"Movie Drive In When Youth Have You-Tube No Car"

Jan 19, 2014
After months of planning by the Designated Minister Vincent Meriton, the Minister responsible for Community Services, Minister Alain St.Ange, the Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture and by Minister Christian Lionnet, the Minister responsible for Land Use a movie 'Drive-In' and relaxation spot by the sea was opened last November managed by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture.
This facility that is situated on prime land right on the sea and adjacent to the Beachcomber Sainte Anne Resort Jetty at Roche Caiman was designated by the Government to become a secure open-air recreational area for the people of Seychelles. The the designated area was covered with bitumen and adequate lighting installed by the Land Transport Department before public toilet facilities and a small administrative centre was constructed.
Today the facility is seen and appreciated as a added facility that is being provided by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture for the population to relax by the sea and watch a film or a football game on a big screen sitting in the comfort of their car. A movie 'Drive-In' had been created as the place is now described by users.
Connery Alvis has been appointed to manage the facility and he publishes the programmed list of films to be screened through Facebook and discussions are in place to also use the Last Minute weekly online publication by Vesna Rakic to get the programmed film list to be played as widely distributed as possible. This 'What's On' entertainment and activities listing in Seychelles will help get the list of films at the movie 'Drive-In' more noticed.
Link to Seychelles movie 'Drive-In' Cinema Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/seydriveincinema?ref=hl
The NATION Newspaper on its last Saturday issue writes:- "Parking in a secure area to watch films or other programmes on a big screen outside has been on the 'wish list' of so many of us her for quite a while. The wish came three in November last year. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Seychelles has got its first drive-in cinema".
The facility is open seven days a week. You simply park your car and tune in to 87.5 on FM and from the comfort of your car watch the film beamed on the big screen. This new movie 'Drive-In' park is opened from 6pm to 1am.
Benjamine Rose, the PS for Culture says that the Ministry of Tourism and Culture continues to work to deliver for Seychelles. 'A relaxation spot that is safe and managed with needed facilities is today being provided for everyone" PS Rose said.
On his part Minister Alain St.Ange, the Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture said that it was pleasing to see how full the place is on Fridays and Saturdays. "We today can say the this facility was needed and we are happy to be delivering it for Seychelles as a well managed and secured family meeting spot" Minister St.Ange said.Connery Alvis, who manages the first Seychelles movie 'Drive-In' facility, said that he was satisfied with how members of the public were responding to the facility.The place is proving very popular on a daily basis as a meeting spot and it brings a bigger crowd from Friday night with those coming to watch a film from the comfort of their car.



  1. I know these kind of drive-in and latter peoples are going to bring mattress for sex and followed with drugs. Prove me wrong before end of six months.

  2. When the first murder or rape happens there then they will realize that this a wrong concept for Seychelles.

  3. Always a good thing to take care of the youth and put the nation interests before anything else.What about tourist attraction St Ange,that is were extra revenues will come.Stop leting tourists sleep ar Six PM St Ange,They go to bed at Six becuase they have no palce to go when evening falls.Thus millions of dollar not spend by tourists though thereis a demand there and St Ange should be more pro-active to deliver.
    A sport complex where after achool,during school holidays where Youths can go and keep themsleves busy,with volley ball,table tennis,other outdoor activities,such as leraning now to swimm ,sailing,canoeing,etc....etc...

    Jeanne D'Arc

  4. What you do during raining season with it Meriton?.Could it not be used for something more intersting like building a CABARET where both Tourist and local could come to enjoy some high standard perfromance by Locals proffesional dancers?I am not complaining about the fact that it is a good thing for youth.But is it the most important or isti a necesiity at this time when many other projects seem more important?Why not a proffesional GAME rROOM. with billard,snooker,vedoe games,darts .kARAHOKY whatever the name ,even this big screen could have been place inside the Game roo,it make people more social than each individual sitting in his own car alone.?wHAT WE DO WITH THIS mERITON DURING THE RAINING SEASON?

  5. IDEAS for Pp and MERITON

    INDOOR GAMES( in Game salon)-- vedeo game(from Wii,to paly station)
    .table tennis
    ,indoor football


    OUTDOOR ATTIVITIES(near by),Chest(chest baord drawnof floor- Extra big)
    ,mini golf(miniature golf)
    Beach football
    Skating board
    Beach volley

    Moe ideas contact Us Meriton-

    An indoor and outdoor facilites close to each other would have provide a real attraction,both useful during sunny and raining season.And for all category of persons from Kids to adults .

    Jeanne D'Arc

  6. All the million spent just for a big screen.Not enough palce ofr a good amount of cars that would make it rentable to difuse a bog screen flim there,During raining season must probably be shut dowN,Palce could have been used for something more important---INDOOR GAME SALON conmbine WITH OUTDOOR GAMES.GOOD all year round at all weather conditions and for all ages from Kids,Adolesnce ,Adulta, Couples,etc....And much more attactive.

  7. MERITON if use his common sense still save face for a while.For instacne,he could close this car park for a handful of rich ministers' sons who could buy a car and instead put chairs in order that during the world Cup Youths can come over and watch the world.He could at the same time put in palce a littl KIOSK whereby soft drinks ,chips could be sold.

    After the world cup ,we could finally repalce the park car in front of the big screen ny a AMPHI_theater do to what you may ask?WEll, when their nothing to play on the big creen the palce could be used for other pruposes for instance allow young artists,musicians,comedians starting up to perfrom on certain weeends for free thus promote thmeslves thier career.UNplugged,Acoustic misical perfromance by new starters etc.....
    Then Meriton can start building an INDOOR COMPLEX and also OUT DOOR attractions making the palce a real recreational park,adapt to the need of today's youths and into the 21st Cnetury.

    Trying to do something for the youths is always a good thing BRO,but how we do it is.does it serve its purpose effectively etc... most important.An INDOOR/OUTDOOR complex would keep many youths away from drug aubses,being Drug pushers,etc...Of course such a complex one would need a restaurant---what to serve?Well it is up to Meriton and the demand.But Meriton could use the restaurant to promote Heathly food---Fruits/vegetable drinks,instead of Hamburger promote good health sadnwiches,etc.. etc... that is up to you to decide Meriton.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  8. If Arabs can bring prostitutes in our country I can small that after 1 a.m. show they will start an x-rated film. Stay tune and look for a condom machine in the W.C.


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