SCCI Says CRT To Be Reviewed



The Seychelles Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SCCI) is fully supportive of review of the Corporate Social Responsibility Tax, as announced by the Minister of Finance, Commerce & Investment, Mr. Pierre Laporte in the National Assembly this week.

Minister Laporte was responding to questions raised on the Assembly on the issue of the CSR Tax being calculated on turnover as opposed to profit. This has been a subject of much controversy since it was implemented this year as the business community views this as a financial burden that stifles growth. The majority of businesses are supportive of a financial contribution towards social responsibility causes but believe that this should be based on profit as it is done in most countries with progressive economic policies.



  1. CSR is a stealth Tax that starves the value- creation process of capital.Since,CSR under Pp is forced not voluntary ,CSR money should be used for CSR projects,not as Laporte want to boost economic growth.A Finance minister who wants CSR to be a means to boost growth is one who has surely failed the markets and has bad economic policies.

    There are import National projects that CSR money could contribute to their realization From Encourage the use of renewedable energy,buidling not many DAMs as real artificial lac,to deevloping More tourist attractions such as Museum,A boanical garden/Insectrium on Curiese Island,etc.....
    These are projects that i want to see my CSR contribution use for not for paying back debt,ministers^pension for life,or Doll RAM a fit individual who should be working to make a living.

    To boost economic growth Laporte,the key word is productivity.We need to look also not only in developing TOurism but alterantive industries to having our Own Tuna SIener fleet,having new canning compan to canned other seafoods than Tuna,we need to produce medications of high vaoues derives from seaweeds,we need to farm Mud crabs for export,deal with the wastage of BY>CATCH etc..etc..etc We have hundereds of ideas in order ton help you in devloping new businesses,Contact us.

    Jeanne D'Arc

    Jeanne D'Arc

  2. A word to DR Mitsy--when she said"Our health is our responsibility"I agree Dr Mitsy but this should not be a way for governemnt not to take its responsibility.

    When governemnt allow the importation of JUICES containing only water and sugar from Arab countires,thus help boost BIABET,and increase health probelm and health cost.When PPp imported meat teemed with ANTIBIOTICA in them ,higher than allow Intenrational it help develop Cancer Mitsy.when Mitsy allow Khalfia to conficate a whole river and then supply Seychellois with disalination water it help the development of cancer Mitsy.etc..etc..

    Education,prevention is very good Mitsy--especially when starts at home and at an early stage at school(just as Renaissance moral Mitsy)etc.etc...

  3. Partileppe stela and confiscate land and building from Seychellois family at Victoria after the Coup t.Now partilepep when to build probably with Tax payers' money a party Musuem as if Partilepep has historiacal value to Seychellois.BUild National Museum that dispaly Seychellois cuture,tradition if Coup D'etat and SPPF are National ,cultural,historical,traditional importance ot Seychellois.When would those marons stop their bad manners?

  4. It was amazing to see RAM and Volcere united(maybe that is what volcere means by calling his party UNITED PARTY-united with RAM)calling on Seychellois to stand up.Both RAM and VOlcere could have made it easier should they had walked out of the meeting on eletoral refrtoms as SFP did.THen Partilepep would have been forced to make real refrom.

    RAM and VOlcere should maybe first UNite the Oppostion,this step in itsself can bring aboutchange without havcing the people to sTAND UP.

    stand up yes,behind whom?An Oppostion divied by the same two Stooges calling on Seychellois to stand up.VOlcer renamed his party UNITED PARTY one woukld have thought ,at last he is ready to really UNITE the OPpostion,YOu know what,He see him most often on the Side of RAM;the the master of division.

    DO us a favor,MR VOlcere and RAM,please before displaying your adsurdity Call Chris and start serious negociation (on issues that you all aggred now)and then we can call onthe people to stand up.I am sure once this is done,the people would stand up on A NATIONAL waybehind you,The people are ready as they have shown in TAKAMAKA.LA MIsere etc.. however ,they have stand up only when their distirct i under attacl not on National issue and the reason for that is becuase there is no Unity within the Oppostions that reprsent them while stand up,get up for their rights.

    UNITE the OPPOSTION FIRST MR VOLCERE AND RAM.then with one single call to STAND UP.partilepep with fall down on its knees.

    Real leaders RAM/VOLCERE should lead by example.not as cowards who make the talks then when to act diseapear in the woods.Walk thev talk RAM.VOlcere.

    RAM/VOLCERE duo---UNITED WE STAND_DVIDIED WE FALL.After decades of the second aprt maybe it high time you pratice the first part now.

    Lesson for RAM and Volcer--you cannot conceive any reality at all as without genuine UNITY .

    Jeanne D?arc

  5. Jeanne is 100% again, and she exposes RAM and VOLCERE as usual all by herself.

  6. Ram and Volcer have to learn to be a politician and a man like Bulatov!!A man that unite with other opposition and have Ukraine Preminister and co have their fingers stuck in their ass seen months in Kiev.

  7. Mosa don't give up the fight,fight for your right don't let them make you end up in a wheel chair.Seen pp are friend with foreigners with money,they are destroying Seychellios dignity remove them on their land to please those mother fuck auslander like german say.PP are you using Jewish sytel with Seychellios to please invaders?Seychellios starting to know bag of criminal as a party for money for your own benefit.But start to dig each of you your hole,even my mum was a spup now its turning her back on you crooks.She can not stand your discrimination and your corruption act any more!!

  8. Jemmy Adela cote d,or is a Praslin base team,why cote d,or have to play on Mahe when its a Praslin team donkey.That mean we have to spend money to travel to Mahe.if this match will not play on Anmitie stadium I call on Mr Payet and his team and supporters to BOYCOTT the match on Saturday by not travelling to Mahe.SFF want money to put in their pocket like always that why you see our football don't move forward.Chetty cote d,or will not travel to Mahe this match should play on Praslin,because cote d,or its base on Praslin not Mahe and will cost Praslinios.Can you tell us Chetty and ADela why this match can not play at Anmitie.Lots of corruption peoples also in SFF department that why national team can never get good training camp oversea before a big match.


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