Air Seychelles, One That Fails To Win

Air Seychelles, in which Abu Dhabi's Etihad Airways holds a 40 percent stake, on Monday announced a major expansion to its international services.

The airline unveiled a new regional network plan, subject to approvals, which will see significant expansion of its operations in the Indian Ocean in Q4 2014, following the delivery of an Airbus A319.

The expansion will see the launch of services to Antananarivo, Reunion and Mumbai, an increase in services to Abu Dhabi from seven to 11 flights per week and three return flights per week to Mauritius.

The airline will also offer three return flights per week to Hong Kong, three return flights per week to Johannesburg, and two flights per week to Paris-Orly.

Altogether, the airline will see its weekly international services nearly double from 16 to 29 flights per week.

Cramer Ball, Air Seychelles CEO, said: "The new schedule will see Air Seychelles spread its regional footprint and build a solid position that will establish us as the carrier of choice in the Indian Ocean.

"It also greatly increases options for travel to and from the Indian Ocean, and with our new flights to Paris-Orly, we will also enjoy network feed provided by our convenient schedule times over Abu Dhabi, contributing to the bottom line."

Last month, Air Seychelles said it has almost doubled international passenger numbers in the past year.
More than 55,000 people flew on Air Seychelles international flights during the third quarter, compared to 28,847 in the same period last year.

Meanwhile, total passenger numbers who travelled on domestic services grew by 42.4 percent to 99,946.
Etihad bought a 40 percent stake in the airline in January 2012, in a joint-investment agreement with the Seychelles government.

The UAE national carrier also lent the airline $25m to help it expand.


  1. watch out air seychelles will fly the seychelles airways route as soon as they can!

  2. The national carrier Air Seychelles, has announced the reintroduction of direct flights to Paris as from February next year.

    The Paris reconnection is part of what has been described by the company as a significant expansion to its international schedule said Minister Morgan, but Mr Crammer Ball was not present because he did not want to be associate with this announcement. As usual, Joel Morgan was lying, there is no direct flight from Paris, it stops in Abu Dhabi, it is just an preemptive planning against Seychelles Airlines. Part of the grand plan to sabotage the new Airline, reason for not granting fight license.


  3. we do not expect Kramer to tell us he has failed,Khalifa will otherwise sack him.But why suddenly rush to operate flight to Paris?Well,It is a away of recognizing the importance of having direct flight from and to our main market but also knowing that Seychelles Airline will be a competitor to has become also clear for Kramer that whatever figures they throw to Seychellois to sell their strategy ,Seychellois are not impress nor enthusiastic about it,for ,for Seychellois our National Airline should be in the first place a compliment to our tourism industry before anything else.

    It seems Morgan and his pp ilks seem not to know the definition of DIRECT .I never heard in my life that DIRECT means a stop in between.So how would Morgan then defines a non stop domestic flight from Mahe to Praslin?A TRANSIT flight probably.

    Jeanne D'Arc


  4. I once proposed that Seychelles develops a small cruises ship fleet to control a market that does not exist in the Indian Ocean:Our economic collapse of course makes it impossible for the government to go it alone.But what about developing such a project with Mauritius a touristic destination like Seychelles?

  5. Air seychelles used to share with mauritius. I remember the days when we use to transit in maurtius before flying to seychelles. I thought it was a long flight but why change it to stupid ADU DHABI for a 10 hour transit. Its so shit. Im missing air seychelles even though customer service was pretty rubbish on air seychelles

  6. Becuase Khalfia has dictated so.Passengers must be forced into Dubai duty free.
    You what ^Seychelles Airline with its direct flight is going to demotrate to PP the importance of having a direct flight.I can ausre that next year we will see a real increase of arrivals base of real fgiures and that would be generated by Seychelles Airline not Air Seyetihad.No persons whoever its oriin when travel would like to fly extra hours,transit here and there,before getting to thier destination.

    I would encourage all Seychellois traveling to Europe to book on Seychelles Airline next year ,for by doing so,they will be supporting a National carrier,owed by Seychellois for the benefit of Seychelles and Seychelles not Khalfia and Pp thugs.

    BON VENT! Seychelles Airline.
    Airseychelles used otsahre with Mauritius ,thus it was geniune share benefitting both countries,There was crooked objeective on any side to destory other National Airlines to please Arab despots or any other crooks.Morevoer,Mauritius shares literally common history,tradition ,alngauge with us ,thus we can understand each other,there is mutual respect betwen each people,they can easily work together.That is why i propsed that Seychelles entices Mauritius to develop a small cruise fleet to monopolize a business non-existance but lucrative in the Indain Ocean.In a words,our share values with Muaritius people is more importzant than licking Arabs' Camel arses.

    Service was rubbish becuase it is a product of commusim.Nothing works in communism except state organized crimes.You remember,PP building tuna seiner in the 80-ies,40 years later we are still waiting for the first ever Tuna seiner.

    Jeanne D'Arc


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