Former Army ranger sues 'Sunday World'

Seamus Griffin claims newspaper defamed him by suggesting he was involved in illegal purchase of arms and that he trained Seychelles police to become assassins.  Wed, Jul 3, 2013, 08:58


A former member of the elite Army Ranger Wing is suing over a newspaper article which he claims falsely suggested he was involved in illegal arms running, weapons training and moonlighting in the Seychelles.
Seamus Griffin (51), Laraghcon, Lucan, Co Dublin, claims the Sunday World defamed him in an article published on June 27th, 2010. His High Court action against the publishers, Sunday Newspapers Ltd, began yesterday before a judge and jury.
The court heard the case centred on a two-page article headed “Spooks in Paradise” and “Exclusive: Members of elite unit moonlighting in war on Somali gangs”. A subheading stated: “Irish Army rangers at the centre of a row over training of Seychelles police unit known as ‘The Assassins’.”
Mr Griffin claims the article was untrue because it wrongly claimed there were substantial grounds for believing he was involved in the illegal purchase of black market arms from South Africa in the Seychelles and that he improperly took leave of absence from the Army to give weapons training.
He also claims it wrongly suggested he was training members of an armed police squad in the Seychelles to act as assassins and was working in a lucrative secondary job, which conflicted with his job as an Army ranger, when he had retired five years earlier. It also wrongly claimed he was the subject of a major military investigation, he says.
The Sunday World denies his claims. It also pleads qualified privilege on a matter of public interest along with fair and reasonable publication on a matter of public interest.
The hearing continues.


  1. We will see if any Seychelles media come on this issue and PP criminals have to say about they devils activite with former foreingn army ranger.Then it was good idea for us to be ready and be prepair for those criminals.

    About ARMS there are North Korean ships full with arms docking in our port in the night for refuel full with arms going to Africa.Michel this is the deal you signed with them last time they visit you?that they can transit in Seychelles to refuel.We have to watch them in the night guys criminals are more active in the night.

  2. A military coup detat in Egypt over night.looking at what is going on in the Seychelles right now, can history repeats itself?

  3. A coup detat in Egypt.could history repeats itself in Seychelles given the current situation?

  4. Seamus like Scally are known mercenaries helping Pp thugs ensalve Seychellois.That he wsa questioned by Irish Inteliigent Unit could not be an accident though his attempt to pretent no to have been training Pp state paid killers to rape Seychellois Huamn rights and dignity.Seamus and other Irish or no different to Gurkas.
    They are mercenaries!

    Pp should be investigated To.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  5. It is true, so what is there to sue over?

  6. A tactic in trying to get away from one crime.Like PP today telling us the United against USA in regards to Sex slave accusation.That PP thugs are united is commonplace they been doing it fro 37 years as crimial gang.But the reason why Pp tell us publuicly they United is anthoer way of trying to tell the world that the People of Seychelles is also united behind Pp crimes without asking them their opinion.It is typicALLY COMMUNSISM.

    The factis that Seychellois is unteid behind the USA.Why?Because even beofer uSA exposed PP on this issue SFP and other independnce Newpapers already raised thei ssue and exposed PP .For Seychellois the issue is not new.

    Pp thugs think the can deal with USA as if PP is super power able to give USA a fight.

    I think the Oppostion should support publicly the USA and ask them to provide or make public more atrocities and crimes records of PP through the last 37 years.USA probably has records,on all PP crimes since 1977 incling its invovlemnt in Rwanda genocide.illegal arms sell,how Pp organized sell out to Khalifa etc..etc.. information CIA,FBI have in their archives.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  7. History can be reapeated if change for Seselwa dont come and sell out dont stop.Morsi has his finger stuck in his ass next will be Michel.

  8. The Egyptian Situation...

    There are several things which we can learn from the situation in Egypt. For a start, we must be acknoledge what the Interim President of Egypt has said and is about to put into pratice. The judiciary must the the bastian of any democracy. In our country, we must get this fixed urgently. Justice is supposed to be for everyody, young and old, poor or rich, but not only for a selected few as it is in the Seychelles. As it is said, it must be INDEPENDENT. The people must not be held to idolise just one person, or just one party. He/She must be free to choose, or he/she can remain neutral. Further more, the leaders in the Western democracies have said that, even the people have elected their President in an election, it does not mean they mus support him/her at all cost, if he/she does not allow those non supporters to have their say. They must be allowed to have say using the radio, tv, or other legal means. This is not the case in our country. Unfortunately, many of ouir people have had their minds controlled for so long and cannot seem to see another way of doing things. The current ruling party cannot unite the country, and therefore there is not unity. Even they can preach unity or democracty. They do not seem to know what it means.

  9. I knew a guy who participate on the Seychelles coup in 1977.He said that if James mancham was in the country on the night of 5June 1977 they would have done him up.

  10. .I personally think the bastian of democracy is the governemnt of the people ,by the people and for the people.All the rest are patrs of the machine of democracy that makes it operational.
    Independet judiciray,independent Assemlby,indepednet National Meida wihch give access to all citizens,fre and fair elctions etc...

    The people who elect the President is also the people who can oust him or her regardless of if he has terminated his mandate.

    There are some arguments in Egypt by Muslim brothers and supporters saying MORSY was elected democratically and he has to end his mandate.Ending mandate YES ,but if before ending one mandate the people (majority)think the want you to go before your mandate as in the case of Morsy they can do so.
    Asking a Presidnet to step down before one's mandate by (majority)is also part of democracy.

    You right to say many of us have their mind controlled.It is called indoctrination,But i donot hundred percent agree with you that Seychellois can do like the Eg<ptian.They can:Proff,each time the people of Seychellois were directly targeted as victim be it in La Misere,Takama they have shown and proven that they are ready to act in unision and organized themslves and ready for action...or Seychellois locally as well asa borad were conducting petition to exposed and stop PP.These are proofs that Seychellois are ready and as in Egypt what is remian is the Unity of the Oppostion.A United Oppostion can tople PP in 24 hours whithout problem mwithout diffculty.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    What is missing in the Unity of Oppostion parties to direct and unite our people Nationally.

    As has been proven by expert in the case of Eygypt,The reason why Morsy worn the elction what not that they like Morsy but simply becuase the other Oppostion parties were divided.

    That this time they were able to forced Mo5rsy at least fconvinced the Military to take action against Morsy ,which the latter did,is simply becuase this time the were united which also gave the Military reasons for action.

  11. Can the Seychelles millitary copycat the Egyptian senario?

  12. Taler zot a copy cat.UAE special forces and Gurgas ya pet zit gros vant.

    1. UAE special forces ec Gurkhas ya pet gros vent ti France.

  13. Can you see Brigadier Leopold Payet of Seychelles addressing the people on television? no way! General Sisi of Egypt is a career soldier who has been through the military academy, and Brigadier Payet is a civilian dressed-up in military uniform, for the very purpose not to question orders given to him!
    The greatest failure of Seychelles is that the people has no national pride and self-esteem from top to bottom. The singing and flag waving you see sometimes are stage managed and fake. They do it because they are money-minded and materialistic.
    The opposition parties have to start thinking of uniting themselves first before they start thinking of taking over the country by any mean, forget personal egos, pride, differences and past conflicts. Or Partie-le-Peuple allied with Arabs with plenty money will continue to bribe and corrupt. Arabs will continue to do what they want and buy all the islands - log stock and barrel!

  14. Morsi been overthrow for being not qualify and those in his cabinet and treating his peoples like shit,like Michel is doing,Michel should has been long time been overthrow,his more worst than Morsi.
    Look how much bad reputation Seychelles is getting with Michel and PP around the world..

  15. I pray for the day that we Seychellois will stop being a coward and act like the Egyptians

  16. Well said Anonymous 11.03.

    Michel is keeping Leopold Payet and some old officer,his afraid of some young blood.They are starting to tell me its time for change.

  17. And at the same time Mancham is visiting a zoo overseas. He could watch the same kind of animals in Seychelles at State House and the Assembly during the session!

  18. L Payet has grown very old.It seems that he is having trouble to carry his millitary grade on his shoulder.
    Is it why he lift his shoulder upwards when he stood for attention.someone told me that the amount of appartments and houses this guy have got across the country is just unbelievable.There are rumors that his got properties in Malaysia and foreign bank accounts overseas.can someone clarified.

    ex exile commando.

  19. FieldMarshall Leopold is under qualified.Sis was attended USA miliatry school while Payet under a BAOABR tree in Tanzania.Itb too much to ask Filedmarshal Leoepold to come on TV while ministers cannot even face local indepednet juornalists.Michel as Theif-in -Chief only answer prepared questions from Onezim never indepedent press ,they cannot even hold a press conference.

    Just look at Dictaot-in -chief in the waiting FAURE we went a borad a few months ago as offical visits when he came back ,he was picked by a forest of Bodyguards at the Airport and drove directly to his palace wihtout giving the press the opportunity to ask him what he achieved during his visit.They feel not accoutable to Seychellois ,they feel Seychellois should not be imformed.etc...

    Jeanne D'Arc

  20. Now that Michel is on Reuion island lets wait for him at the Air Port and arrest him.

  21. Onezim also has a offshore account for publishing lies and writing bullshit every day for Seselwa to read.

  22. Let's ask Reunionaise to arrest him since we Seychellois have no guts.
    He's gone there to make phone calls to wherever he has his offshore accounts. He is scared to make calls in Seychelles incase USA is bugging him.

  23. Does people notice that when ever JAM shock hands with important people he puts his left hands onto the other person hands n look in they face as if to say I am god.

    He also uses his left hand to hide his watch that he wore on his righthand to local journalists.
    Can someone explain this bizaire behaviour?


  24. On thw Watch--Communisists always fool their people or others by presenting thmesleves as to be the poorest of the poor in countires they tyranized.leting Journalists see his ROLEX would expose him,it is contary from what he wants us to portraits him.
    The reason he holds his hand when hand- skaing is probably becuase he has frailing or sufering from osteopathy.Should someone shakes his hand too strongly his arm might detached from his shoulder or break his bones.

    Or his old age is turning him into a Phantonim.But it still does not answer you question.So Why do dictators and tyrannts do strange/Bizard things?But genrally speaking,i think it has to do with a confluence of genes creates personality disorder like narcissism,paranioa,anti-social,etc...--Some experts beieve that devils can be driven from the heart by the touch of a hand on a hand,or by a mouth on a mouth.Maybe the Butcher wanted to get rid of the devil in him thus his bizard body langauge.We saw a comic show of Michelissmo in Reunion.

    One more thing--Would the Butcher face independence journalists,press etc.. on his return to question him on his visit etc.. like many President should do?Or it would be the usual OMEZIM-Michel comic SBC show?

    Jeanne D'Arc

    1. The watch was given to him by Sheikh Kalifa. He also have investment and offshore account in Dubai in his wife's name.

      Selling the land at La Misere for one rupee to Sheikh Kaliffa, a large sum of money was transferred in his account in Dubai.

      There is no transparency in Seychelles politics. Jam is as corrupt or worse than Robert Mugabe.

  25. What is going in Seychelles right now is just unbelievable.sometimes you just wonder who is giving advise to our leader.No country in the world give land to foreigners to develop and than reinvest their income overseas at the expenses of the locals.
    What about the future of our childrens and grandchildrens?where are they going to get land to build.its absolutely madness to cramp seychellios in small blocks of appartment buildings like sardines while foreigners are enjoying beautiful piece of land with beach front.There must be a hudge racket of corruption going on.will history repeats itself?time will tell. ,Norman W.

  26. Agreed. James Michel is selling the country as a quick fix to the problems he has created under his leadership.

    The selling of Seychelles, is a deeper problem then economic issues.

    No other president borrowed more money then James Michel. Under him, in 2 years our debts expanded 5 fold.

    He made Rene look like a farmer.

  27. If we dont take Pp in power soon Seselwa childrens will not have a bright future they will be force to read koran all day.Its time Seselwa what you waiting for?

  28. I guess the butcher's adviser is the Devil himself or Arb primitives like Khfali-The Buitcher and clic will face justice and Khaflai will leave our chirstian land.We will not be the vitim of Interanitonal organized Islamic terorists threats and crooks.

    As any country ,we will defence our sovwreign ,God given Land.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  29. Three Seselwa sentence to death penalty in Egypt!Syechelles Nonse news paper told us,that ti zako blan are in talk to Egypt interior misnister.When you Ozemie will learn to publish the true?Morgan is making you publishing only lies like always ala dictator.First of all Egypt at the moment in a kaos and Muslim brotherhood are still on the streets demostrating and a goverment in Egypt are still not in place,can zako blan tell those guys family which interior minister his talking to?a name that not even exsit at the moment morgan has mention.Stop taking Seselwa for stupid,YOU CAN FOUL SOME BUT NOT ALL SESELWA.

  30. Morgan lies to his wife about spare parts at sptc.
    Morgan lies about his assets.
    Morgan tells us he has hair on his head.
    Morgan tells us he is Rambo.
    He who believes Morgan throws his her life into the wind.
    Ask the ex staff ex air Seychelles.
    Keep on Hibbing on camels ass .

  31. The three Seychellois sentence to death in Egypt can be release should Pp diplomacy prove professionalism.It is more probable today to have their release especially that now the Egyptian military is in control.

    Their realese is possible for many reasons.+-Egypt has now a por-western governement.Second the aggument could be made that in our Histtory and that Of egypt it has never happendecd before that Seychellois national committed crimes etc.. in Egyptian teerirtories thus a position that could be used to convince the Egyptian govt.Should our country has good relationship with US ,the latter has influence of Egyptina military thus the posibility to ask them for help including African Union.

    One more thing---since Khalfia has last week given billions of dollars to Egyptina military ,PP shouzld have been able through his Arab friend to settle the case.I am saying i like Khalifa to done the job for us.But just to show what PP supposed good friend could have done.I firmly beleive Seychellois diplomats could do it without foreign help.With good diplomacy.

    But why Pp is doing little.I think personally Pp can do more but it is doing it with political thinking in thier.Pp would wait for the right time to use our three Seychellois release to glorify PP and as window dressing.That in itself is a abuse of our people right.Why?Becuase PP puts it own politics interest before the life of our people.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  32. There are rumours that those three guys have escape from the Egyptian jail last week following the coup .
    There were about is unknown.
    Seychelles need to confirm this.


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