Seychelles Drug Squad Makes Bust in Cemetary Mont Fleuri

This week Naill Scully, the NDEA boss, recruited from Ireland, as a operative for the STATE and President Michel personally, announced on SBC that NDEA Agent Dufrene was sentenced to Ten (10) years imprisonment for a drug deal in the Mont Fleuri cemetery last year involving a repaired laptop.

The NDEA tracked Dufrene on the drug deal from a tip on the transaction and the complicity of the dirty rouge agent in conspiring to deal drugs with a group that repairs computers and resells them based at or near the Mont Fleuri cemetery.

The total amount of drug confiscated in the transaction was street valued at SCR. 150,000.00. The other culprits made off in the dark and NDEA was not able to apprehend them, though they remain under strict, surveillance and monitoring.

The group is also involved in inter island drug trafficking and Nail Scully stakes his reputation on the case as always, that he will apprehend them and bring them to Justice, though he says it takes time, and it is not easy.

We have this to say to Scully : “Make the Mont Fleuri Cemetary Drug Free!” We want to visit our dead, free from drugs and free from traffickers. CCTV the cemetery and you will find out who is dealing drugs there, and who is digging up our graves. They are the same people, Scully.

Smarten up Irish or go back to packing potatoes.


  1. It was a set up!

  2. what you mean by a set up.

  3. That is PP Rennaisance Moral---Criminal is police uniform do not hesistat to disrespect the dead though therei s a sign that says"Do not disturb".It is not the first time we heard police officers invovled in Durg dealing---a few years ago it was a high officer DIDON who was caught red handed--he also was sentence)offically)but was given special treatment namely The culrit could leave his cell every morning and go to work and that as governemnt employee.

    In order to tackle theDurg problem fleoh in te country it is becoming more and more evident that LEGALIZATION of SOFT DRUG namely MARIJUANA would be a very important deterant as has been proven in any western countires Who at first had harsh laws and punishment in regards to Durg Abuse but who by decades of experience,having tried all kinds of repression tactics and methods came to the conclusion that Best DETERANT is the LEGALIZATION OF GRASS ,then a COLORAOD MAyor put it (ONLY HARD DRUG BARONS do not like the idea of Legalization though it is undisputeABLE ONE OF THE BEST means of flgihting effectively against HArd drug abuses one of the main causes of increase in crimes,thefts,domostic voilence,and other social vices.Not to menti0on the cost to RHABILITATE those affected and foten those hardly affected can bare find back totla control of themsleves thus making them useless to society but rather a durben.Pp should take a leaf in COLORADO?S,AMTERDAM,LUASANNE etc book ionstead of sticking to the old communsit mentality which consist of not changing because of ignorance but mostly importantly it is a secure source of revenues for the System.

    Wake up PP!

    Jeanne D?Arc

  4. Dufrene bez ou manman .Thats why he were good friend avek sa ban pp escobar like ti francis ti roy,baba,lo praslin.
    There are some guys behind bar waiting for you seen a long time for you to get your time.Banla montagne posse pou an fil ou dan fes Dufrene as pay back time and those you have been brutalize during your time working as corrupt cop.

    Dufrene is behide bars that dont mean he can not deal. He can still continue his criminals activity behind bars I know him to well .Why,because still some of this drugs are moving around and will be on the market and control by Dufrene his still the boss of it.

    Came on praslin chasing people that smoke a spliff,but taking hard drugs with ti francis letting this crack baby with family backgroung full pp supporter walk free every time been caught with toxic powder.And this is the drugs that he and co had been hiding in the cemetary seen being a NDEA officer all their got on Praslin been depose in cemetary at Mont Fleuri
    Me I will give him 20 years after all those years as NDEA officer being a mother f..ker corrupt cop danger for public.



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