National Assembly Pensions STOPPED?

The generally accepted definition of a pension is the payment at regular intervals paid to a person or the person’s dependents, as a result of past services, age, merit, poverty, injury or loss sustained, etc.   These payments are drawn from a fund setup specifically for this purpose comprising of contributions made by the person to whom the pension is payable.

Seychelles Pension Scheme is supposedly setup to work along these lines.  Seychelles citizens in employment make contributions both legally stipulated and voluntary to the pension scheme.  Based on these contributions the contributors can expect to receive a monthly pension at the end of their employment tenures or working lives.

Whilst this is the generally accepted norm in the Seychelles, there are a group of people who expect everything for nothing and more for less.  The group is lead by non-other than Honourable Wavel Ramkalawan who believes that there are people who are above the normal provisions of the law and deserve extra-special treatment.   It would in normal circumstances be considered an abomination coming from a man who, amongst others, took a vow of humility.  His actions are appallingly and far from humble and make a mockery of service to the people.
Wavel Ramkalawan

When the perks and privileges of people - who have over the last forty years paid practically no taxes, made no sustainable contribution to the wellbeing and economic sustainability of our Island  Nation – caught red-handed in the plunder and squander that plagues us are being effected they can thank the millionaire priest to come to their aid.

The non-election of Wavel Ramkalawan to the National Assembly was for a good reason.  He did not deserve the confidence and trust of the people and they spoke at the ballot box.  Against this back drop another defeat has been handed in another bastion of our fragile democracy.

The Constitutional Court has reversed a decision made by the National Assembly to enact a law, led by Honourable Wavel Ramkalawan, to pay pensions to former members of the Assembly.  Like his previous defeat at the ballot box, Wavel will not take this lying down.

In the first instance, he used numbers to get him the post of Leader of the Opposition.  Current opinion is that the Honourable member will try to deploy numbers again to amend the constitution to suit his ambitions. It is dishonourable that a person uses the Constitution for personal ends and means – and will revert to changing it when events and decisions run counter to those ends and means.

As the Constitutional Court confirms that payments for political appointments have received specific attention in the Constitution, any act adding to the provisions of the Constitution is unconstitutional.  The only solution to get friends and acquaintances perks and privileges is to amend the Constitution.  The national interest or economic sustainability of such an action is of no importance.  This is especially so, when the pride of an election loser has again been bruised. He will stop at nothing to get his way.



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