Dismal and Feeble Illegal President!

Davidson Chang Him murdered on the 5/6/77 and Bishop French Chang Him
President James Michel has expressed his heartfelt congratulations to Bishop French Chang Him upon the conferment of the title of Archbishop Emeritus by the Indian Ocean Province of the Anglican Church.

“You appointment as Archbishop Emeritus is a well-merited recognition of your dedication to your mission and a tribute to your many years of service, with zeal, passion and humility, to the people of Seychelles. It is also a great honour that has been bestowed on our country to which, I know, you have much more to offer," said the President in a letter.

“ I wish you a long life  and every good wish for God's blessing, and assuring you always of my support in the pursuit of your noble mission."

French Chang-Him was ordained on June 9, 1963 as the first Seychellois Anglican priest, and was consecrated the first Anglican Bishop of Port Victoria in 1979. He was also elected Archbishop of the Indian Ocean Province in 1984, and stayed in the seat until 1994.He retired in 2004, however he continues to lead services at various parishes in the country.


  1. James Michel should apologise to Father Chang Him for the murder of his brother on the 5th of June 1977.

  2. Jam got a good chance to talk one on one however he drop the ball.
    Time to REPENT. Another fet-de-mor is approaching.
    Yesterday Nation, everything I click makes me throw up!
    From JAM laughing with .......
    Air Mini posing with......
    Manchanm sending Valentine Day to....

    I wonder what on today!

  3. President Michel is a real jerk! He prevented the family from performing a proper burial service for Davidson Chang Him, he was buried like a dead animal without a religious blessing even his brother was an Archbishop! he should not only apologies to Rev. Father Chang Him, but ask for reconciliation and forgiveness from the people of Seychelles for the numerous murderous deeds.
    Please Bishop Chang Him, hold a prayer service for your murdered brother on the 5th. June 2014 and the whole town of Victoria will be there to pray for his soul. God will understand its better late than never!

  4. Well it was again the job of inplusive killer Michel the Butcher--YOu swa him accompüanied by Blood brother Genral Fieldamrshall PAyet visiting Military meuseum---During the visit he came across his old revolver the onehe used on the night of the coup d'etat the one also he used to murder by accident and the influence of hard drug His crooked brother FRANCIS RACHEL thiking he was an enemy though there was not enemy to fight them.

    Where is the remains of MrDavidson Michel?where have you buried all those innocent Seychellois you murdered Michel that their families could at least bury them with dignity.

    Jeanne D'Arc

  5. While SPUP will be celebrating their 50th anniversary this year why don't the Archbishop celebrate a proper burial service for his brother so that everyone who knew him could come by his grave to give a respect that they could not do in 1977.Hope some healing process could begin after 37 years.

  6. Psychopathic athiest michel is like a stage magician in some way.He he stands up on his hind legs in the spotlight,and makes outragous claims.Like A stage magician,ehen it comes to defecne his outrageous claims he keeps up a constant stream of Blah,blah.blah that stage magicians call PATER as a distraction whiole the use sleight-of-hands and misdirection a suppossed evidence.
    Without GOPD in the piciture ,Everything is permmitted.,you become incomatible with moralitiy or an objective moral law without God in the picture.Thout the Butcher sometime goes to Church is not that he is abeleiver but abuses the curhcer as a window dressing and even t^retends to pray but pray not to God to himself and for himself.We have seen and expereincedthe gross Huaman disfranchisement and what a psychopathic athiest can do.He ends up being a nihilism,so that expalins why a psychopath to the likes find joy,fun,pleasure in killing,enslaving,abusing others dignity,rights,and Huaman values.

    The lesson we must learn from what we endure for the last 4 decades is that we should never let a psychopathic monster to the likes of the Butcher leads bwlwlivers for the consequences are disastrous for humanity and its existance.

    Jeanne D'àrc

  7. Micvhel could not apologise .he is divine.All he does is comes from GOD,He is the links betweem heaven and earth,the messager chosen be God to lead Seychellois.Mr Chang HIm ,must be careful--The Butcher might call him "aSeychellois of chines origine"that means that he is not fully ,a 100 percent Seychellois ,his family did not make part of the groups of people who first settled permaently on Seychelles and gave birth to the Seychellois Nation.Michel would tell him,he came long after during the Brits Rule and he is not a real Seychellois.Therefore,he doesnot have the same rights and should be careful what he said.Classification of the people of Seychellois by his/her origine is the new tool of dvivision in PP's arsenal.But you know what PP.Seychellois never had calssified them,it is not something we inherited.A^nd the reason for that ,is simply of the fact that 90 percent of Seychellois are MIXED ,they cannot be racis like Pp thugst,and classified others becuase they have all in them a little bit of all the different races.

    Jeanne DÂrc


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