Breaking News: New First Lady To Be Announced

New First Lady To Be Announced
It I reported from “Glacis Ba Mer” that a new First Lady will soon be announced to the Public on SBC.
The new Madam is understood to be just barely 18 years old  and loves children and will be devoting her time to the children of orphanages throughout,  Mahe, but not Praslin or La Digue.
The announcement has been welcome by the  community at large.


  1. In'n fatige ek Pralinwa prezan I mont en kou kot ban'n zans kaka dan sapo pere.
    May be Mancham will help him breakup the ice!
    Sa menm sa ki FAURE I dir "Mes valeurs,nos valeurs.
    Ziska Fraswa Hollonde in'n al vwar le pap.

  2. This is his new year resolution. This lady should fake orgasms et voila, parent amis et connaisance

  3. say what? isn't this pedophilia? what sort of mother allow her daughter to marry an old man, is it hunger? If it is get a fucking job! Sick this is wrong totally sick! wacko!

  4. Michel has convert to islam,thing like this you will see only in a muslim world.Like in Syria seen the war have taken its toe some family are selling their daughters under age or just turn 18 to old rich from Lebanone.


  5. I am 50 yrs of age,my stomach is turning, I will rather eat from the bin that eating JM dirty sausage.

  6. IT is the butcher way of leadin by example in regards to REniasance Moral.Adultry,Sex slave trafficking,insecinrity,etc.... and with the moral of an Atheist the little old wicked frailing con just cannot resist from doing wrongs.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  7. Mohammad Bin Alix Michel. what àlready four wives--he is authorized by Allah for at least Seven.THis guy is emotional destoryed as Nathalie left him in vain.A new First Lady is just an attmept to make Nathalie jealous Michel think.But for Nathalie is was just a tactic to suck this donkey away from some milli0ns he stolen from the people before he gives it to a foreigne wife like FAR.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  8. There is speculations of the streets of whom this could be?Some say it is Mitsy,others beleive it could be RMA's sister or even RAM himself,some think it could be FAURE's grandma...nothing is clear with the exception that Michel is not an example of family values,an example for youth to follow.

  9. I'm starting to ran out patient ......who is the next first lady?
    Is she still wearing long sleeves on a hot day?
    Or has he ran out of botox.

  10. RAM¨^s 18 years old daugther.

  11. Mitsy has an old female dog alone.She could proposed Michel as wife.

  12. One word.


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