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  1. A managerial,sanitary,habdling and processing health minister Dr Mitzy has her lips zipped on the issue,.....she has no medical knowledge ,no academic capacity ,forgive her.
    What is sure,is the case would affect the company image,therby our country!s inage.Now that ecport has only been hit ,zhis bad new would probably weigh heavily on the company ability to keep cunsumers,buyers,confidence,which affect production.
    Dr Mitzy should act immediately and conduct an immediate sanitary investigation in order that affective solutions is delivered.

    Eg handling,storaging,proceesing,sterilazation and canning process are at normal,zhermal and hermitcal process adequate,and the general control produres in place the right ones,are they follow?should the firm tempory be closed from investigation?The critical limits and critical factors used to prevent ,eliminate and inhabit the growth of microbal food pathogens.?
    Dr Mitzy must react now,to save the company ,and avoid food poisoning the world with scombroid food poisoning.

  2. The year 2015 starts with more bad news, chaos and fiascos everywhere. Today's Seychelles Nation announced more appointments have been made in the police force following the adoption and implementation of the new police structure. In reality this is just a tomfoolery which further illustrates the incompetency prevailing in the police. It is not a re-structuring of the police force, on the contrary it is a 'de-structuring'. There is nothing wrong in promoting Seychellois officers but promotion should be aligned with progress and development, otherwise you are destroying the little experience already acquired. The public is asking why all those officers are assigned in the wrong areas of responsibilities?
    For example, C/Supt Guy Roucou as consultant to the Commissioner when there are already ONE Deputy and TWO Assistants Commissioners! Roucou has all his career and experience as a 'Guard Baton' and not very bright in administrative areas. He was the Police Officer responsible for the operational fiasco at the National Assembly where SNP members were clubbed on the skulls. And when he should had been sacked, he was instead promoted to Chief Superintendent! Every one in the Police department knows that Roucou is having an illicit affair with Ms. Dogley, a civilian in the Personnel Office. And this Ms. Dogley should have been removed from that office a long time ago because she hampers and controls the recruitment process in favoring prospective candidates of Pp supporters. Instead, she has been appointed Asst. Superintendent of Police to boost her salary scale!
    Those are areas that Morgan and Hunter can start addressing if they want to do some genuine re-structuring. And stop introducing unfamiliar terminologies such as 'Visible Policing' 'Responsive Service' and 'Physical Resources', they sound like South Africa-an; stick to the more traditional and international terms such as 'Operation' or 'Investigation' which are more familiar to Police Officers and general public. Otherwise, total chaos and total collapse of once a proud and efficient Police Force is eminent.

  3. Fundamental reforms need new model of you achieve real restructuring with Roucou,an old partilepep guard,who is o.e of the flag bearer aspirant of a broken,corupt,incompetent police forces,?What Morgen proposes is a reconfirmation of the old structure,the old car with the broken engine.For Morgen,promotion of the old gaurds is restructure.Morgen incompetency is reflected in the police forces.what for a farce.

  4. One corrupt President gone, time for Seychelles President to follow!!

    1. By the way the two were close allies. Sri Lankans stood firm and got rid of a corrupt regime. Hope Seychellois follow the lead.

    2. Nwa gete an 2016.

      The Rev. H.E. W.Ramkalawan stated that his party the SNP will run for the 2016 general election and willing to unite the small political parties but not the NPD of Pierre. My next question is he willing to let SFP join because Gill is a numero uno floor crosser. Komdir kreol i pou al vann lanmes. News is out that PL will like him like him in the golan camp. TIME WILL TELL!

  5. Rajapaksa is out and the voters in Sri Lanka gave him the boot! Let's see if Michel sends him a condolence message or a delegation -Chief of Staff and ombudsman Oops!

    1. It is the norm for whoever wants to frolic and have a tryst they do so overseas away from local eyes and at the tax-payers expense, after all Michel and Liz do this very often, St Ange does it all year long and the list is long.

    2. This is why the lady is a 'do nothing' ombudsman, cavorting with the enemy!

  6. RAJAPSKA concede defeat and he is loking forqard for peace transtion .Donot forget,Seychelles could has also seen a transition government in 2008,Ram did defeat Michel,but former before official result came out to declared his victor,Ram went to Stete House and literally sold Michel his victory against millions in bribes.The thing though,pl should learn from Rajapaska,is the ability to accept defeat and hand over power without conflict.

  7. Ram says he will be participating in the next Presidencial election...the question is to what.......?to become President or the stooge oppostion candidate i. Order the give legitimacy to Faure and Pl?we know soon when Ram starts campaignkng the end of this month how serious he is ....for instance..would he engage ,SFP and the Opposition parties to join him,and together united to be sure to bit pl....?if he engage the opposition parties on common programme and manifesto..then we could say Ram is showing signs of seriousnesss......if does not then he will confirn his abitual fools game........and stoggery.can the poposition bit pl?-it is a clear big YES and that without difficulty....for the people has long enough of pl.

  8. Ram is a joke.Last he ,Pierre ,Gill,Volcere participated in drbates on electoral reforms,while SFP left the room because lsck of serious and lack of real willongness by pl to change the Ram and Volcere allied with pl and signed to pl dictates.In 2015,Ram,tells us,he will participate in the 2016,although electoral,reform is not perfect ,but hee is going to participate still,and hope that will help Seychelles having Free and fair in the future.
    The question to Ram is what were debating with pl last year ehen you took part in the supposed electoral.reform meetings.?if you consider that electoral reform in place today does not allow free and fair competition,why participate?in order to give pl legitimacy while knowing you will be defeated because elections are not free and fair.Why should you waste time campaigni.g and waste seychellois time when u know in advance that you will lost by frauds?would you protest the fraud and is so,would you call on seychellois to take into the streets if pl refuse d
    To accept its fraud in order that seychrllois take their country back or as in 2008,crawl at the back door of State house and secretly go sell you victory to pl?Maybe Ram should keep this in his dkull,this time around Ram we will come to screw both you and pl.the deadline to stop playing with seychelles a pet,and fooling them would be over in 2016,and that whether you participate in pl election to give pl the legimacy it never had.We will be waiting for u on Praslin when you come over campaigning we are already mobilizing a gang og attend you meeting,no at supporters but to come and challenge you whywhen you criticing pl socio economic policy and high tsxes snd burden the seychellois people is facing you have never voluntarily as sign of solidarity towards the people suffering, never drcided to give away,abandone your illegal pension for life,should you not be leading by examplrs and be different than pl,Ram...Be sure if you fail or try to divert answering our questuon wizh convincing answers,zhe propability off enjoying some spoiled eegs in ur ass is real . Let alone having you bones crush..

  9. 1.38
    Not only pl has lost thug friend,bu China communiites who who invested over 1 billion dollar to build a permanent naval is afraid that the new elected government revisit the deal which would be a big to china military ambition,though it will still have a submarine base in the Maldives undercobstruction and a naval base in Pajistan.Indian government nust be happy as well as USA,.Pl is seeing its international thuggish friends desapwar one by one...gaddafi ,ben ali have gone,Cuba is search a way out,by starting to negociate with the USA,Mugabe facing his ever most critical times,now that one of his ex collabortor is gain popularity and expecting to challegn Mugabe in next year election,Rajapaska Tamil buther is gone,what is left is Kim north Korea,Belarus dictator,and a few other thugs around Africa who are facing some hard challenges too.And of course his Arab despotic friends .

  10. The sales of the bullshit were so good that some even went to the tuna box

  11. SOVEREIGNTY,in layman!s terms,means supremacy of,Authority .Is Seychelles real sovereign?If the answer is Yes,can someone explains to,me,preferably a pl member,why if we a sovereign States foreigners are,controlibg our instituions,as judges,police officiers,ambassadors,etc..Eg a diplomat represents HIS COUNTRY and interests ofcit citizens abroad.How does a forrigner represent HIS COUNTRY WHEN HE IS NOT A CITIZEN OF THE COUNTRY HE REPRESENT?How can the position such as ambassador ,which is in fact,a minister be given tovforeigners,under which Consttutional clauses?Dito to foreign police officiers ,judges rtc.
    I am also curious to know why the so call Opposition parties never contessed these gross constitutional abuses which rape our sovereign authority as state.

  12. As national passport can be issued only to national of a country,so does diplomatic,official,special,service come that pl has issued diplomatic passport to foreigners and made them Sey. AMBASSADORS?Under which law,seychelles laws or pl jungle laws.?

  13. St Ange say“if we love our country ,tourist will come“is known tgat Seychellois so not love their country?i never heard such redicules.I would those who illegally sell out seychellois patrimony to foreign,destroy its environment do not love their and are Pl thugs.
    St Ange seems to ignore the reasons why tourists do not come..i will remind him as a Seychellois who loves his country.....what we need St Ange is what seychelles tourisn and foreign operatots have repeatedky tell you...that direct flights.......opening our airspace to.more chater airlines..........As you can see St ange,lots of small and medium hotels have already bankrupt....and the reason for these chaos is that small and mrdium hotels do not benefit from advertisement,marketing as five star hotels who sale package and because of lack of connectivity.....if you pretend not to hear the message you will fail StAnge.

    There also an Off Season Tourism to develop,and it is high time to stop building more hotels ..we already have too many....fill them instead St Ange and make thrm produce more by extending our season...and extend the season the solution is the development of OffSeason can also develop..a program to develop our outter Maldives...these would also help boost arrivals St Ange...stop fooling urself bobby.


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