Seychelles is getting out of control

This is the impression that one gets when an analysis is done of the various incidents that have taken place since President Danny Faure assumed office and the LDS became the majority party in the National Assembly. There is absolutely no method to the chaos that is quickly engulfing the country. The LDS National Assembly Members have brought many problems onto themselves and the country as a whole by giving the impression that they had the answers (baton mazik) to all the malaise society have to offer.

On Wednesday it was the turn of the sea cucumber fishermen to marched to the National Assembly for an audience with Honorable Ferrari; to seek guidance on how to deal with the quota system being proposed for the fishing of sea cucumber. This is the same guy who walked out on the Stevedores, because they refused to accept a deal he had negotiated with his friend Hunt Deltel for them. We are sure that Ferrari will not tell the sea cucumber fishermen that preservation makes a lot of sense and that it is in their best interest to comply. Over exploitation will deplete the stock to extinction.

This weekend the health workers will march to protest against low wages and for better conditions and package overall from the Ministry of Health. The boat owners walked to the National Assembly last week to go seek the assistance of the Leader of Opposition to front their fight against Government and Oceana Fisheries, and to allow them full control over the semi-industrial fishing sector.

The CEO of Air Seychelles handed in his resignation and wanted out as soon as possible. The minister had to step in to persuade Mr. Roy Kinnear to stay on until 31st December 2017. This is a bad sign for the national carrier; Kinnear we believe has had enough with political intrusion. The Commissioner of Police resigned we are sure because of too much interference in his work from facebook and politicians. The NDEA agents staged a protest for at least two days last week, by not leaving the station, over the decision to merge the agency with the police force.

Ms. Veronique Laporte the CEO of STC has been targeted deliberately by those in the National Assembly who want the STC to close down – so that their friends in the private sector can benefit. She resigned and was not afraid to speak her mind in the media.

The stevedores stood their ground against Hunt Deltel for wages owed to them over a period of thirty years; amicable negotiation is still ongoing. The plague from Madagascar is now consuming the entire country with fear and it will impact negatively on business activities, which are already down. Things are not looking great it is time to start praying……



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