Everything is OK in the cohabitation in Seychelles… But is it really?

Namaste, Namaste and more Namaste to everyone.

An election is coming and Anse Boileau residents have a golden opportunity to make their vote count. Sorry Madame Alexia Amesbury I have to say Vote for Change once again, but real change this time and this is a Vote for Ralph Volcere or Louis Loizeau. We all know that all votes for LDS will be congratulating Payeye and Danny Faure for their work which has only lumbered more suffering on the people of Seychelles.

How things are changing fast or simply how our poor Seychelles is just in free fall. Payeye talks and Danny walks followed by Vincent Meriton running behind. Assomption Island is gone and Seychelles is back to a One Party State protected not by Russians but clinging on to Indians. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

Names have changed, the shit is different but the flies are the same. Pat Pillay moved on citing he wanted elections, and Vincent Meriton obliged to make it a SNP – LDS – LP cohabitation throwing support behind the Payeye chosen candidate in Anse Boileau.  No contest by Meriton and his merry men is a defacto support for the status-quo.  Who could have thought that he would come to give the final blow to the party that made him who he is today? I am the younger generation and the past is but history I see in books. Meriton, Faure and Payeye (through his mother and father’s efforts) are all vestiges of the SPUP transformations. LP is now the past as signed & sealed by President of the Party, Vincent Meriton. Good on Mr. Meriton, you are on a mission to the moon or to the stars but not in Seychelles. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

Commotion on Social Media and letters are still flying around everywhere. At the next elections come and look for my vote and sponsorship said a committed man for change, and others
followed in the same line. A simple referendum would have said YES of NO, but this is too democratic an approach. A commitment made with a garland of flowers around his neck is enough for Assomption Island to go - bye bye forever. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

Will Seychelles ever be able to pull the island back again to make it, ‘nou zil kreol”?
When Teachers walked to Victoria looking for better working conditions; Danny Faure was on Bird and Denis Islands. When people were saying, “Sell Coconuts, Sell Guano, Do not sell Assomption Island”, he was on Desroches Island. Never close to his people when leadership is needed.  This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

Mr. Parvez Udwadia was right to say that those protesting against Assomption Island in Victoria were properly dressed (like him I suppose). What a great observation but he had not seen Payeye dressed in full suit on National Day when the poor Seychellois were just in casual clothes. Most of those in Victoria last Saturday were Opposition supporters and it is only now that Parvez realises that they are the wealthy and are all in Payeye’s circle. Vicky Lanza was spot on in her reply to SBC; he found it to be absurd, but this is sadly Parvez after years in the USA. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

The Madame of the Mayor, wife of Mayor David Andre was also active on social media in regards to the Assomption Island saga. Mayor David Andre was not involved in the saga of giving our island away; he was asleep probably when all this was taking place. But he could show he is patriotic by hanging a banner on his office balcony saying “Assomption belongs to Seychelles and it is not for Danny Faure or Wavel Ramkalawan to sell.” This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

The Indian base on Assomption will protect our EEZ some are saying and this is our base and not for the Indians. Who are you fooling? In a few months I dare a Seychellois fisherman go the beach on Assomption. A funny series of posts on social media was by St.Ange, not the former Minister, but the one at the Prisons trying hard to save his job. Before he was Chief of Security at IOT (ensuring the tuna fish did not disappear), now he is watching the prisoners and posting on facebook to protect his job. Prisoners are not tuna fish, and positive posts about Assomption will not hold water when Payeye decides time is up and an activist needs the position and his big salary. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

The vacancy for Speaker of the National Assembly must be filled by the existing Deputy Speaker Nicholas Prea. This is just common sense. His costume must not be only be used for funerals, but also for weddings. His loyalty and fair play must be credit of his ability – plus he stood up to Payeye. An elected member as Speaker is credit to the National Assembly instead of an unelectable one, one that has been nominated like Payeye himself. This makes Clifford Andre a possible candidate, but Anthony Derjacques has been promised the position and who can say No to Payeye. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

Standing strong with the candle of freedom in their hands is Ralph Volcere and Louis Loizeau, the two candidates facing the SNP - LDS - LP onslaught at the Anse Boileau By-election. Voting for this Grand Coalition (Green & Red) candidate is saying all is well – that cost of food is OK, cost of electricity is OK, price of fuel is OK, that giving away Assomption Island is OK, the closing down the army will be OK and that firing the Seychellois staff at Air Seychelles is also OK. Standing up against Payeye and Meriton is what is needed, but can Seychelles rise to do such a right action.  This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

Beachcomber Sainte Anne will become Club Med and an all-inclusive property. This is vertical and horizontal integration amalgamated together. The youth are saying MNA Wavel Woodcock of Praslin will object to a hotel of 300 rooms doing everything by themselves and not spreading their guests for Seychellois to make some dollars as well. But will he? All guests will now have breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea, water sports, etc etc in the one package. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

Poor Flory made a gaffe too many, and she has been fighting for dear life since her stupid Assomption Island post. No amount of new posts can cover the original blunder she is trying to cover up. Everyone saw it including Payeye who is upset. Your days are numbered and this means NO PENSION. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

News from Mauritius confirms that India wanted an island from them before turning to Seychelles to take ours for their military base. India’s request from Mauritius sent massive upheaval in their last election and now with their eyes set on our Assomption Island, our next sweet election, will also be a challenge for each and every peace loving Seychellois. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it really?

This is all for today. A few words to “blondy” who is trying to overthrow Madame and my pretty sister Kelly. You know who you are and I know who you are, and Madame of the House of Chou also knows who you are. Two was Ok but three is very much a crowd, plus Chou is getting on in age, and you will kill him. STOP IT, you hear me. Two ministers to be charged following anti-corruption inquiry and a Bel Air Car Wash business will have to close, but no charges for 5 million dollars for influencing the issuing of passports, and still no charges for the 500 thousand rupees taken from the old lady at La Misere for raising her acquired land issue. She is prepared to testify we are told. Seychellois generally is a people with no backbone. Some 50 patriotic Seychellois went to town to say “Assomption Island is Not for Sale”. You will all cry when the island becomes a practice site for launching rockets or what cannot be done in India in case by mistake they kill some of their people. Only Aldabra is next door and the birds will get use to the bombs and rockets after a few months. Look at Pointe Larue the birds are on the airport and not scared of the planes landing daily. So with that said Nirmal Shah is right we have nothing to worry about- environmentalists? He does not want people to land on Cousin or just snorkel close to the island (as a young lady from Australia complained and complained), and he was saying put a military base next door to Aldabra. Fishermen and tourist yachts crew are upset and their feelings can be understood, but BIG MONEY is involved this time. Seychellois are all little fish in this saga, and who has time for you. Make the difference that is needed at the next elections vote these ungrateful bastards out.

Bye and until next week,

Ugly Betty



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