) dangerous person to be likened to a poisonous snake in the grass.

In fact in all the years that Wavel has been in politics he has done next to nothing to help out with dealing with the drug problems. The millionaire priest is now so drunk on power and arrogance that he has forgotten his past. We also need to point out that when he started his deliberations last Tuesday - it was a case of looking at himself in the mirror; “the big cars, the big house, private school, the holidays”. If push ever comes to shove, can Wavel truly account for all his thrills and privileges? This is the question!!  

Source: Independent


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