Everything is OK in the cohabitation in Seychelles… but is it really?

This week we look at the long interview with President Danny Faure in the daily newspapers of our little country. Interesting as he said a lot without saying anything. A sweet election will be our next election. Finally Seychelles will have the taste of our very first sweet election. My mouth waters thinking of the sweetness. Could sweetness mean a FAURE / RAMKALAWAN Team? Many are speculating and this could well be the next step to the cohabitation. Some are not waiting but running fast to claim their share of the cake, not corruption at all, God forbid to be even thinking that. A new quarry is coming and guess what a very prominent MNA will join forces with a Senior Civil Servant who moves well on question of land. Government land and no tender? Impossible you will all say, but fait accompli for this special ‘under the table’ deal. This is what some are saying is OK.…. but is it really ?

In the interview the President did speak about the judiciary, and yet he did not say he is currently causing a Constitutional Crisis by not implementing (asap) the Karunakaran report he was duly handed by not just anyone, but by the former Chief Justice. In the public eye this is seen as a roundabout way of joining forces with the Opposition and playing politics with the legal system just at the time when Seychelles is suffering from a malaise in Law & Order. President Faure has joined with the CAA to make a laughing stock of the Seychelles Judiciary when Seychellois are simply scared even in their own homes with the many house breaking and thefts taking place. Many are also seeking explanations on the issue of Client’s Account of Lawyers and why the CAA gets goose bumps when this is mentioned. Covering corruption is the only explanation and our Cohabitation Seychelles is happy to keep sweeping it all under the carpet. This is what some are saying is OK.…. but is it really ?

Assumption Island will be Indian, this is today confirmed. We have lost one island for good in this existing spirit of cohabitation. But let us not complain because Ramkalawan found two new islands when he was on his grand tour of the Outer Islands recently, so we can give one away. This is what some are saying is OK.…. but is it really ?

Today Seychelles has no Government and no Opposition. We have a ‘ménage’ and it came with all its challenges. The Opposition we have, what Opposition you can ask, yes we have a number of well paid representatives who just love hearing themselves speak as more and more people are switching off from listening to the National Assembly sessions saying it is the same “fly sitting on just a different pile of cow dung”. A consolation could be the 2nd Version of a Coalition Government. All for One and One for All as Dartagnan would say, but run all those who differ with Ramkalawan. See how he speaks about those he falls out with. Anger, bitterness, rage and vindictive are all understatements of what will be in store for Seychelles. This is what some are saying is OK.…. but is it really?

 President Danny Faure has shown us his impressive collection of gifts he got during one year as President. He could have also displayed the gifts he collected since 2014 when he was Vice President and those he got since his many years as Minister, especially the years he was Minister of Finance. It would have made an impressive collection. Wavel Ramkalawan & Patrick Pillay need to take a page from the transparency book of President Danny Faure and let Mr. Emmanuel D’Offay exhibit all the gifts Ramkalawan collected during his many years as Leader of the Opposition and Patrick Pillay for his one year as Speaker. On President Faure’s Gift Display Mr. Emmanuel D’Offay did not tell us how much was spent to exhibit this gift collection. Plus for transparency who paid for the Gift Display exhibition, the Ministry of Culture of Mr. D’Offay ? At the end of the day we are paying for it all when the same Ministry of Mr. D’Offay does not have enough budget for Festival Kreol. This is what some are saying is OK.…. but is it really

The conformists are happy at Foreign Affairs’ Maison Queau de Quincy but those who can question Madame are getting fewer. Those who could still walk have gone or are going, but the Representatives of the People are not speaking and the Government is just unable to react for fear of hurting close ones. Genuine and able Seychellois who made Diplomacy a career are leaving for new pastures, but this is what some are saying is OK.…. but is it really ?

Seychelles as a former British Colony always spoke that they kept the British Legal System and the Seychellois were proud of it. The likes of Andre Sauzier or Georges Souyave kept the Bench on a course that earned the country much respect. Today a climate of hush hush is important when Judiciary is being discussed. Many just dislike a lady Chief Justice because she is a woman, she is Independent and makes this obvious, and she is a Seychellois. Double or is it Triple jeopardy... but the famous words of an opposition leader “Long Ago Seychellois aspired to be Judges, now Judges aspire to be Seychellois” is today open to new interpretation and shows the shift of an opposition with a foot in government, but this is what some are saying is OK.…. but is it really ?

The National Assembly, the room for talk and more talk with anger, lies and venom is showing all who voted Ramkalawan made a mistake. Talk around Seychelles today states that he just has not got the credentials to lead, and the next elections should show this clearly. We all have to accept that the needed credentials of a leader is seen in Danny Faure as it is seen in Patrick Pillay, MNA Jean Francois Ferrari and MNA Gervais Henri, but Wavel Ramkalawan clearly lacks this needed ingredient, yet he is hanging in and in so doing stopping change but this is what some are saying is OK.…. but is it really ?

A Villa on Desroches discovered during a visit to the island is nearing completion marked ‘Confidential for Security Reasons’. Seychelles is too small for such secrets especially when the teacher for public speaking and for cleaning up rogue style and rogue cowboy attitude becomes the concubine as the unassuming quiet married wife suffers in silence. Now the Nurse, the Madame on La Digue and the many others are upset. This is what some are saying is OK.…. but is it really ?

The Nurses last weekend walked in protest and they were speaking out as they sought support for their cause. The Stevedore Workers, the Fishing Boat Owners, the Sea Cucumber Divers and now Nurses are saying that Wavel Ramkalawan is still to come out seriously and say he will support their cause by tabling a Private Members Bill as the Opposition did for the Offshore Sector. The difference between the Offshore Sector and the Nurses, Stevedore Workers, Fishing Boat Owners and the Sea Cucumber Divers is so obvious -  they are all Seychellois workers and the second group are the rich folks using the Offshore Sector for personal gains. The Opposition shows their preference for the rich folks and they give only lip service to the Seychellois workers. This is what some are saying is OK.…. but is it really ?

The son is marrying the big man’s daughter. After the building of the church and the Indian Workers he carried up and down to work sites, now the plot thickens. Call it human trafficking or anything else but my son will enter the ‘family’ because I need this so much. This is what some are saying is OK…. but is it really ?

In ending I say again that Yes I am very pretty even if I can say so myself, plus I am young and still an unmarried Seychellois professional with a ‘sugar daddy’ who takes good care of me. I want a better Seychelles with leaders who have the credentials to lead and know that this eliminates someone immediately, even though he wants to be Head of State so badly. You see we have a lot of talk, but we also need action…. so we have a lot to talk about in my column. And again this is what some are saying is OK… but is it really?

Bye for now, till next week

Pretty K



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