"SFP Says Zero Tolerance To Drunk Drivers on The Road and in Cyberspace" Part 3


  1. consumption of Seybrew is a local pastime ! Just imagine how this alcohol and drugs are affecting our small population. I wondered if Station Commander was not on the stuff himself whilst referring to Jacqueline as a 'his' instead of her..... If a Station Commander cannot pay attention to little details, then we are doomed ... Bring in some more Sri Lankans, Indians, Indonesians, Philipinos, Gurkas to help this place out

  2. Drinking a Seybrew or two is not a problem.But drinking one's soul and then went on sleep with foreign colonizator or illegal immigrant likeEl Materi cannot be tolerated.You a patriot fully or a sell ou but you cannot be both.

    Stealing or taking the asstet of somebody else without his or her approval or knowlegde is called theft and justice is the legal source to deal with such cases.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  3. The report shows issac had enough booze in him to put a horse to sleep. It was not an isolated incident. But this he exposed his problem. It cost us a lot of money and nearly killed a child.

    He stole 2 gold cards, stole password, stole puc fuel, try to steal truck, stole parts ans sold, stole party property, dirty deal with el matri for 10,000. He even stole documents concerning my private business affairs . To hide this sell out, he steals SFP blog,gets drunk, make posts calling me a thief. If I was a thief, I would be in jail. Land titles I secure, are by court of appeals judgement. Hotel I run, I built with my two hands, while he drinks Guinness at the grave sites where he digs bones of our ancestors.

    For the drunk everyone is to blame. The drunk is always righteous. We in Seychelles know this too well.
    Seselwa unite!

    Sesel pou seselwa!

    Christopher gill

  4. Amen to that Chris!

  5. Amen! Now get your house out of the cemetary Issac we need the space to bury our dead so we do not have to burn them and get a job. Shame on you.

  6. In a word, he turned from being an important politcal aprty member to a thief.Stealing has become for him a habit.Not just a stealing habit but a thinking habit too,thus waht make him a recidivist.
    Usaully people steal becuase they do not have a job,they feel it is easier than working,or they see the opportunity to get something for nothing.

    Seeing how he was attempting to blame Mr Tall when he was challenged instead of coming public and asked for pardon is disturbing,it was a sign of no turning back for him.He has chosen to be the copycat of Pp thugs.I wonder if that has to do with his time at NYS where he was indoctrinated and trained to be an active PP executor or during his study in cumminsit China.-Whatever the reasons, one thing is clear,namely that he following in the foot step of JUDAS,RAM and other crooks.I would go as far as saying he even worst than many Pp collaborator.In this case he should closed down his blog for anyway no one looks,and simply join PP gang of thieves.I am sure the Butcher would have a job for him as spy.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  7. Praslinois got 25 years for breaking into a house and stole a iPhone while LUcas still at large,CHief -of Staff of the army robbed 6 miilions from SPDF coffers has almost been promoted,Morgan 4,5 millions in a scam deal is still minister,Cheng- lang has bought Island and built hotel,etc..etc..etc..

  8. Praslinois 25 years robbery is unjustice human right abuse again by this kangaroo court and this regime,Michel are you starting to penalise Praslinios for exposing you?becareful.

    Who was this guy lawer and who was this prosecutor and judge?i'm sure his lawer is just a blood sucker just taking poor Seselwa money like always,defend lawers in SEYchelles are also corrupt they work behind close with prosecutor.


  9. Be considarte of mulism during ramadam ask Iman who his high on drugs his eye can not be open.Muslim are the main escobar in Seychelles heroin coming from their brother muslim from Afganistan and Paskitan.

    Are you considering none Seselwa to do ramadam also go suck a dick of camel man.

    1. Seselwa does not enjoy a drink. They drink till they get piss out of their heads and end up in the ICU. These idiots are a pain to society and a burden to the health service.

      The minute they get their monthly salary they prefer to blow the whole lot on alcohol rather than on the basic needs of their families.

      That is the reality in Seychelles.

  10. Not all Seychellois abuse alcohol and end up in ICU. Many are hard working and dedicated to their family business and principles like Christopher Gill and do not take shit from drunks, no matter what party they come from.

  11. Most of them do, until they shit in their pants or have their heads stuck inside toilets It is the wives or the children who ends up cleaning their mess. It is a everyday occurrence.

  12. You must be ignorant about reality. Have a look at the WHO report on alcohol and drugs abuse in Seychelles.

  13. Julio try to get sober and then think about writing an apology to SFP. You really went over board, and the evidence is right here.

    How long will you keep on hurting the people that help you?

    Mr. Gill has a lot of patience.

  14. Seselwa has always enjoyed their Seybrew, Baka & Lapire. However, we have got worst abusing alcohol over the past 35 years. Drugs are new to our shores, especially hard drugs. These are SPUP, SPPF & PP legacy we have to live with. This mentality can be reversed over a decade, but, we need the right leader with clear vision and resolve to get us out of this mess created by the one party state that has been in existence for far too long.

  15. Alcohol and drug abuse is common in all communist countries.

  16. JP the message is clear: stop driving impaired and stop blogging impaired.

  17. We all agree,including myself to take power from PP, but why published an insulted letter from the police about JPI DWI? Stay focus on PP and PP only. JPI is not running for office,he is only en'n pti nwar parey mwan ki pe triyange dan sa lavi sitan difisil.Mistake was made,no one died and let us move on.You are spreading more hatred and division.

    1. Here is one person who cannot distinguished between insult and the truth.

      A police report that is subjected to be presented in a court of law cannot not be derogatory or else the judge will throw the case out.

      High time for JP to take responsibility for his own actions.

      Pti nwar Gran nwar, Gran Blan, pti blan, insubordination and selling out is not tolerated.

      Gary Tall.

  18. Ask Jp to stay focused. Tell him to give back OUR blog and stop stealing from us. When he steals from SFP he steals to help PL!


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