Air Seytihad Repositions Itself for profitability

Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which also operates daily flights between Abu Dhabi and Lagos, during the week, expressed satisfaction over the turnaround of its equity partner, Air Seychelles, which has posted a profit of $1 million following three years of losses.
The net profit was achieved just one year after Abu Dhabi-based Etihad Airways acquired a 40 per cent stake in Air Seychelles along with a five-year management contract to provide strategic support and management expertise in reshaping the airline as a sustainable commercial entity.
The result marks a dramatic change of fortune for the Indian Ocean carrier which had made heavy losses for past three years.

“The challenges in the global economy mean it is still a very tough environment for airlines. Against that backdrop, this is an impressive result,” James Hogan, Etihad Airways’ President and Chief Executive Officer, said.
“This performance validates the strength of our equity alliance proposition in which closer committed commercial collaboration drives revenue growth, and the integration and consolidation of key functions, achieves economies of scale and cost savings.”
“It is also testament to the hard work and willingness of the Air Seychelles team to embrace change and make the tough decisions required in reshaping their business.”, he said.
According to the airline, network and fleet planning centralised in Abu Dhabi has resulted in a new network plan which will support the hugely important tourist sector in Seychelles more effectively with good connections and broader choice for visitors to the archipelago.

The optimised schedule, it says, has also enhanced connectivity with Etihad Airways and other partner airlines over Abu Dhabi.
Also, 19 new code share destinations with Etihad Airways will open up key European markets.
Leveraging synergies and economies of scale arising from its relationship with Etihad Airways, Air Seychelles has been able to achieve substantial savings and cost reductions in aviation insurance, international catering and ground handling and in flight entertainment.
The conclusion of joint contracts for fuel, uniforms and stationery supplies, all contributed to significantly reduced costs.


  1. We the People need PP to explain to the Nation what is their policy in regards to our national Airline.For i many Seychellois beleive it we should be championing the cause of developemnt than sit back and wathc others eating the fruits of our hard earned independence.

    Due to the unilateral decision by PP to sell out AirSeychelles to Khalifa our country has lost lots of money to foreign carriers.All these carriers repariate the earnings out of Seychelles.As has been proven the country cannot develop tourism conveniently and effectively it it does not operate its own National Airline.

    Today,if you walked inot the offices of those vatrious airlines which operate to Seychelles and ask for any literature that promotes tourism in Seychelles you'll be lucky to gwet a simple black and white brochure.

    Several foreign airlines have attempted to operate InteraNTIONAL AND REGIONAL ROUTES owing to various reasons have fasiled to survived the business.This has adversely affected the development of tourism and other industries that rely directly or indirectly on the airline industry.

    Pp thugs seems to beleive that ofriegn National Airlines will waste their own money to advertise Seychelles instead of their own countires and operate at post to please Pp.Only Khalifa is doing that.He is doing it becuase he think may by doing so Seychellois ^will love him.We will not Camel.Note also Airseychelles bankrupcy was not because there was nt Tourists but because of crushing corruption whereby DAVID SAVY where being paid an astronomic salry in EURO and the many embezzlememnt he praticed just like by SEPEC,IDC.

    Seychelles tourism industry need a NAtional Carier to boost arrival not Khalfia ETIHAD or any other Artb airlines to do so.Seychelles independence and Seychellois want to act ,decide Independently and do what they think is good for the country by themsleves not by foreign influence or Arb despots ôr anybody else.

    Therefore,since Air Seychelles is a state own company thus paid by tax paerys money/belonging to the people)PP must come out and explaIN TO THE pEOPLE OF sEYCHELLES WHY THEIR nATIONAL aIRLINE BUILT TO WORK hand in hand with our tourism industry has been gifted to Khalifa?

    The idea that National Airlines are not profitable is a myth.Kenya Airlines or even Ethopia Airways including others are very lucrative and toursim in kenya becuase of Air Kenya hasnot keep to increase since Kenya airway creation.And Air kenya or Ethopia airline success is due to good planning,good strategy,and mamange by proffesionals who have the business acumen.

    We want Air Seychelles back and stop bullshitting Seychellois with Khalfia.Seychellois are christains and believe and worshipGOD and they do not have any intension or what so ever to ever worship a primitve Camel call Khalifia.

    Brng our National ariline ,our pride back PP.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. Pp needs to change its work culture should we want to move forward in the 21st century.

    1. Are you kidding me! Needs to change? NEEDS TO STEP DOWN, SA WI WA DIR MON!

      PL Government needs to be step on,
      stepped on real hard so they can never get up
      to traumatize the people of Seychelles ever again…

  3. Well,the herminies want to overthrow james Alix Michel together with O Berlious.

  4. PP will be not in Power in 21st century.Are you tell them to continue to rule until the 21st century?WE NOT.

  5. Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matters. Martin Luther King Jr
    As long as we just keep complaining behind our keyboard nothing will change.

  6. If the Herminies and Berlouis want to overthrow James Michel good luck to them. Hopefully they do not make the same mistakes as the previous coup attempts. In Seychelles there is no need for large army of mercenaries, one jackal is enough to turn the country into chaos. Remember to kill a snake, one has to kill the brain and the body will die.

    1. so what if they have failed at least they tried. How about you, hatching balls? :)

  7. Seychellois want to see a strong based flag carrier.

    Of of cruose the diggest challenge is the cost of doing Business , cost of operation is the highest durben for Seychelles governemnt,but having competant mamngement and having the Airline out of politics could be profitable and succeesful.
    GOvernemnt could as wellas think of going public by sharing SHRES to PUBILC to raise CAPITAL and expends it operations on the long -term.(strategy successfully adopted by Kenya Airways).Seperating Engineering dept from the main Airline and operates it indepednetly could reduce cost for Airseychelles while allowing a new Engineering Comapny to take root specialized and offering services not only to Airseychelles but all thse other Airlines.

    We need to subsides on the charges,this can only be offred by a National Airline whose aim is to promote trade and earn foreign currency.

    Wake up PP!Do the right things for the country marons!

    Jeanne D'Arc

  8. 10.41

    As long as we have fake Oppostion to divide the nation Tyranny chNGES OF PROLIFERATE BECOME BIGGER.Computer is a mordern instrument that have help to modilized people in recent revolution Such as Lybia,Egypt,Tunisia and Yemen.In fact,as the free press ,Computers is one of the most things of dictators and it is an instrument thatcan modilized people within hours.

    He who would be free must stirkes the first blow.It is an observation of one of the profoundest inquires into Huamn affaires that a revolution og governemnt is the strngest proof that can be given to a people of their virtue and good sense.

    The right for reveolution is an inherited one.When people are oppressed by their governemnt,it is a natural right they enjoy to releive thmesleves of the oppression ,if they are storng enough,either by withdrawal from it,or by overthrowing it,and substituting it with a ogernemnt more acceptable.

    What is clear in Seychelles,is that it won't be long should PP insist with dictatorship that the people start beating their freedom drum and bring the bearing olive branche to PP and the probability that Pp thugs end like Ghadafi is immense for they have had the time to change themselves but they have dicided they will not change for they think they have a legitimate right to enslave Seychellois ,a mistake Ghadafi made and paid with his life.

    Pp can change itself rapidly and avoid the faith of gHADAFI or chose to cling to power to sell out,enslave ,disposs Seychellois then their faith would be finishing like Ghadafi as a sewage rat under a bridge.

    Jeanne D'Arc


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