Jean Francois Ferrari has dropped the challenge

Many people expected JFF to take up the challenge of James Michel to repeat his attacks outside the National Assembly. It is now three weeks since the incident but Ferrari has not followed through with his allegations in a public place, outside the National Assembly where he is not protected by parliamentary immunity. The former President had said that he would sue the National Assembly Member for Mont Fleuri to prove his allegations against his character. Several people had hoped that Ferrari had proof of what he had said against the former President in the National Assembly.
Mr J. A. Michel

This incident has exposed to which extent some people in the National Assembly are abusing their legislative privileges. Over the last year many people have suffered abuse and insults coming from members of the National Assembly, several had sent letter to the Speaker, but he discarded most and refused to act to protect the people who came under attack. This situation has greatly affected the credibility of this institution, which is now struggling to establish some kind of order during their deliberations. Their behavior has impacted on the way school children behave at school; society in general is now getting out of control and the finger of blame is being pointed at the Speaker and his unruly pupils. What kind of example are they setting for the country?     



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