Basil Hoareau threw Wavel Ramkalawan a lifeline

On Wednesday in the National Assembly, the listening public witnessed a typical case of a dying man clutching at straws. It came in the debate on a motion by the elected member for Baie St Anne, Praslin, Mr. Churchill Gill. The motion was asking the Executive to consider the teaching of the Seychelles Constitution in the schools. During the morning session Hon. Basil Hoareau had questioned the legitimacy of granting Seychellois Citizenship to El Materi. The Tunisian who was exiled in Seychelles some years back.

 In the afternoon session, the Hon Wavel Ramkalawan took full advantage of this situation and jump on this life raft, from Basil Hoareau, to try and save his political life. It was good to hear a so-called political heavy weigh gasping for political oxygen. Wavel forgot that he was a priest; he went after the nun and the two priests who had been given Seychellois citizenship just before El Materi was awarded with naturalization. We all know that this was cover to grant the Tunisian citizenship. However, before yesterday no one in the National Assembly had queried the decision by President Faure to grant citizenship to members of the clergy. Wavel lashed out at the Anglican Bishop as well.

We know that he is not happy with him, for stating that the regional council should have been elected. Both, Bishop Wong and the Catholic Bishop were granted citizenship as a sign of recognition for their contribution to society. And, is he targeting the nun and two priests because they are from black Africa?

We all know about the scandal that have engulfed the leader of the opposition, in regards to accepting money to keep silent over the granting of citizenship. Mr. Patrick Pillay had challenged the Holy Father, who is the chairperson of the FPAC to call him (Pillay) before the National Assembly, so that they can get to the bottom of that scandal about receiving hush money. So far Wavel has failed to accept the challenge. On Wednesday, Wavel without putting his head into gear opened his mouth and caused further destruction to his already damaged reputation. Now, absolutely no one trusts him.

We can all remember, when Basil Hoareau threw Wavel Ramkalawan a lifeline Wavel asked the question (PNQ) on the status of the Tunisian in the country, in 2017. He was informed by Minister Larue that El Materi, his wife and children had been granted citizenship. He never objected and all the other LDS members in the assembly were muted on the matter; an indication that they were complicit. They saw nothing, heard nothing and said nothing. This is how hypocritical these people are, it is a big example to the country that LDS, like PL cannot be trusted in any manner or form. It is a total disgrace to have so-called honorable people behaving in such a way. God help Seychelles.



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