We have three Presidents

Seychelles is closed for business

This is what many foreign investors and local people in the business sector are saying as business activities slow down to a crawl and the costs of living is skyrocketing to new heights. This situation has been created due to the fact that the country has no direction and the uncertainty being generated has brought with it a chaotic condition. The fact that we have three Presidents makes the situation that much worse.

We have the Head of State at State House, the Speaker of the National Assembly, who believes that State House is his rightful place and the Honorable Leader of Opposition, who is saying that his time has come. They are all jostling for position on a daily basis and competing aggressively for exposure, which is causing a lot of confusion amongst the ordinary folks; “when elephants fight, it is the grass
that suffers”, an old African proverb, meaning that the weak get hurt in conflicts between the powerful in the cohabitation.

This situation is now taking its toll on the country as a whole and the people are getting more and more frustrated. Admittedly, there have been lots of talking by all three Presidents, but there have been very little actions to back the long speeches; business activities are down by at least 25% and the spending power of the ordinary man is at its lowest ever in ten years. And it will get worse before some normally is restored, this is a certainty.  

The many changes (some needless) that are being orchestrated across all sectors at neck breaking speed is compacting on the progress that we should be making. Corruption is also up many folds, due to the fact that additional takers have come on the scene; in the form of an opposition majority in the National Assembly. The extra kickbacks for the news boys are also a source of inflation, at the end of the day the consumers will have to foot the bill. The Executive is too weak to put any order with this culture of take, take, take from its side and the other side. Who is going to pull the hat from the fire or better still put the fire out all together? This is the question that our three Presidents must answer?.

Recently, all three Presidents were at State House to pay tribute to our elder citizens – in view of the fact that we are promoting the virtues of the family; their partners/ wives were nowhere to be seen. Is that a good example for the younger generation?



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