In an article written in Le Seychellois Hebdo recently, several active or former politicians were labelled as political rejects by Gervais Henri, the Editor of the newspaper.

However, the most prominent political reject that he failed to mention was his party chief, Wavel Ramkalawan. Wavel Ramkalawan was rejected three times in a row in the last three elections. In the first round of the 2015 Presidential election, Ramkalawan barely got 35% down from a high of 46% in 2007. Despite obtaining the support of all the other opposition political parties, totaling to 52.3% of support, Ramkalawan miserably failed to obtain 50% in the second round.

In the legislative election of last year, Ramkalawan chose to contest the English River Constituency against political novice Wilbert Herminie. Herminie was twenty three years his junior and was contesting an election for the first time. Once again, Wavel was rejected and had a humiliated defeat at the hands of the young politician. Most political observers agreed then that Wavel Ramkalawan should have done the honourable thing and resigned from politics altogether.

Driven by blind ambition, Ramkalawan chose to coerce his party to nominate him as Leader of the Opposition. He has since been indulging in rabblerousing in the National Assembly and pretends to be an expert on all issues. 

Come 2020, Wavel Ramkalawan will once again be rejected by the Seychellois electorate.

