Seychelles Illegal Government Caught Lying By OECD

(Reuters) - Seychelles rejected charges on Monday that it was one of the world's five most secretive tax havens for the super rich, saying the Indian Ocean archipelago had nothing to hide.

Last month, the Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes listed Seychelles among five states that either failed to share taxpayer details with other countries or to gather information on beneficial ownership of corporate entities registered on their territory.

Seychelles failed the test because its relevant legislation does not work well enough, said the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), which oversees the forum.

"Despite there being no concrete examples of non-compliance, the assessment perhaps judged that the smallness of our jurisdiction, and our capacity to regulate in relation to the fast rise of our financial services sector, represented a risk," Foreign Minister Jean Paul Adam told Reuters.

Seychelles had a wide network of tax exchange information agreements including with 15 European jurisdictions, Adam said, and had complied with every request for information.

"We have made clear we have nothing to hide and have opened ourselves to the widest scrutiny possible," said Adam.

The OECD said that international companies, banks and agencies might think twice about investing through the five jurisdictions it singled out, also including Luxembourg, Switzerland, Cyprus and the British Virgin Islands.

Adam said that while Seychelles had already amended its laws to abolish so-called bearer shares that can be transferred without registering ownership, many OECD countries had not.

"This is the real question of transparency that must be addressed going forward," Adam said. Small island states had often been targeted as convenient scapegoats, he added.


  1. Criminal always lie,its time to cut his tongue.This guy comeback with some knowledge now his becoming a criminal anda lier like the rest of pp crook,better change your shirt and
    your shoes.Those old crook will be going soon you and rest will answer Q.

  2. Adams if you had nothing to hide,what about Lucas cases aljazzera journalist show the rest of the world,that Seychelles is one country for secretive tax havens.Fucking lier politifes no future with those suckers,burn those mother fuckers.

  3. I was not the photographer but sure he has a small hand.

  4. The art of lying has become dictators master piece.Adam seems to has also mastered this art,it has become his profession.Adam has become a master in this art that he can even lies will his .... hole.

    Adam is an habitual liar,He does not need a reason to lie. He lies habitually,chronically and compulsively.He thinks he can never be caught.But his mimics,gestures ,body language speaks for themselves:he gave us a multiple version of the same things,become defensive, finicky and fidgety squirmy , etc...etc ..etc..lying has become an integrate part of living for Adam.he cannot get away with it.he lives in the illusion that whatever he is addicted to,is a genuine need not an obsession.He follows one policy in life,Why grow up!

    Grow up Adam!

    Jeanne D'Arc

  5. SBC sent to Sir Lanka to glorify Sir lAnakn dictator in return that he name Seychellesw dicatorship as the next palce to hold the Commonwealth summit.Michel the butcher has a new boyfriend Sir Lanakn President.

    When would PP allow Oppostion access to state Media,which belongs to the people and all citizen should have access to.Why Pp thinks tax payers' money must be wasted to gporify Sir Lanakn President when it could have used the boradcasting hours waste in Sir Lanka instead of giving oppostion their legitimate rights and access to our National Media`?

  6. Dr Adam failed to look at the guy questioning him,but rather looked into the wooden bars behind him.He probably thinking "These bars make me look like a criminal.It makes me feel like a prisoner.Hurry up finish with the question,i cannot help standing in front of those bars,i fell like already locked behind them"

  7. On 27-6 -13 partilepep pocketed scr2 million for mariculture development.We donot see any mariculture,or a real plan for it.The question to partilepep is, where is the money?

  8. Nouvel nwel i deor byen boner e ban'n golan pe espere lo brans bwadir.
    Faure pou ganny met ater e Jean-Paul Adam pe met li pare byento.
    Por Faure i ti kwar ki li pou pou pran plas.


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