Fish Tails Stories Scams and Favoritism On Le Mariner Pier Property

Today Fish Tales Gone Tomorrow
Advertisements for a new restaurant operation is running on SBC every night. The restaurant is called “Fish Tails”. The ownership of the restaurant is indeed  a “Fish Tail”, with allegations surfacing that the new owners are high placed players in the James Michel Administration and key members of the National Assembly for PL. If this is true, then this Fish Tail is smelling like cronyism and corruption at its best. For those not in the know, Fish Tails was Le Marinier run by John Desaubin, a former Rene supporter who turned vocal against James Michel when he started to sell Seychelles to United Arab Emirates (UAE).
President by Proxy

John Desaubin Owned Le Marinier
John Desuabin known to many fondly as “TATA” ran Le Marinier for many years under a lease from the Port Authority of Seychelles.  At some point, his lease ran out and the lease was not extended for what seems to be political victimization. There is no reason to have not renewed Tata’s lease. Le Marinier was running, it was up for renovations and he has submitted a plan to the Planning Authority of Seychelles for a full renovation. After running the restaurant for years it was due for a renovation, no one will dispute this, not even Mr. Desaubin. Why did the Ports Authority not renew the lease?
John Desaubin

Col. Andre Ciseau Says Illegal Activity was taking place on Premises
If criminal activity was taking place on the premises and this is the reason for not renewing a lease, where are the Police Reports with appropriate charges? Was Le Marinier Restaurant being used as a front for criminal activity? Where is the evidence?  Such a serious allegation needs proof to back the assertion. In any decent country, a person is innocent, until proven guilty. Where are the charges? Where is the illegal activity? Many establishments in Seychelles conduct illegal activity, but they do not lose their license to operate nor are their leases cancelled and not renewed. Pirates Arms is a meeting place for John’s and prostitutes for many years. Is its license revoked?  Civility dictates that governments and agents handle affairs in a justifiable manner. 
Andre Ciseau

What Can We Do?
Many Seychellois throw their hands up in the air with circumstances like this. What can be done? The first thing is this:
1. BOYCOTT Fish Tails as a business, do not buy their food, drinks or frequent the establishment. When you stand up you do not stand up injustice towards John Desaubin, you stand up to prevent injustice against your fellow Seychellois and yes yourself. Vote with your money, keep it in your pocket and do not spend it at Fish Tails.
2. Write to the Ports Authority and ask for full disclosure of the circumstances surrounding the termination of this lease, non renewal, and why a political group of people have been given the lease on the area.
 3. Start a petition on line with facebook to ask that the Le Marinier lease be restored, and John Desaubin be given a fair chance, like anyone else to economically function in his country.   The current petition on facebook on the Grand Police project has amassed thousands of signatures.
 4. Mr Desaubin should file court case on this and seek INJUNCTIVE relief immediately. Short of that, he should make public all information on the President of Seychelles in a series of signed statements surrounding the events of June 5th 1977 and onwards as he recalls to set the record straight on who is the President of Seychelles.  

Send The Message To PL
The People of Seychelles need to send a message to PL: we are tired of your corrupted ways and favoritism in Seychelles. “Sesel Pou Seselwa” dictates that all Seychellois have affair chance to earn a decent living in this country, while they do that, each Seychellois is entitled to his own damn opinion, even if it offends the powers that be.

Seselwa Unite!
Sesel Pou Seselwa!
May God Bless All Freedom Loving Seychellios!

Written by Christopher Gill, Leader of Seychelles Freedom Party.


  1. Under dictatorship the job market is ingrained by nepotism,clientalism which is one reason among others that have contribute to the bankrupcy of our country.For the last 40 years under Pp,Seychelles is deeply embedded in the culture of MONEY POLITICS and to clean this cancer there seems to be one answer --get Pp terrorsists out of power.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Administrative work,commercial trading andnegociations of social life are settled not based on current laws or rules but through indivivudals orders or instructions by othse on power.Patroange and coruption have eroded revenues for the country,It created a culture that have allowed governemnt officials to rationalize stealing leading to banruptcy.

  2. Who is Mr Desaubin to now call foul? You start of your article saying that he was a supporter of Albert Rene and his party. If this is how he got his lease in the first place and now he is no longer a supporter he should shut up and move out and give it to a supporter of James Michel. It's only fair. However this port is being used daily by hundreds of tourists and Seychellois. The inter island ferry has grown so much now that the number of passengers taking the ferry in the mornings and evenings are almost unmanageable. The amount of cargo going to Praslin and La Digue has increased over the years. The Port authority should have taken over this property and make new developments to benefit the tourists who ends up sitting, shitting and pissing in the grass. The Praslinois and Digueois who needs more and more commodities one the island. They could have made provision for a restaurant or snack area which they would have then fought over. This port needs to be modernised to make it more convenient for everyone using it. This area where this restaurant is could have been used for accommodating departing and arriving passengers. Where they would proper facilities to collect their luggage. To board in a safe and humane manner . Other areas could be used to stock commoditises being taken over to the outer islands. More toilet facilities and baby changing areas. This attitude of saying this is now unfair because Mr Desaubin has now lost his lease which he has benefitted from because he backed one political leader is totally repulsive and a huge lack of respect for all of us who has used this jetty in the past. And even if you take a plane to go to any other island Mr Gill the toilet paper to wipe your ass was loaded from this jetty with no modern facility and has to be loaded mostly by the sweat of your fellow Seychellois.

  3. This port is being used by hundred of tourists ,you right;it is alucrative business ,so Pp think Desauban does not deserve to make money ,the restaurant should be for a PP ilk.

    Port authority is not the govenremnt ,it has know legitimate authority to decie anything.

    Other areas could be used to store commodities ,etcc you said"that what could have benne done,but Mr Desuaban was focrefully removed the licnese simply becuase he is no longer a Pp supporter and Pp thinks a PP stooge should be given the deal.This is call discrimination,Aparthied.It is not different to Plantation Club hotel robbed from its real owner to gifted to Khalifia.

    It is unfair,becuase no explaination what given ,and since Mr Desuaban and Port authority disagreed ,the legitimate procedure should have been done by a court not Csseau or a minister,tzthat wahat the law says.

    It common place that in any dictatorships cronies are favoured.

    You say this port should be modernized.Right.That has this to do with Mr Desauban.Do you think Mr Desauban who waited 40 years doing nothing or Pp Terrorists?
    Finally rule of law regular deals,conditions,procedures etc... between state and citizen not CISEAU, FAR, MICHEL,maron.

    I am going to put orders in this country sooner than latter,PP and complices, regardless who they are ,what their names,their positions,their tiltles,have until 2016 to change themselves or i am going to bring change to all those monkeys.

    Jeanne D'Arc.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  4. Is he the same Mr. Desaubin who was always bad-mouthing Mr. Rene with his drinking buddies? I wonder why he got the favour from Mr. Rene when he spent so much energy trying to associates himself with the anti-SPPF. Maybe René was not aware of his actions then, or maybe he was being re-compensated for a job well done.



  5. That was just thinking aloud, but, I think there is a bigger fish to catch here! I'll give an aye for clemency to Mr. Desaubin if it will help to break down our pyramid of corruption. I'll even wear his T-shirt if he dares to follow that lane!


  6. It should be clear to everyone what is happening in this country: if you want to get ahead you must proclaim the greatness of PL leaders; if you don't you won't be considered for anything = business deal or promotion. In this way most of the people will be forced to favour PL. It's a case of you're with us or you're out! Albert knew what he was saying when he shouted out, "Sesel pou SPPF." I imagine the people of Seychelles will now have to consider very carefully what Abraham Lincoln meant when he said in a famous address to the people, "If you cannot change your society democratically, you still have your revolutionary right..."

  7. I don't understand in Seychelles if you don't support whoever is in power ,they discriminate against you.that is so fucked should be able to speak your mind.everyone has a right to speak their mind without getting locked up or bashed up.The health care system is sooo bad.people are dying .nothing is being done about it.

  8. As long as Seychelles remains under Parti Lepep, we are all fucked. As things stand today Sesel nepli pour Seselwa. Years ago when Rene took power his "battle cry" was "Sesel pour Seselwa" 40 years later between him and Michel Sesel nepli pour Seselwa and the real tragedy is that th eordinary men and women of Seychelles are so busy trying to survive by whatever means that they do not realise that our country is no longer ours. So the next government should not so much focus on health care, education, the economy and housing but on finding out how much land still belongs to Seychellois, how many of our islands still remains under local ownership. PL is fighting to remain in power to prevent full disclosure of the extent of its betrayal. They came to power by committing an act of treason and this "treason? betrayal" continues to be the way it operates.


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