Steve Volcere Complains Of Harassment From LDS

The man who was punched by Wavel Ramkalawan is now complaining about aggressive harass-ment from LDS supporters and also from the driver of Wavel.

He has reported the matter to the police for an investigation and also visited our office to inform us of his predicaments with the LDS - so that we can put it out in the public domain to try and mitigate the attack on his person.

Steve told this newspaper that LDS stalwarts are offering him money to change his story to say that he was paid to lie about the assault incident at the freedom Square.

On Tuesday morning Steve Volcere was at Providence waiting for casual work - when he was spotted by the driver of the Leader of the Opposition, who was driving out of the Industry Zone heading towards the roundabout in the black Mercedes car, which belongs to Ramkalawan.

The driver turned around and came back to where Steve was sitting by the shop with other casual workers. He got out of the car and verbally abusing Steve – saying that they will get Steve for saying that his boss has assaulted him, amongst other things.

 This incident was witnessed by many bystanders and this newspaper has spoken to several eye witnesses. The incident was also captured on police CCTV at the entrance to the Industrial Zone. We have also been able to confirm through our source in the Police Force that the footage does exist. And we have a picture of the car leaving the scene of the incident.

It is not known if the driver acted on his own accord or on the order of his boss. However, the fact that he was on duty and in the car of Wavel Ramkalawan the law would also make Ramkalawan liable under the vicarious liability law.

Steve Volcere is in fear of his life and he has told this newspaper that if anything happens to him the LDS should be held responsible and accountable – because of the level of hatred they are generating against him.

The Police Commissioner – yes Him again - would also have to be held responsible for not acting to protect Steve Volcere.  

Steve Volcere visited our office that same day in the afternoon to ask for assistance to write a letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly, which was delivered later in the afternoon. In it he is asking Speaker Nicholas Prea to conduct an investigation in the matter, in order to establish the truth – whether or not he was assaulted by LOTO on 30th May 2020; at Freedom Square. At the time of going to the printers the Speaker of the National Assembly had not reacted to his letter.

Source: Independent


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