" Seychelles Tourism In Transition"

(Forimmediaterelease.net) Madame Daniella Payet-Allis, the acting Chairman of the Seychelles Hospitality and Tourism Association (SHTA), met Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture, at his offices at the National Cultural Centre in Victoria.

Madame Payet-Allis took office just a week ago after Mr. Louis D'Offay, the long-time Chairman of the Association, had decided that it was time to allow a new leadership to be running the industry that remains the pillar of the Seychelles economy. Mr. D'Offay said as he moved out of the Chair that after 15years it was time to give a chance for new blood.

Madame Payet-Allis took the opportunity of this meeting to brief the Minister responsible for Tourism on the plans for the association following the Board Meeting of the care-taker committee.

Points seen as challenges by the industry's association were discussed, and these included the needs of the home-grown small guest houses and hotels as well as the concerns raised by the large international chains.

Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture, assured the acting Chairman of the SHTA of his willingness to continue to work with the association. Minister St.Ange said that his doors remained open to the association as it is for each and every tourism operator of the country.

“I met Mr. Louis D'Offay often, very often actually, and at these meetings he updated me on what the SHTA members were feeling. We discussed avenues for continued cooperation as we looked at the challenges the industry was facing. This same working partnership remains open to the association today as it did before, and this working partnership will remain in place for the new Board of Directors of the SHTA," Minister St.Ange said.

The Minister also assured Madame Payet-Allis that the public/private sector partnership that was put into place when the tourism industry proposed his very own name at the country's Director of Marketing would remain in place and that the Tourism Board would continue to be overseen by a Board of Directors with the private sector having a controling majority.

The next Industry meeting with the Minister responsible for Tourism is scheduled to take place as soon as the Association's new Board of Directors is in place.

The SHTA is reaching out to all its members to regroup and consolidate in an effort to drive their association to new heights and help develop an agenda that will take up all their concerns and aspirations.



  1. St Ange says he will continue ti work with SHTC.Listening to them and then ignoring them St Ange is not working together.

    The ministery of Tourism and SHTC should be a team,thus the ability to work as a group for a common vision,objective etc...That is not the case at the moment.

    Some ideas of night live for St Ange.

    A Cabaret/Musical show of Traditional music and dance(Afro dance could be intorduce as aprt of the showetc..).A new attraction but also a possiblity for young Seychellois who like dacning as hobby to have the possbility of making dancing thier proffesion on which they can amke a living.

    PIANO Bars,Hardrock cafe,KARAHOKE BAR,Comedy club,Pubs,Game salon.
    Evening BAZAR-Traditional articles,souvenirs.
    ARTISTS(or Streets artists/ painters)--i mean those who you can pay afew dollar to depict your pictures etc... )and amny more.

    IF St Ange needs help and more ideas for night life/amenites because he has run at of ideas,aspiration,etc...He can contact us.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. Seychelles is considered by a group of unknown foreigners as Best destiantion in Afrca.For toursits themslvs the best dsetination is Mauritius,and that is why Mauritius gets more tourist arrival than us.Strange that a country is named best destiantion but does not attract more arrivals than othe countires in the region.

    Stop faking reality PP.No one will buy those shit.World statitic show the contary dos.

    Jeanne D'Arc


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