Everything is OK in the cohabitation in Seychelles… But is it really?

Namaste to you all my people.

Today my greeting to you is coming from Assomption Island where I am in hiding from the invasion by Payeye’s motherland; Bahir.  I am waiting for the arrival of those chosen to visit to say all is right and we really need the Indian Military Base. How shameful for Seychelles to be told that it needs the Indian Military Base not by its President, but by the Indian High Commissioner.

After 40 years of Independence from Great Britain we voted for change in 2016 after dancing “Pil lo Li” only to become a colony of India to counteract China’s growing influence. Yes we are really doing a great “Pil lo Seselwa” dance now and by those who said they would defend us. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it?

“Pis en li” is the new song following the garland of flowers that nearly strangled Payeye as he was finding his ancestors bones which are now to be moved to Assomption Island under a new monument (similar to Zom Lib built by his father) dedicated to those who made the re-colonisation of Seychelles possible.  India has been chosen to ‘pis ek noun tou’ now and forever. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it?

The election at Anse Boileau is very much a repetition of elections in the One Party State era. Ralph Volcere did not get the treatment accorded to the grand coalition fighting this election at Anse Boileau. Airtime is for those who do what we say and when we say and Ballot Papers are printed by the Official Print House of affiliates of the grand coalition to ensure fairness, transparency and a sure win for Payeye. We smell a rat and his “pis dan li” approach learnt from someone in India. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it?

Thousands wanted change and Seychelles got change? Print House is the new print place, Mayor David is caring for Artists as never before and he ensures culture is at its best, food costs has gone through the roof, fuel prices in going up and up, Seychelles Rupee is losing its value, Forex is getting rare as in the days of NAPA, Payeye dictatorial style of politics dictating judiciary, executive and legislature,  SBC is in a mess, Assomption Island going to Indians, Air Seychelles staff to face redundancy after call for Etihad to pack its bags and go, Army to be closed as we bring Indian Military to replace them and more and more….. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it?

Piti Nivad has another corruption case to write about where money is again taken again. US Dollars 150,000 was taken in briefcase in India, Rupees 500,000 taken to keep mouth close in redundancy ordeal by hotel staff. How much will he take for stabbing Air Seychelles Staff in the back? How much will he take to dismantle the Seychelles Army and give Seychelles to India?

Indian High Commissioner, SIF and Department of Foreign Affairs all coming out one after
the other to defend what cannot be defended was something to see. Then to add insult to injury CEPS was summoned on Sunday for a Monday meeting with Vice President Meriton to hear the message from India. Assomption must have the military base otherwise money will have to be paid back. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it?

“Make it our Assembly” was the call before the last elections and this they did. It became their Assembly, for those who is sitting in it. Not the Assembly of the people by the people but the Assembly for MNA. They got increase in everything and reduction of age to get their pensions and Seychellois got increase in everything including the age for pension, food cost, electricity charges, fuel etc. Seychelles are being raped by this Assembly and… This is what some are saying is OK, but is it?

Mathilda Towmey is the new Charles Collet. He got political victimisation because he was black and she is facing political victimisation because she is a woman. Collet got a building named after him to say sorry and she will also have the same one day. Politics in the wrong hand is the worst catastrophe for any country and Seychelles is seeing this in 2018 as it did in 1977. How can politicians be on the
CAA to cloud justice is just another rape too many for our Nation to sit back and watch. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it?

SIF sees nothing wrong to have a military base next door to its Aldabra World Heritage Site. Why do they also not bite the bullet and let India manage this site instead of doing this at much higher cost from Mahe. In for a penny in for a pound….. No more cost to Seychelles so let India take this over because it makes economic sense. Chairman, Board Members and CEO of SIF could all just go relax in Assomption all expense paid by his newly found friends from India. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it?

Karunakaran can stop being an issue for our poor Seychelles. Appoint him as CJ of Assomption and its dependencies Aldabra, Cosmolodo and Astove. He is costing the people of Seychelles over 100,000 rupees per month, now he will be in little India and still a CJ but not costing Seychellois Taxpayers anything. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it?

If there is a God he will show us a sign soon. He has to do it for us to see he is still looking at Seychelles. A lady did so much that her man was declared mad, crazy and a disaster. Her second man and financial provider could not take it any longer and just killed himself. A second lady is now set to see her old man leave her soon for the younger, prettier and sexier catch. But this is the past and what is known. We need a bigger sign to show that the Lord is here and politics cannot just breed vengeance and hatred. Show us Lord, please show us because….. This is what some are saying is OK, but is it?

This is all for today. We are all is this together, eight out of ten Seychellois do not want the Assomption Island deal, but the deal will be done because it is a co-habitation promise to India. The authorities are lying to us and their lies will one day come back to haunt them because they will face the Courts of Justice in a new Seychelles for saying what they knew was just bull shit to fool us. My Sister, the great Pretty K will have a great new job. Chou is pulling the strings and it will be just great to see her rise to great heights. I am so proud and I cry thinking of it. She could well be President one day with such support from Chou and his dear mother. Payeye went to see D Boy and Deco with a lawyer who is looking at corruption practices.

Seychelles is at its lowest and as Anse Boileau will be voting one thing is sure Payeye will not get the votes Pat Pillay got. Seychellois are tired of his double crossing mentality of promising the earth to the people but instead looking at himself and only the Boys in the co-habitation for them and only them. Finally did you all hear the news that Afif will be VP Candidate because of his Indian connection or looks I suppose? Orders are from India and their panda bear broke the news recently

 Kisses to you all. Going to Fire and Ice with my sis thee one and only Pretty K for drinks because the stars are shining on our family and to think we all said he was too old for her, but he has delivered and we say thank you.

Ugly Betty



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