United Nations Representative Evaluating The Right To Education In Seychelles

GENEVA, Switzerland, October 11, 2013/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Education reforms and the education of vulnerable children are among the issues to be assessed in the Republic of Seychelles by the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to education, Kishore Singh, during his official visit to the country from 14 to 21 October 2013.
“This mission will allow us to assess the efforts undertaken by Seychelles to implement the right to education, the measures adopted for its successful realization, and the obstacles encountered at the national level,” said Mr. Singh, announcing the first visit to the country by an independent expert designated by the UN Human Rights Council to monitor and report on the right to education.
The UN expert will also evaluate the recent reform programs adopted by the Seychelles Government on education issues, with a view towards evaluating practical lessons relevant to small island states, including a perspective on the post-2015 education agenda.
The Special Rapporteur, who will visit primary and secondary schools and public universities, will meet with high level Government authorities as well as civil society representatives, including NGOs. He will also hold discussions with educators, academics, students and teachers’ representatives. The mission will take him to the main island of Mahé.
Based on the findings and discussions during the visit, the Special Rapporteur will present a report to the Human Rights Council in 2014.
A press conference will be held on 21 October 2014 at 14.00 in Conference Room 2 in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maison Quéau de Quinssy, Mont Fleuri, Mahé, where the Special Rapporteur will share his preliminary impressions.



  1. I am finally happy that UN come to check PP Human rights records .Unfortunately,it seems though, it would be limited to Education than other Human Rights issues :Freedom to assembly,freedom of speech,etc...

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. This special rapporteur is coming for a nice holiday in the sun and sand!, after being feasted, wine and dined by the Authority, he will write a nice report to compliment the host for the good time. Why this rapporteur does not investigate the real issues affecting human rights in Seychelles?, such as the agencies which are supposed to maintain human rights in the country. The thousands of Seychellois being deprived of their voting rights and live as diasporas!!!!
    Of course there are no serious human rights issues with education in Seychelles, so the Rapporteur will not be opening a can a worms there. As said before, everything one sees in Seychelles are fake or just a mirage!.

  3. Right -a nice ,expensive,all inclusive in five satr hotel,amybe even with prostitues on order.Pp thugatotrs will do naything possible to fool this guy.And beleive me,It does not take much to entice,brain-washed-foll an africna.All you have to do get a pile of green notes prerapred for him thne suddenly he will start singing your song of praises.

    We could alos ask ,why UN represnetive did not come to check/scrutinize abuses on all huamn rights issues including :freedom to expression,to information,to assembly,to democracy,(for dictatorship is a gross huamn rights abuser),etc

    UN representative is abit like Bishop Weihe ..just here to enjoy the beauty and sun and sand of our country free of charge or paid by Seychellois tax payers....

    Will the UN representative to give seriuosness to his visit,meet with Oppostion party leaders who can also provide opinions on how they see things?Would he meet with NGOs?Probably not,no time for that but instead to count the green notes he pocketed from Pp to provide fake reports.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  4. You know ,the only African one can trust is a dead African.

  5. This United Nations is full of crap departments that provide wasteful positions for a lot of phony experts of all kinds. It is a waste of time, money and full of fake diplomats. Even the little Seychelles has created niches for a diplomatic corps in New York, Jumeau and Potter are just plain bureaucratic waste. As President Reagan once rightly said, it was time to close the UN offices in USA and let them open their headquarters elsewhere!

  6. Seychellios. Let me. Explain to you why we are here.
    1.Your country money safe is empty.
    2.Your gov is heavily in debt and can't affort it.,
    What are we doing to help you.
    1.We will buy yr debts.:
    2.convert you all to islam.
    3.takeover your country and bring in UAE citizens into seychelles.
    4.you will work for us to pay your debts.
    5.we will control yr security forces.
    6.we will dictate what happen in the country.
    7.you will lose your identity soon.

    Food for thought, can you imagine you can do all this in UAE? Look at the mountain top and tell me what do you see. K.

    1. Thank you Kaliffa for reminding us of where our country is heading to.....Your contribution is very much appreciated.....But it will not be long before we stick a machine gun in your backside ......Shalom from the land of Israel!

    2. Murderous Mulslims may be allowed now in Seychelles under Michel but as we take over the power we will bring your worst nightmare to deal with you. ISRAEL.
      LONG LIVE ISRAEL. LONG LIVE THE JEWS. Seychellois and Jews will unite to position that gun right inside your ass

  7. Bet anyone the rapporteur will praise the education system in Seychelles, unfortunately the timing is too late for consideration by Mo Ibrahim price award for this year. Once again no African leader has been qualified for the award, so Michel will have to wait and fake some more for the 2014 award.

  8. You just witnessed the blessing of our new mosque at Beaufond lane and thousands are praying Allah in modernity and comfort. By the way, the Christians are not allowed to use the word Allah frivolously when referring to God, from now on you Seychelles people will use Allah with reverence and respect. Your bishop Wiehe has been advised to keep quiet. By the way, did you see the Deacon (the army chaplain) in the background for the blessing of the mosque? he is applying to be a Muslin deacon but there is no such post, unless he becomes an Imam! and convert to Islam, time will tell!

    1. Don't worry we will set the Jews on you. LONG LIVE ISRAEL! LONG LIVE THE JEWS! As long as there are Jews in this world Islam will have no place in Seychelles.

  9. Do not get me mad, or you Seychellois will stop dancing Moutia which is obscene in Islamic tradition, just like your coco-de-mer! From now on, I have given James Michel limited time to execute public orders to change the whole islands from Catholics to Islam. We welcome new converts as brothers and sisters with wealth! K

    1. Khaliffa, why are you so ugly?

    2. As long as Jews exist Islam will never amount to anything in Seychelles.

  10. Money speaks louder and fearless of Shalom from the land of Israel. We have anchored in the bay of Victoria, no one will take us out of here. Sahib, we stand by thee, if need be we can take Michel out, just say the word!.

    1. Remember the "Shaloms" have kicked your asses several times in the past. They will continue to do so, from Mecca to Cairo and from lebanon to Jordan.
      They will occupied your land and build walls to keep you away from civilisation. You will continue to slaughter each other like we see everyday on our TV screen. You have been cursed by God the almighty and that is why you behave like animals with each other.

      Shalom from the land of Israel!


  11. Of course it will.The guy was paid in advance to come and praise PP.But the thing is that Seychellois have brains ,they will surely not let an African coming from a village lost in African bush come a sell them shits.

    African leaders should not even be given awards with te exception of Mandela.What they should be given each is a letter from Interantional Criminal court for dictatorship which is state teorrism.Those tyrants should be consider terorists at the same level as ALKIDA and other known teorrist groups.There is only one different between ALKIDA and dictatorship,the former when they kill , they kill fast,spectacularly,and like to advertize it,the latter kill in silence and slowly which is more brutal for it could last for decades.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  12. Guns and bullets will take you out of victoria.Take michel out good for us then we will fight you invaders by any mean.

  13. 18.50

    We will take you out here,for the simply reason --you do not belong here.I asure when Seychellois lost their calmness many of you would swimm without having learn it before.And if Khalfia think we a small nation and he would enslave us.I think he should meditate back on how small Israel beaten Egypt,Syria,Jor^dan in six days war.It is not how rich you are,more big your ,but rather on how dertermine you are.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  14. Convert to islam its like you are tell me to tell my group to go in action on the first day you start to change seselwa culture and roots.About coco de mer its till our passport not even you or michel will remove it and this coco de mer look more nice than the asch of your fat arab women.


  15. The way you talk is a blasphemy to Islam. Yet, look at your fellow men and women who have converted to Islam how great they look when they are dressed up like real Muslims, men in pure white robes and women heads covered in black. This shows purity of body and mind. Even your Deacon now wants to dress as an Imam. Your coco-de-mer passports will soon be replaced, new ones are being printed with much similarities in designs and color like that of UAE.
    My friend, your small Christian islands are kaput against the mighty Emirates, just as the arse of your tiny weenie women against the well-built arab women.
    If Sahib gives the word, we shall cut the tongues of those infidels!

    1. Blaphemous is when you people massacre your own, like in Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, Gaza, Afganistan and Pakistan in the name of God. This world would be a better place without your bloody religion.


    2. By the way have a bit of respect for God when you are praying. Stop pointing your asses towards heaven and your head to the ground.


    3. As long as Jews exist Islam will never amount to anything in Seychelles.

  16. Indian,chinese should not represent UN on our shore,because they ate friends with Seychelles dictators.They just come to have a nice holiday action not taken.They can see for them self sesel is fail State,thats why our childrens get grapp education.

  17. Cut the tongue which is in the midell between the legs of your arab woman,like african do.

    Fifa will write off your World cup in Qatar.Because immigrants workers in your desert land have been use as modern slave and been paid 1 dollar for 8 hours woking.Boycott already started by european countries.

    1. As long as Jews exist Islam will never amount to anything in Seychelles.

  18. Shalom your prophet mohamed could even write his name and read.

  19. Ibrahim said more social problem to come,yes right Seychelles have lots of social problems and it 's increasing every day and in the near future it will get worst immigrants PP have brought on our shore and Seychelles will be in the international Michel wants the world to know him before its transfer to hell.PP you have seen in some asian countries what is happening.Budits fighting muslim the same peoples fighting each other it the same peoples that are coming on our shore escaping voilence in their homeland and soon they will star their voilence on our shore.mICHEL sesel were at peace any thing like this happen one day pp will be not exsit any more and all pp crooks will be reponsibel.

  20. Therefore Prophet Mohamed was a clever man if he could even write his name and read, whilst you cannot write! Come to the new Mosque at Beaufond Lane, we shall educate you in the ways of Islam, dress you in Islam fashion, most importantly make you rich like all Arabs living on the hill-tops, and your tongue shall be spared!

    1. As long as Jews exist Islam will never amount to anything in Seychelles.

  21. What you can teach us,its your devils phylosophy how to blow yourself up.Muslim can not live with critics.Afgan muslim living like pig house made if mude.

    1. As long as Jews exist Islam will never amount to anything in Seychelles.


      MICROBIOME :) :) :)

  22. Educate you should educated those muslim that are killing each other in your muslim world and educate those children from Afgan,Paskistan ect that have ni future no education,instead going to school they go play in the rubbish that they find somethings to sell that can feed their family.Shame on muslim world that girl from paskistan had said you extrimist can shoot his body but not her dream.

    1. As long as Jews exist Islam will never amount to anything in Seychelles.

  23. Clever amongst stpuiest than Him namely grand parents of Khalfia and his beduin clans .Our religion is 1000 years older than Islam and we are proud of it.It is a religion that allows equal rights among human beginn,no segration between men and women etc...Seychellois are proud also of their western culture,tradtion,ways of life becuase that was give them the identity thus dignity.Changing our christian anems to ISlamic names make us lots our identitiy-How can a Seychellois find his roots by changing his name to Mohammed,.ali ,Alibaba etc... We have nothing to do with a primitive relgion ,in fact not a religion but a sekt of submission.it is uncompartible to democracy or pratices of modern society.It is a sekt that pulls people back to the stone age instead of evoluting and moving forwards.

    Look at those Islamic countries how backward they are in regards to huamn rights,equallity.modernity,and civility.

    Seychellois is more advance on all fronts and do not needs primitives still using their fingers to clean the arsehole to educate us.In fact look at statistic Seychellois are better educated than those Arabs.When it come to comapring Seychellois woemen and Arbs it is just impossible to compare,for Arbs woemn are considere semi animal and often not allow to study becuase Islam is a patriach system that is genetic to Arabs .
    Seychellois should also ask WEIHE who is on retirement in our country to leave,for he is sleeping with Pp and Khalfia to destroy our christain roots.We need A Seychellois bishop not old ,ailing foriegn bishop to the likes Weihe who is just having holiday here.Other Catholic Seychelli priests must wake up and defend our beleif and religion.

    Jeanne DÂrc

  24. Illiterate means unable to read and write not the contary--that was Mohammed as it is the case today withSuadi King also an iliterate.

  25. Sultan Saeed your mosque its all about teaching our youths terorist how for them to go in european to blow them self.Soon the west have to control well muslim coming from Seychelles.This will flated down one day.if Mr mosa had built a mosque i will have problems with but not you none seselwa Sultan kaka camel.Teachinng our youths about jihad to blow themself up and your devils phylosophy.Sultan you and country are fucking for terorists around the world seselwa dont thrust those batardo terorists.I will fight them one day those motherfucker even pp dont know i have my gun with me like father and son,

  26. This new mosque we will burn it down.put fire in before they start to bring our children ti wrong think like they do with Paskitan,Afgan childrens ect pay their family a few dollars to blow themself at U.S soldiers.We dont want to live with devil Sultan.

  27. Shut up insolent dog! your tongue will be the first one to be cut off, Sahib has given the word! Go run and hide. I am coming for you! Your President Michel cannot do anything for you, he too is on the short list of debtors. We Arabs are coming to reclaim what was loaned and given in good faith to insolent and ungrateful dogs.

  28. Let us all get some pigs and let loose in the mosque while they point their ass toward the sun.

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