A Co-Habitation of Outlaws

When asked about the current status of government President Danny Faure remarked that the co-habitation was working.  In another interview the elections-failure Leader of the Opposition Honorable Wavel Ramkalawan was of the opinion that co-habitation is not power-sharing.  All these opinions were firmly laid to rest by an opposition stalwart Honorable Bernard Georges.  In his interview Honorable Georges stated that discussions were taking place between the Government of the day and the Opposition on numerous issues.  The discussions and conclusions were not in the public eye but were satisfactory to both parties he also added.

Looking at the state of governance in the country, the sad conclusion is whilst co-habitation is ongoing; the country is regressing (moving backwards).  This state is the result of co-habitation and the hiding of the truth behind curtains called “committees” and fake profile names such as “Piti nivard”.

All sectors of the public service, the domain of the Executive, are facing crisis after crisis.  It is because of co-habitation.  Laws, directives, regulations and guidelines are now subject to consensus of co-habitation.  If co-habitation deems it unfavorable the laws, directives, regulations and guidelines go out the window.

One case in point is the looming constitutional crisis as a result of co-habitation.  This is the non-publication of the findings of the Tribunal of Inquiry into Justice Karunakaran.  The constitution, supposedly the supreme law in the land has been set aside on this issue.  President Danny Faure has taken the law into his own hands, with the blessing of the Opposition.  How can Seychelles have law and order when the people (the National Assembly) charged with oversight over the Executive allow such blatant breaches of the Constitution to take place?  Is the constitution akin to an extravagant buffet, where one gets to pick and choose what you do or do not want?

Whilst the opposition appears to be deaf to the issue, it will soon come back to haunt them.  At present the process of Justice Karunakaran is in their favour.  So if it is profitable to the politicians that makeup the opposition let the Constitution be damned! In other words Seychelles can be bought and sold to suit the likings of politicians in co-habitation.

The lust for power and the greed for money have released a hydra-headed monster called “Co-habitation”.  Such monsters have the very good habit of turning on their masters.  And they do so with the same fury and venom their masters use on their perceived enemies.  Power and greed for money have no masters! They only have servants that become outlaws in the pursuit of power and money.

It is this lust that will be the undoing of the co-habitation.  Under cohabitation flaws and shortcomings in governance, accountability, responsibility and transparency within the workings of government are conveniently ignored.

Unsuitable appointments to senior positions within the civil service are continuing to be made for political purposes.  Sanctions are not imposed on blatant abuse of office and dereliction of duty.  These have all become trading chips in the Faustian bargain of co-habitation.

Professor Troukler



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