Seychelles Government In Deep Trouble With The United Nations

21 October 2013 – Noting Seychelles’ efforts to develop a marine-based economy while reducing ocean degradation and alleviating poverty, an independent United Nations human rights expert today urged greater attention to teaching skills in the ‘blue economy.’
Following his first visit to the country, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Kishore Singh, said that technical and vocational education and training, and collaboration with industry and enterprises “must be strengthened to ensure that the Seychellois acquire the skills and competencies needed to build the nation.”
He noted a lack of dedicated, training teachers, a trend he called “very alarming” and said that the profession “is not attractive enough” for the quality education needed.
“If the quality of education is to improve, measures must be taken to restore the esteem of the profession, as well as teaching conditions, to ensure the best students are attracted to teaching,” Mr. Singh said, warning that recent gains made in education are at risk if the crisis in teaching recruitment is not urgently addressed.
During his eight-day visit to the Seychelles, which started on 14 October, Mr. Singh met with President James Michel and other senior Government officials, as well as representatives of civil society, teachers, and students.
“The active participation of all sectors of civil society, including teachers, students, their parents and communities, is vital for a well-functioning national education system,” the UN independent expert said during visits to primary and secondary schools and public universities on the main island of Mahé.
Independent experts or special rapporteurs are appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council to examine and report back, in an unpaid capacity, on specific human rights themes. Mr. Singh will present his report to the Council in June 2014.
Among the recommendations expected in his report will be continued support for the President’s National Renaissance Program.
“This program provides a blueprint on how the serious social issues being faced by children at home and in schools can be addressed, but it can only succeed if parents and communities are actively engaged in dialogue and actions to find solutions together,” said Mr. Singh.
“Strengthening personal, social and civil education in schools, and enhancing discipline in schools, are important means of addressing this challenge.”


  1. It sounds like the UN is a member of SFP.

    1. We were right all along. Slowly but surely it is coming out and this time it was not by SFP but United Nations experts!

  2. UN special anvoy has confirmed what all Seychellois agree to with the exception of PP members,namely our education system under PP has disgraded .Teachers says the ebovy are under qualified.

    PP recrods on Human rights abuses is just stagering.
    Why Seychellois teachers are underqualfiied or better say badly trained?Well,becuase qualified seychellois teachers(Thsoe who made their degree abroad and highly qualfied9Once get back home they give up teaching becuase of bad slary,incentives,etc.... the cannot see and accept that ofriegn teachers often under qulafied or we not sure of their qualification are being paid an astronomic salary including perks,bonuses,free houses, health care,pension etc.. for the same jobs.

    For the last 40 decades Pp has premeditatedly alter the good education system left to us by British in to EDU-indoctrination,EDU-Corruption and mis-education.

    Stop waiting our childrens time with CORELE pp.Th use of new technology,maths,science,etc... this are what our children need to face and survive in education society not Creole.Creoel they can learn it later on and it should be optional.

    For Michle education is indoctrination.He feeds the youth with a propaganda diet rich in misinformation,disinformation,distortion,misguided opinions,worn out slogans andsterile dogmas of a begone era.

    For the later 40 decades Pp thugs have tried to keep our youth in a blissful ignorance.Pp constantly uses and abuses education not for the purpose of learning but indoctrination--------You got instead of Seychelles Youth foundation you got JP spirit Foudation as machine to keep youth under control.Instead of building more modern libaries with new teochnoogy for our youth ,Miuchel is going to waste Tax payers money to build a PARTILEPE MESUEM as if PP is special political party .And that on Ogvernemnt land and in gvenrment owed building.

    The UN envoy also says what Oppostion leaders and many seychellois have been saying namely Businesses,industries MUST RECRUIT;TRAIN;ANd employed Locals.I would expect PP would start asking those big five star hotels owners who alos the cuase of the massive invasion of Expat workers on our shores to start recruiting,train,and employ Seychellois and reduce Expats in order that Seychellois can benefit from their own economy.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  3. I am i bit disturbed that UN repporter did not check into other Human right issues :Freedom of assembly,visiting the Gulag at Montagne Possee,Health care facilities at Hospitals,and so on.

    1. Do not be disturbed as this is just the begining. The rest will follow.
      Just rejoice as the truth is finally coming out!

  4. To the first post.It sounds like Seychellois and SFP could not be proven more right than by the confirmation of UN Experts.

  5. There is a rumour going around in seychelles right now about a high profile divorce,can someone clarify who is it and why?

  6. Nathalie divorcing Michel is now official. Michel has no business talking to us about renaissance morale

  7. The stage has been set to unfold the mess in Seychelles. Within 24 months Seychelles will be under hard sanctions by UN and OECD and USA EU.
    SFP has done the leg work to expose it all. Our reach is the world.

  8. Comdi defin Antoine Abel e annan un proverb creole ki dir ki jenne famme e un latete fairmal sa.
    Marmay e encore jenne,zot oule zot laliberte.

  9. Nathalie and her family MUST hire armed guards now around their property cause Michel once threatened her mother that he will put drugs on her if she doesn't convince Nathalie not to divorce him. The mother although she hated the fact that her daughter is married to Michel had no choice but to force Nathalie to say on. I guess Nathalie can no longer bear the humiliation and decided prison will be a better solution than living with this monster. Michel and his family likes drugs. In the 80's his sister was sentenced to 12 years in prison for drug trafficking. She served approximately a year and then Rene decided to pardon all female prisoners so that Michel sister could be set free. Michel son got death penalty in Singapore for drugs, Khalifa got his sentence commuted and in return Michel told him to take over Seychelles and do whatever he wants with it. We are all paying for Michel and his family's drug business. I hope Nathalie will join us in the fight to free Seychelles of James Michel and his drugs.

  10. If Nathalie wants to join us she has to come foward and tell us how many million Michel has stold from Seselwa peoples and how many he got on his off shore account and how many he put for her and her children on her off shore account in Switzerland.Gill had said in Sfp there are no tolerance,not because she is involed with childrens good looking she got nothing to hide and she can join Sfp just like this, i bett she got some things.Nahtalie if you come foward and tell the thrut!you be will welcome to join us,but first the thruth nothing but the thruth.


  11. Nathalie though MIchel the butcher wife,doe not neccesarily know all the details on how much,the whereabout of the Bucher^s wrongly acqiured wealth.A new democratic governemnt can do that,for instance when it comes to the 2,5 billions in Swiss Bank,Swiss ogvernemnt would not give suc hinoframtion to individuals but a new government which ask for it.
    You must understand the Butcher has been robbing Seychellois long before Nathalie forcefully married him.Maybe Nathalie may have some ideas on "The Butcher's off shore comapany created two weeks before Lehmann brothers bankrupcy but not those multi-millions stolen before.

    Donot forget dictators never trust nanybody,not even their shadows,so donot expect the Butcher to trust Nathalie to the extend that he would reveal of his crimes to her.. That Nathalie ask for disvorce typified how untrustful The Butcher has become.
    It seems to me ,that Nathalie motto is"to be trust is a greater compliment than being loved",After all the Butcher never trust anyone why would Nahalie trust him.

    The butcher is a betrayer,for birth.It is something genetic,he cannot get rid of unless through death.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  12. Foreign companies from ABUDABI given bid to devlop the Capital of Seychelles while there are laready good construction companies locally which could do the job.Seychellois have to date never seen the plan though the capital Victoria is their capital.As foten decision have been made without them for Semi -Gods Michel,Faure have dictated so with Khalifa.
    What does that means?More foreigner would be imported,money which would have stayed in the country if a local company would have been given the bid would be banked abroad(just a five star hotels revenues).more stress on water,electricity,more waste.more houses to cater foreigners,more unemployed Seychellois and so on...In a word more seychellois ,less foreigners.

    UN reporteur spoke about the needs to recruit Seychellois not only in our Schools sbut in all sectors from Tourism,construction and so on.

  13. I do not think you should wait for Nathalie to join the opposition, instead, you should send her flowers and beg her to join SFP!

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  14. I think she understands which Oppostion we mean when we say join the Oppostion.It could not be a collaborator of partilepep / Michel to the likes of RAM /SNP or other stooges.Should she decided to join the Oppostion ,i am sure she would join the real,true,serious Oppostion which is SFP.
    I think that is something tacit for her.After all compare to Michel,she has a brain.

  15. They have most likely sold the whole Country to the UAE.That's why Kalipha has bought in the Gurgers to suppressed the locals n intimidate them.He uses the gurgars in the UAE as personal bodygards.
    No independant Countries would do such a foolish things like that.
    Very good idea if Nathalie could join the opposition.She would be an asset and a mindfield of inteligent too.
    Looking back in some of her photos and also her presence at public events she was always playing with her wedding ring on her finger
    .was that a sign that she wanted it off?poor girl she must have been very unhappy behind this fortress at san souci with all those bodyguards and guns around her.
    Maybe she knows more that the eyes can meet and she has get out before it is too late. Un solda Rene lo bareau state house.

  16. When the butcher took office in 2008 we were bombarded with the so call GREEN ECONOMY now the new catchword in Pp vocabulary is BLUE ECONOMY.

    Be it blue,green,grey,pink ,orange,white whatever,it is all about sustainability PP.We should place emphasis on access to necessities such as healtheducation by implememnting a local system of production and consumption based on waht we already have.Repalce Pp entire economic thought by a philosophy that dares to take a hard look at the complexity of our current social andenvironemnt issues.That means sustainable development without the "P" of profit.Palce people first and the environmnentabove profit and capital.Economic thinking of any colour does not work.We have to rid ourselves from the notion that "profit"automatically means more money and that growth can only be economic.

    ç decades our literally robbed by foreign Tnua seiners -a mutli billion dollar industry.Tonnes of By catch discarded by tuna seiners -a multi-billion dollar of lost money.Toone of seaweeds are collected and thrown in bushes during the North east monson--tonne of mineral good for producing lucrative medications thrown into bushes by PP.Tonnes of salt residue left as dissalination-..could be used to porudce cosmetic products etc-- another multi-million dollar wasted.

    Toones of Tuna skin(but also other fish skills which are a novel material) thrown away-- High quality LEATHER being throw into the bushes by Pp---good for the production of Bags,purses,shoes wallets etc.etc which could have give seychellois the possbility of opening a a new type of business.tOONES OF sEA CUCCUMBER sold rwa in bulk to chinese another multi -million dollar business left to chinese.Why not start proccessing here PP in order that we can genrate wealth with our products.COC de MEr now sold raw or polished --it could be carved as the "SUFI BEGGING BOWL" found in India in the +9th cnetury thus providing more interest decorative objects for both Seychellois and tourists.

    There are many therf ideas PP.Contact Us.We will give you an idea of how productive,prosperous and how the country can porduce wealth without the need to beg,depend on charity of Khalfia,IMF,World Bank ,roughly on any foreigner but ourselves.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  17. Why Sfp should beg Nathalie to join Sfp?No one should beg Nathalie,she has her own mind to decide what is best for seselwa childrens and seselwa peoples and its sovreingty.

    She has childrens she dont her children in the near future to read KORAN and she know what future she want for her children.And Nathalie know who's opposition on the island are sell-out for the past years ,you think she will buy a green lizard as pet to put in her living room!


  18. UN did not mention a word about human trafficking and UN did not even visit were those immigrants workers are liviving ect did they.UN must know that a failing state have nothing to offer in education and social live ect.. UN action should be taken not just talk and tell pp we want a democratic election and fair.


  19. If you donot know why Sri lankan President was invited to Seychelles byMichel now you have the answer.Namely to signed a deal with MHIN LANKA ,an airline owes by The President himself but registered as A government airline.The name MIHIN is derived from the President name ---Mahinda Rajapaska----The airline has benn plague with corruption, finaical losses,debt,waste and so on.Mihin Lanka is A family business .Three of his brothers hold positons as.Chairman,CEO,and the third who is also Commander of the Sri Lankan Airforce.

    Has Michel invested some of the stolen tax payers' money in the Airline,in order to laundered the money.?

  20. Is SFP too big to beg the ex-first Lady for help to save our country from the PL regime?

    MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  21. Anonymous 5.28 good Q!A man with no knowlege been taken for a no body by Asians invaders.


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